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Seeds hold hidden treasures for future food
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ESB modeling confirms NEG designed to shut door on renewables
Infographic: here's exactly what Adani's Carmichael mine means for Queensland
Curious Kids: Why are fern leaves shaped the way they are, and are all ferns identical?
Queensland land-clearing shown in aerial and satellite images
Google Earth reveals a property on which hundreds of hectares of previously untouched forest have been cleared
The tree-clearing explosion occurring in Queensland, usually reported in seemingly impossibly large numbers of hectares or square kilometres, is now being documented using publicly available satellite and aerial photography, revealing the graphic disfigurement of the remaining untouched bushland there.
Related: For the love of Queensland, this land clearing has got to stop | Lyndon Schneiders
Continue reading...UK environment department using 1,400 disposable coffee cups a day
Figures show more than 2.5m cups were purchased in the past five years despite pledges by the environment secretary to tackle growing plastic waste
More than 2.5m disposable cups have been purchased by the UK’s environment department for use in its restaurants and cafes over the past five years – equivalent to nearly 1,400 a day.
The Liberal Democrats’ environment spokesman, Tim Farron, said the revelation, obtained through a freedom of information request, showed Michael Gove “needs to get his own house in order” in light of his public pledges to tackle the growing scourge of plastic pollution.
Continue reading...Drug-driving cases dropped over forensics
Russia denies nuclear accident after radioactive traces found
Poland faces €100,000-a-day fines over illegal logging in Białowieża forest
Poland is given two weeks to end its destruction of the Unesco-protected forest in a landmark ruling by the European court of justice
Poland has been given two weeks to stop illegal deforestation in the Unesco-protected Białowieża forest or face fines of at least €100,000 a day.
In a precedent-setting ruling that will echo across the EU, the European court of justice ordered Poland to show it was acting lawfully in the ancient woodland, or face a €36.5m (£32m) annual penalty.
Continue reading...Bialowieza forest: EU threatens Poland with fine over logging
Ending investment in climate-damaging activities. Steps towards a sustainable festive season
Humpback dolphins offer gifts in rare courtship ritual – video
Humpback dolphins in Western Australia have been observed gifting sea sponges to potential mates in a courtship behaviour that researchers say is very rare. 'It highlights that there's another species out there that's quite socially complex, more than we previously recognised,' says Dr Simon Allen, lead researcher from the University of Western Australia. 'They are thinking animals'
Continue reading...Country diary: kingfisher inspires myth
Holme, Norfolk Myths and misconceptions surround this diminutive bird, which can hide in plain sight despite its dazzling plumage
It’s funny how kingfishers, the boldest-coloured birds in Britain, have inspired so much confusion. The commonest example concerns their size. Many people seeing one for the first time are flabbergasted at its smallness.
A recent encounter reminded me just how sparrow-like they are. For 20 minutes, I’d sat before a pool scanning the middle distance for harriers and winter geese, before noticing a kingfisher had been perched there all the time. It was only when it made its silvery piping notes that I fixed its location on a reed mace head.
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