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Energy Insiders Podcast: Bowen’s capacity scheme, and NSW’s “free” batteries
Brad Hopkins, from AEMO Services, discusses the successful battery storage tender in NSW that could serve as a blueprint for Chris Bowen's massive 32 GW capacity scheme.
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Bowen may still fall short of his 82 pct renewables target, but it’s bad news for coal
Chris Bowen's capacity plan is good news for the transition from coal to renewables, but it may need to overcome the comically incapable Planning department in NSW.
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Bowen capacity plan means a power shift from big utilities, but will there be enough wind?
Bowen's grand capacity scheme may loosen the big utilities' stranglehold over the energy market, but will there be enough wind projects to meet the target?
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South Australia’s biggest wind farm now fully registered, although not yet complete
The biggest wind project in South Australia is now fully registered, although not yet generating as some wind turbines seek a new road route to the site.
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Australian dolphins have the world's highest concentrations of ‘forever chemicals’
Latrobe Valley wind farm targets 2024 construction after amendments approved
Osmi Australia says the 200MW project, proposed for a pine plantation next to an ex-coal plant, can now continue through the Planning Permit process.
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'I thought climate change was a hoax. Now I teach it'
A23a: World's biggest iceberg on the move after 30 years
New Zealand ETS review dumped as National-led coalition govt finalises cabinet line up, party agreements
How can network incentives be aligned for an age of consumer energy resources?
Australia needs to create markets for local energy trading that properly value energy generated and stored from rooftop solar, batteries and EVs.
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Associate Scientist, Climate Smart Spatial Planning, Conservation International – Arlington/Seattle/Santa Barbara
NBN inks 10-year contract with new solar farm in race to 100 pct renewables by 2026
NBN Co signs its third renewable Power Purchase Agreement – a 10-year deal that will help to underwrite the construction of a new 120MW solar farm.
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North Sea countries co-ordinate plans to seek 100 GW of offshore wind by 2030
Nine countries bordering the North Sea announce plans to synchronise offshore wind tenders, with auctions for around 15GW each year, up to almost 100GW by 2030.
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Clive Palmer fails in second attempt to overturn $6.5 billion coal mine refusal
The businessman has dropped his second appeal against a $6.5 billion coal mine being blocked over "unacceptable climate change impacts."
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Labor has stared down the naysayers. Getting the detail right is critical next step
If the government gets this right, Australia’s 82% target will be smashed ahead of time and budget. Like all the targets that have gone before.
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Illegal bird of prey killings fall to lowest level in decade, but ‘true figure may be far higher’
RSPB says figures distorted by failure to examine raptors caught in avian flu outbreak for signs of shooting or poisoning
Confirmed incidents of the illegal persecution of birds of prey have fallen to their lowest levels for more than a decade, according to the latest RSPB Birdcrime report.
But the conservation charity warned that the reduction in incidents to 61 in 2022 is distorted by a failure to examine dead raptors caught in the avian flu outbreak for signs of illegal killing.
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