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Trump presidency a 'disaster for the planet'

The Guardian - Fri, 2016-11-11 23:13

Leading scientists warn the climate denier’s victory could mean ‘game over for the climate’ and any hope of warding off dangerous global warming

The ripples from a new American president are far-reaching, but never before has the arrival of a White House administration placed the livability of Earth at stake. Beyond his bluster and crude taunts, Donald Trump’s climate denialism could prove to be the lasting imprint of his unexpected presidency.

“A Trump presidency might be game over for the climate,” said Michael Mann, a prominent climate researcher. “It might make it impossible to stabilize planetary warming below dangerous levels.”

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The view from Marrakech: climate talks are battling through a Trump tsunami

The Conversation - Fri, 2016-11-11 22:42

Stunned. Shocked. Speechless. Devastated. Political tsunami. These were the key words rising to the surface of the babble of conversations that took place in the corridors of the climate negotiations in Marrakech on Wednesday 9 November – the day Donald Trump won the US presidency.

A climate denier, Trump has vowed to tear up the historic Paris Agreement along with the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, which seeks to slash greenhouse emissions from power plants. He has also given the green light to renewed fossil fuel exploitation in the United States.

Oil and gas stocks unsurprisingly rose, and coal stocks soared, on his victory day. If implemented, Trump’s promises would make it impossible for the United States to reach its national pledge under the Paris Agreement to reduce emissions by 26-28% relative to 2005 by 2025.

At the moment, Trump’s previous declaration of climate change as a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese to undermine US industry looks particularly poignant.

His election is a dramatic turnaround from the years of constructive bilateral climate diplomacy by the Obama administration with China, which culminated in the joint US-China statement on climate change in November 2014. This joint announcement of the headline national action plans by the world’s two biggest emitters (together covering 40% of global emissions) injected significant momentum into the negotiations leading to the Paris Agreement in 2015.

But now the US elections have delivered not just a presidential victory against action on climate change, but made it much easier for Trump to deliver on his plans than it was for Obama. The Republican Party is now set to control all four branches of government: the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Presidency and soon the Supreme Court (once Trump nominates a new judge following the death of Justice Scalia, bringing the number of judges back to nine, with a conservative majority). This leaves only the media and civil society to speak up for a safe climate in the face of the national government’s agenda.

Turning back time

Seasoned negotiators and observers at Marrakech with long memories recalled the moment in 2001 when former president George W. Bush declared that the United States would withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol, the predecessor to the Paris Agreement. This withdrawal cast a long shadow over the negotiations, which was finally lifted with the Obama administration’s re-engagement with climate change that made the Paris breakthrough possible.

Yet the world today is very different to what it was in 2001. The Paris Agreement is now in force after a speedy ratification, the US share of global emissions has declined, and renewable energy is now much cheaper. Many US states, cities and businesses will continue to work towards reducing emissions, and many Republican politicians have let go of their aversion to renewable energy in response to public and business pressure.

In short, much of America and the rest of the world will continue to build momentum under the Paris Agreement, despite the changing of the guard in Washington DC.

Given Trump’s record of policy flip-flopping, it also remains an open question as to how far he will actually go to undo the diplomatic climate legacy of the Obama administration. Much will depend on who takes over as Secretary of State, and how the State Department assesses the broader diplomatic consequences of withdrawing from the Paris treaty, particularly in terms of transatlantic relationships. European Council president Donald Tusk has already invited Trump to attend a US-EU summit. We might therefore see some easing of Trump’s hard anti-climate talk, much as his social rhetoric softened on election night. Trump the President may not be quite the same as Trump the candidate.

Moreover, under Article 28 of the Paris Agreement it will take a total of four years for any formal withdrawal by the United States to take effect. If the US were to turn its back on these legal niceties and abandon its obligations during this period, it would be widely regarded as a climate pariah state. In contrast, China will enjoy its rising status as a climate leader.

Meanwhile, after the initial pause to digest the shock of Trump’s victory, the negotiators at Marrakech have got back down to their business, which is to fill in the implementation details of the Paris Agreement.

The Conversation

Robyn Eckersley receives funding from the Australian Research Council to research a project called 'What makes a climate leader?'

Categories: Around The Web

Pollution in India – in pictures

The Guardian - Fri, 2016-11-11 21:03

Levels of pollution reached record highs this week across India. In Delhi the government declared the poor air quality an ‘emergency situation’

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UK red squirrels carry 'a form of leprosy' - scientists

BBC - Fri, 2016-11-11 20:28
British red squirrels are infected with strains of the bacterium that causes leprosy, according to a study.
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Prix Pictet 2016 shortlist turns the lens on space - in pictures

The Guardian - Fri, 2016-11-11 20:28

From Hong Kong’s tiny subdivided flats to the migrant crisis, this year’s photography and sustainability award shortlist explores the theme of space from all perspectives

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Open data aims to boost food security prospects

BBC - Fri, 2016-11-11 19:51
Rothamsted Research, a leading agricultural research institute, is attempting to make data from long-term experiments available to all scientists.
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Hypoxic blackwater events and water quality fact sheet

Department of the Environment - Fri, 2016-11-11 15:40
Read more about hypoxic blackwater, its causes and effects.
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Hedgehog's distress at tick invasion

The Guardian - Fri, 2016-11-11 15:30

Langstone, Hampshire The newly attached, unfed, arachnids were red-brown and as tiny as sesame seeds, the fully engorged ones like glossy grey pearls

Hedgehogs that have had a hind leg amputation can struggle to groom themselves, so are more likely to harbour ectoparasites. I had noticed that Sweetpea, my resident hedgehog, had been flailing her shortened leg as she tried to scratch using her phantom limb. But it was still a shock to spot her emerging from her nest with one side of her body studded with ticks. They clustered in the folds of her right ear and along her right flank, where the coarse skirt of fur met the quill line.

Related: Specieswatch: Ixodes ricinus (tick)

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Congratulations to Charles Sturt University

Department of the Environment - Fri, 2016-11-11 15:19
Congratulations to Charles Sturt University on receiving the award for Carbon Reduction at the 2016 Green Gown Awards Australia and ACTS Awards of Excellence last week in QLD. They have also been awarded the Climate Change Leadership Award and a joint winner of the Green Globe Climate Change and Leadership Award.
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Anyone for climate change sorbet?

ABC Environment - Fri, 2016-11-11 13:30
Can I introduce you to the word gastronification? In the case of an event in Berlin it involved eating climate change as sorbet.
Categories: Around The Web

Cleantech stocks stay ahead of pack, despite average October

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-11-11 12:52
Australian CleanTech Index fell by 0.7 per cent for the month of October, but cleantech stocks remain well ahead of ASX 200.
Categories: Around The Web

Adelaide City adds more solar, battery storage on road to carbon neutral

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-11-11 12:33
Adelaide City adds solar and battery storage install at a Council depot, and a UPark LED lighting upgrade, to its plans to be carbon neutral.
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Beagle 2 'was so close to Mars success'

BBC - Fri, 2016-11-11 12:02
The British Beagle 2 spacecraft may have worked for several months on Mars, new analysis suggests.
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Driving climate action: Reducing emissions from transportation

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-11-11 11:27
With US transportation sector emissions surpassing electricity for the first time in decades, reducing CO2 from transportation is more critical than ever.
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What President Trump means for energy and climate

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-11-11 11:24
President-elect Trump’s “Energy Revolution” is based on unfettered expansion of American energy production, and opposition to anything that might limit it. But will it be as bad as it sounds?
Categories: Around The Web

How Trump could be a win for battery storage – and renewables

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-11-11 11:20
In good news for Australian renewables – and perhaps even better news for a nervous US market – Deutsche report names "detrimental solar policy" as one of biggest drivers of booming global battery storage market, which it says has reached an inflection point.
Categories: Around The Web

President Trump could kill the Paris Agreement - but climate action will survive

The Conversation - Fri, 2016-11-11 11:14
A US withdrawal would be game over for the Paris Agreement, but there's still hope for the climate. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center/Flickr, CC BY-NC

November 9 will likely become the day that the Paris Agreement died, but not when the goal of limiting warming to 2℃ slipped out of reach.

President Donald Trump can, and likely will, drop out of the Paris climate agreement. Direct withdrawal will take four years.

But Trump could instead drop out from the overall climate convention under which the agreement operates. That would only take one year and would result in automatic withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.

It would shortcut any hopes that Paris would bind Trump’s hands for some time.

As I’ve argued in my research, a US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement would be its death knell.

A predictable loose cannon

Trump has also promised a range of further destructive international and domestic actions on climate and energy. These include cutting all international climate financing, rescinding energy regulations, reopening federal and offshore areas for coal and oil development and abolishing the clean power plan.

There is some hope that Trump is a loose cannon who may renege on his previous promises. Such hope is ultimately false. Trump has already appointed noted climate denier Myron Ebell as the head of his Environmental Protection Agency transition team.

More importantly, the Republican establishment supports this approach to climate policy. The agreed Republican platform of July rejects the Paris Agreement and calls for it to be submitted to the Senate (where it would be defeated) as well as an end of all funding to the UN climate convention. Their domestic policies are best summarised as “drill, baby, drill!”

It is foolish to believe that Trump would oppose his own party, and many of the voters of the US “rust belt” whose support he relied on, in an attempt to save the Paris Agreement.

Trump may be unpredictable in some regards, but his approach to climate change is not.

Counting the losses

Trump’s climate policy would lead to the US overshooting its already inadequate 2030 climate targets. The US needs additional measures on top of the Clean Power Plan to meet the targets established by Obama.

The US withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, or blatantly missing its climate targets, could be near fatal for a deal which relies on global ambition. The Paris Agreement relies on two things: increasing ambition through peer pressure, and a signal to markets and the public.

Both peer pressure and the signal will be shredded by a rogue, Trump-led United States.

States will be unlikely to feel pressured if the world’s second largest greenhouse emitter is polluting unabated. The effects of US recalcitrance were all too clear in the case of the Kyoto Protocol, which the United States simply refused to ratify. Trust would be undermined and excuses for inaction amplified if the US abandons international efforts again.

Any signal that existed from the framework of Paris would be largely extinguished. Already fossil fuels stocks have surged post-election despite a downturn in the rest of the market. Renewable energy share prices have plummeted. The idea of the signal hinged on broad participation creating investor confidence in international law. US withdrawal and the breaking of commitments will shatter any belief that investors may have had in Paris.

The Paris Agreement sacrificed binding emissions cuts and finance in order to ensure US participation. The few benefits it had were derived from broad participation, including from the United States. Such benefits will be lost by a US dropout.

Paris will likely survive as a structure. Countries will continue with the global show-and-tell, trading unbinding pledges every five years for some time to come. It will go on, but it will cease to be a large source of hope or change.

Opportunities for the future

A Trump presidency will also create opportunities for renewed action internationally.

Trump promises to usher in an age of protectionism, scrapping free trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). He has vowed to brand major trading partners such as China as “currency manipulators”.

At the same time nationalism and discontent with free trade have surged in Europe. China has scaled up its domestic renewable energy and climate policies and is looking to formally establish a national emissions trading scheme next year.

Both a protectionist Trump administration that has dropped out of Paris and trends in the European Union and China could bring the idea of climate trade measures back to the table.

The Paris Agreement could be amended to use trade measures against countries who are not part of the deal. Such a move could not be adopted until the next conference in November 2017. Amending the agreement would only require a three-quarters majority vote, but is still unlikely to garner the support to be adopted under the painfully slow and convoluted UN process.

Climate trade measures from the EU and or China are much more likely. The EU may be pushed by Trump’s trade policies towards imposing a carbon price on imports (carbon border tax adjustments) from the US and others. China may consider a similar move. The two could even act in tandem, creating their own bilateral climate club outside of the Paris Agreement. Such material penalties would likely force the US to eventually shift and reengage with international efforts.

Such an outcome seems unlikely for now, particularly in the politically paralysed Europe. But Trump at least opens the opportunity for such change.

The much maligned Trump will supercharge climate civil disobedience in both the US and around the globe.

The world’s best chance of avoiding dangerous global warming are a climate trade war and rampant climate disobedience.

Such actions will be more beneficial for the climate than the current Paris Agreement ever could have been. The incremental and baseless pledge and review of Paris Agreement would have never been enough to trigger the herculean transition needed.

The 2016 US election will almost certainly become the epitaph for the success of the Paris climate agreement. But it does not mean that 2℃ is necessarily out of reach; the future may not depend on the actions of an ageing superpower.

The Conversation

Luke Kemp has received funding from the German and Australian governments.

Categories: Around The Web

Solar Powered FoodWorks

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-11-11 11:05
Yackandandah FoodWorks have just installed 80kW of solar panels on their roof.
Categories: Around The Web

Marrakech, COP 22: Coming up from drowning

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-11-11 09:50
At Marrakech, Australia's decision to ratify Paris was met with similar applause as in Bali 2007, when Kevin Rudd finally ratified Kyoto. But in the near decade since, climate diplomacy has become even more integrated to our international interests.
Categories: Around The Web

As solar gets cheaper, it must get greener too

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-11-11 09:43
A new solar standard in France has developers competing on more than just price – they must also compete on their project's environmental sustainability.
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