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Malaysian Indigenous groups back controversial forestry deal

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-07-27 19:37
Sixteen native NGOs and associations on Thursday came out in favour of a contested carbon offset deal in Malaysia’s Sabah state that officials last year signed with a Singapore-registered shell company.
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Japan’s carbon pricing timeline too slow for its net zero goals -analysts

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-07-27 19:32
Japan's proposed timeline for a domestic carbon pricing mechanism could be too slow for the country to get aligned with its Paris Agreement goals, given the current emissions trajectory, a report has found.
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France has had the guts to crack down on SUV drivers. Why doesn't Britain? | Laura Laker

The Guardian - Thu, 2023-07-27 19:00

These hulking vehicles are lethal to pedestrians, disastrous for the environment and have no place on our city streets

Walking on a busy London street recently, I heard a shout. “Don’t hit me,” a cyclist screamed, as a Land Rover driver reversed into his path. Next, it was my turn to jump out of the way. The driver lurched forward, veering unexpectedly in my direction just as I was crossing a sidestreet.

A moment later, another panicked voice behind me; a little girl scooting in front of her mother overshot the pavement ever so slightly, and came just inches from the driver’s path. Behind the steering wheel the driver appeared impassive, apparently unaware of the consternation in her wake.

Laura Laker is a journalist who writes about cycling and urban transport

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Companies call for broader use of Mean Species Abundance metric in TNFD framework

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-07-27 18:48
The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure (TNFD) should make greater use of the Mean Species Abundance (MSA) metric in its framework as it is already used by many companies and would offer a number of benefits, according to a position paper issued by a group of European companies this week.
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They squeaked as they died: I tried to help those baby pilot whales – but nothing could be done

The Guardian - Thu, 2023-07-27 18:13

Reporter Narelle Towie found herself joining volunteers and marine officials trying to save a pod stranded on Cheynes beach in Western Australia

It was the little cries of the dying young ones that hit me hardest.

The sound is hard to describe – like a high-pitched squeak, a forlorn whistle amid the noise of breaking waves.

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Climate litigation is on the rise around the world and Australia is at the head of the pack

The Conversation - Thu, 2023-07-27 16:48
Australians are increasingly fighting climate change in court. With more than 127 cases in a new United Nations report, Australia comes second only to the United States for climate litigation. Jacqueline Peel, Director, Melbourne Climate Futures, The University of Melbourne Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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Jetting off to the sun? The adverts are selling you a ticket to climate disaster | Andrew Simms

The Guardian - Thu, 2023-07-27 16:00

Airlines have missed 98% of their previous environmental targets yet they keep pushing to persuade more people to fly

Even with lethal wildfires licking around southern Europe’s holiday hotspots, airlines such as Ryanair are still flying people towards the flames. Aviation, dubbed “the fastest way to fry the planet’ by environmental campaigners, due to its high carbon emissions, is back as our default means of getting away. But our chosen means of transport, flying, incrementally wrecks the climates, prospects and lives of the places being flown to. This is no tragic, unforeseen irony, but a deliberate, heavily promoted act of self-destruction.

At precisely the moment when everything should bend to make less climate-damaging choices easier and more attractive, exactly the opposite is happening. Why?

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Rio Tinto makes $800-mln write down on Australian alumina refineries due to Safeguard Mechanism

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-07-27 15:19
Miner Rio Tinto has written down the value of its Australian alumina refineries as it factors in the cost of buying Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) under the government’s reformed Safeguard Mechanism, saying it will continue to need to rely on offsets to meet its decarbonisation targets.
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Farming lobby wants ban on new solar farms, as renewables resentment festers in regions

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2023-07-27 15:16

Australia’s largest state farming association wants a temporary ban on new large-scale solar projects as angst grows over "carrying the weight" of the transition.

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Discovery of room-temperature superconductors could revolutionise energy systems

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2023-07-27 15:02

If confirmed, discovery of room temperature superconductors could be one of the biggest physics announcements this century, paving way for longer-lasting batteries and efficient grids.

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Environment: Trainee foresters almost guaranteed job - students

BBC - Thu, 2023-07-27 15:02
Some undergraduates drop out of degrees after offers of roles by firms "desperate" for staff.
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2022 was UK’s warmest year on record, says Met Office

The Guardian - Thu, 2023-07-27 15:00

All four seasons were among top 10 hottest since 1884, with extreme heat likely to occur more frequently

2022 was the warmest year on record in the UK, the Met Office has confirmed, with experts warning the unprecedented heat is a sign of things to come.

It was also the first year in which a temperature above 40C (104F) was recorded in the UK. A record-breaking 40.3C was recorded on 19 July at Coningsby, Lincolnshire.

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Why can't we just tow stranded whales and dolphins back out to sea?

The Conversation - Thu, 2023-07-27 14:13
You might see the heartbreaking videos of stranded whales and dolphins and wonder why we can’t rescue them. Sometimes we can – but time and tide make it harder Vanessa Pirotta, Postdoctoral Researcher and Wildlife Scientist, Macquarie University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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NSW mulls tiered coal royalties as it contemplates end of coal price cap

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2023-07-27 14:11

NSW considers following Queensland's tiered coal royalty scheme as it also mulls extending coal price cap.

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Green hydrogen on track to be cheaper than fossil gas hydrogen by 2030

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2023-07-27 13:47

Meridian green hydrogenEnergy analysts at BloombergNEF expect renewable hydrogen to be a cheaper option than existing "grey hydrogen" in five key markets by 2030.

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We are watching the brutal reality of what climate scientists told us would happen. How will we respond? | Adam Morton

The Guardian - Thu, 2023-07-27 13:05

Amid the despair and doomism is a real climate emergency. We must act accordingly

How to respond to the avalanche of record-breaking extreme weather and temperatures terrorising the planet? For many scientists it is a moment of genuine despair, but also a time to resist climate doomism.

For British tourists still flying to Greece while it is on fire, and a few holdout news organisations, the answer seems to be to look away or deflect. We shouldn’t join them. Equally, as Michael Mann and Susan Joy Hassol have argued, there is no need to inflate the magnitude of what is happening. The reality is confronting enough.

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Lawsuits are key tool in delivering climate justice, says UN body

The Guardian - Thu, 2023-07-27 13:00

Report says nearly 200 cases filed around the world in past 12 months challenging governments and firms

Lawsuits challenging government and corporate inaction on the climate breakdown have become an important driver of change, according to a UN body.

A report by the UN Environment Programme (Unep) and the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University says litigation is setting precedents for climate action all over the world, even beyond the jurisdictions in which cases are filed. But it warns of a growing legal backlash as cases are filed that could delay climate action and criminalise activists.

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MPs says Marinus Link a bigger deal than AFL stadium, demand vote in Parliament

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2023-07-27 12:55

Former Liberal MP wants the $3.8 billion undersea transmission project reviewed as a project of state significance, making it subject to a vote by both houses of state parliament.

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Fortescue still aiming for 15 million tonnes of green hydrogen by 2030

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2023-07-27 12:50

Fortescue 's likely first big green hydrogen project will produce 12000 tonnes a year. It will need another 12,500 such projects to meet its 2030 targets, but insists it can still be done.

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Australian bank joins forces with soil carbon tech developer

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2023-07-27 11:55
An Australian bank has entered into a strategic alliance with a soil carbon project developer, financing a pilot project that will generate Australian Carbon Credit Units by pre paying for the first credits generated under the project, it announced Thursday.
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