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Nordic region shines in cleantech innovation leadership

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2017-06-14 11:30
The 2017 Global Cleantech Innovation Index (GCII) shows the Nordic region has the strongest cleantech start-up creation leadership for the first time.
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Sungrow PV and Energy Storage Equipment Powers Five Maldivian Islands

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2017-06-14 11:29
Sungrow has installed PV and energy storage system for five islands in the Maldives where people heavily relied on diesel for power and were plagued by poor power quality and high power cost.
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NAB keen to value 'natural capital'

ABC Environment - Wed, 2017-06-14 08:17
Paying farmers to produce environmental goods like healthy soils and clean rivers. It's not a new idea, but there's renewed interest in countries like Britain as it heads towards Brexit and also in Australia.
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Will Australia adopt a Clean Energy Target?

ABC Environment - Wed, 2017-06-14 07:36
The Minister for the Environment and Energy — Josh Frydenburg — says the Clean Energy Target will need bipartisan support and legislation.
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Cars overwhelmingly cause bike collisions, and the law should reflect that

The Conversation - Wed, 2017-06-14 06:21

On a Thursday morning in June 1817, the prolific inventor Karl Drais took his Laufmaschine (running machine) for a 13km spin along the banks of the Rhine.

The voyage on the wooden bike, not dissimilar to a modern toddler’s balance bike, lasted just under an hour. The early bicycle sparked an immediate craze, and later versions became a symbol of freedom for workers and women.

Two hundred years after their invention, bicycles are widely recognised as an effective tool to combat physical and mental health problems, reduce congestion on urban roads and improve the quality of the environment.

However, cycling participation across Australia is stagnating. This is mainly because of concerns about safety. A report released last week by the Royal Automobile Association of South Australia found that in the vast majority of crashes the cyclist was not at fault.

To keep our cyclists safe, it may be time to adopt the approach of many European nations by introducing legislation that, in civil cases, presumes that car drivers caused a collision unless there is evidence to the contrary.

Shifting the burden of proof to drivers – who must prove they didn’t cause a crash – has been highly successful in other nations, along with other measures, in keeping cyclists safer and reducing accidents.

Karl Von Drais and his Laufmaschine. © TECHNOSEUM Cars generally cause collisions

Despite a significant reduction in road deaths in Australia over the past few decades, recent data point to a steady increase in serious injuries among vulnerable road users, including cyclists.

Australia needs serious action if we want to reverse this trend. Last week’s report from the RAA confirms other research in this area, such as a 2013 University of Adelaide study that examined police crash records and found drivers caused four in every five crashes between cars and bicycles.

These results are similar to a Monash University study in which researchers examined camera footage of similar incidents. They found that drivers were responsible for the actions preceding the incident in 87% of cases.

The previous studies show that most of these crashes occur at intersections, and generally involve a cyclist travelling in a straight line on a single carriageway at the time of the collision with the motor vehicle.

The presumption of liability

Previous road safety lessons, like the successful seatbelt campaign, tell us education and infrastructure only work in combination with strong regulations. However, legislation in the area of cycling safety is inadequate and puts an unfair burden on cyclists.

Under current laws, if a car collides with a bicycle or a pedestrian on Australian roads, they must make a case against the motorist to claim on the motorist’s insurance. If the insurance company contests the claim, the injured cyclist or pedestrian has to take the case to a civil court.

Surely the burden of proof should shift onto the more powerful road user, especially given that the research suggests they are more likely to be the one at fault.

To do so, we need a presumed liability law that protects vulnerable road users. Similar laws have been introduced in Canada and in many European countries, including the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and France. Under these laws, sometimes also referred to as “reverse onus” or “strict liability” laws, drivers must prove that a collision with a cyclist or a pedestrian was not their fault.

These laws affect civil cases only and do not remove the presumption of innocence. In criminal law, drivers in collisions with vulnerable road users remain innocent until proven guilty. It’s also not about always blaming motorists; for example, if a cyclist ran a red light and caused a collision, they would obviously be at fault and would not receive compensation.

An Australian version of these laws would mean that cyclists were more likely to be fairly compensated in the event of a crash. More importantly, such laws would encourage motorists to take extra care when driving alongside vulnerable road users. In many European nations presumed liability, which was originally introduced to reduce traffic crashes, is widely believed to be a key component of encouraging safer cycling.

A presumed liability law would encourage the full range of health, environmental and social benefits of cycling, and keep the spirit of Drais’s original Laufmaschine alive.

However, the law alone is not sufficient. Better cycling infrastructure, reduced speed limits in residential areas, and improved education for drivers and cyclists are all needed to keep our roads safe for everyone.

The Conversation

Soufiane Boufous is a member of the Australasian College of Road Safety Executive Committee, NSW Chapter.

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Rare black-tailed godwits released into wild at Welney

BBC - Wed, 2017-06-14 01:09
The 25 endangered black-tailed godwits were hand-reared to ensure their survival.
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Global demand for coal falls in 2016 for second year in a row

The Guardian - Wed, 2017-06-14 00:48

UK leads trend away from coal, with use down 52.5%, while China continues to consume less of the dirtiest fossil fuel

Global demand for coal has fallen for the second consecutive year, according to a BP study, helped by the US and China burning less of the dirtiest fossil fuel.

The UK was described as the “most extreme example” of the trend away from coal, which has resulted in use of the fuel returning to levels not seen since the start of the industrial revolution.

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The battle for nesting sites among the birds and the bees

BBC - Tue, 2017-06-13 22:09
Competition for nesting sites could explain why some birds and bumblebees are declining faster than others.
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Lord Howe microgrid in doubt as Frydenberg rules out wind turbines

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-13 17:37
Plans to install a solar, wind and battery microgrid on Lord Howe Island have hit a snag, after an objection to the wind turbines from the federal energy minister.
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Bee swarm swamps car in Hull

BBC - Tue, 2017-06-13 17:34
The owner of the vehicle said her family had all been stung by the 20,000 strong swarm.
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Multi-million dollar upgrade planned to secure 'failsafe' Arctic seed vault

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-06-13 16:00

Improvements aim to ensure the vault’s role as an impregnable deep freeze for the world’s most precious food seeds after a recent flooding by melting permafrost

The Global Seed Vault, built in the Arctic as an impregnable deep freeze for the world’s most precious food seeds, is to undergo a multi-million dollar upgrade after water from melting permafrost flooded its access tunnel.

No seeds were damaged but the incident undermined the original belief that the vault would be a “failsafe” facility, securing the world’s food supply forever. Now the Norwegian government, which owns the vault, has committed $4.4m (NOK37m) to improvements.

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Know your NEM: Why Finkel’s energy storage thought bubble needs bursting

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-13 15:46
This week delivered two reviews and one federal court decision... and a thought bubble on energy storage that will almost certainly increase consumer costs.
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Five ways to improve Finkel’s energy blueprint

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-13 15:15
The Finkel blue-print needs stress testing with real climate targets, a recognition of the shift to distributed generation, a smarter way to think about storage, and an assurance that asset-protecting incumbents will keep their mitts off the mechanism. And it needs to deliver bigger savings on bills.
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WA, UK team announce $200m big solar pipeline for Australia

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-13 15:03
WA-based Stellata Energy and UK investment group Ingenious to build 120MW solar farm in Merredin, as first of $200m pipeline of big solar projects.
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Melodious encounter with a family of redstarts

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-06-13 14:30

West Sussex The male calls three times, then segues into a short, complex phrase of tweets and whistles

The wind crashes through the tree tops, like the sea breaking on the shore, the great pines and silver birches that encircle the heathland swaying and shimmering. A red admiral butterfly rises from the heather, but it is snatched up by the wind and tumbles away too quickly for me to follow it.

I walk along the muddy track that threads between the trees. Where only last week the ground had been dry and parched, offering very little moisture to thirsty animals and birds, now all the pools are replenished with just one day’s heavy rain. I stop to watch three goldfinches drink from a puddle in front of me.

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Electric motorcycles: Evangelical BS, or the future incarnate?

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-13 12:45
Are electric bikes just an early adopter pipe dream? Are they decades away from dominance?
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Butler reveals Labor CET plan on Q&A: 'Get Josh to do all the hard work' – video

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-06-13 12:05

Energy minister Josh Frydenberg eventually offers a wry smile after opposition MP Mark Butler makes a joke about Labor’s strategy on the clean energy target during Q&A. Butler says the plan is “to get Josh to do all the hard work. Then lose [the election] and hand it over.” The pair were on ABC TV program to discuss Australia’s energy future.

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Big switch: Distributed energy to overtake centralised power by 2018

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-13 11:46
Distributed energy additions like to overtake centralised plant in 2018, with 320GW large scale fossil fuel plants now not likely to be built.
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Adani’s ‘pit-to-plug strategy’ is fraying at both ends

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-13 11:21
‘Defer, delay and pray’ appear to be the unspoken new watchwords for the company that would build the Carmichael Coal Project.
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The 3-minute story of 800,000 years of climate change, with a sting in the tail

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-13 10:29
A short video to put recent climate change and carbon dioxide emissions into the context of the past 800,000 years.
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