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Florida grasshopper sparrow: scientists hail resurgence of endangered bird

The Guardian - Sun, 2024-07-21 22:00

Sparrows were taken into captivity after numbers dwindled – and this week experts released 1,000th bird back into wild

Scientists in Florida are hailing the landmark release this week of a tiny bird only 5in tall as an oversized success in their fight to save a critically endangered species.

Numbers of the Florida grasshopper sparrow, seen only in prairies in central regions of the state, dwindled so severely by 2015, mostly through habitat loss, that authorities took the decision to remove remaining breeding pairs into captivity. Their wager was that a controlled repopulation program would be more successful than leaving the birds to their own devices.

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Yes, five years in jail is too harsh, but the Just Stop Oil Five shouldn’t have done it | Sonia Sodha

The Guardian - Sun, 2024-07-21 16:00

The urgent needs of the road users they held up were ignored during this climate crusade

It was “a dark day”, according to a UN special rapporteur. Others lamented “a gross miscarriage of justice” and “a farce” marking “a low point in British justice”. Such language would not have been hyperbolic had they been talking about the review highlighting the failings that left Andrew Malkinson jailed for 17 years for a crime he didn’t commit. Or a recent travesty of the single justice procedure, the expedited closed-door process that saw a woman dying from stage 4 breast cancer convicted for non-payment of a TV licence. But it was actually referring to the handing down of five- and four-year prison sentences to five Just Stop Oil activists for their role in masterminding four days of serious motorway disruption: if we are to believe them, a grave affront to the right to protest.

There are certainly questions about whether the sentences for their offences are proportionate or appropriate in the context of the wider criminal justice system. But to suggest that freedom of conscience creates an unlimited right to cause other citizens harm is to fail to engage with the nature of their offence. And, more broadly, to misunderstand what it means to live in a democracy where we enjoy a right to noisy protest, but are also bound by obligations to each other that are framed by the rule of law that applies to us all equally.

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Where are all the bats? – alarm as numbers fall in England

The Guardian - Sun, 2024-07-21 15:00

Decline blamed on washout summer driving down population of insects, butterflies and moths they feed on

Conservation groups across England are seeing more malnourished bats, as wildlife experts warn the washout summer is driving down the insects, butterflies and moths they feed on.

Groups across Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Worcestershire, Essex and South Lancashire said they are seeing an increase in the number of “starving” or “underweight” bats, often juveniles, who need to be rescued and cared for by volunteers. In some places, they are seeing fewer bats than they usually do in the summer.

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Colorado proposes rules to facilitate trading between industrial, EITE facilities under in-state carbon market

Carbon Pulse - Sun, 2024-07-21 08:10
Colorado has unveiled recommendations to broaden its embryonic, in-state carbon market by facilitating trading between the largest industrial manufacturing facilities and energy-intensive and trade-exposed (EITE) sectors such as cement and steel.
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The great pylon pile-on: can councils’ opposition scupper Labour’s ‘clean power’ revolution?

The Guardian - Sun, 2024-07-21 02:00

The energy secretary’s plans to install thousands of pylons in unspoiled rural areas is facing a huge backlash

The energy secretary, Ed Miliband, has been warned he faces battlegrounds across the country over plans to install thousands of pylons in unspoiled rural areas to deliver a “clean power” revolution. Council leaders and communities oppose proposals for a vast new network of pylons across large parts of several counties, including Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.

There are calls for community compensation of “hundreds of millions of pounds” if the schemes are pushed through.

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NY Governor announces $100 mln to decarbonise the Empire State Plaza

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-07-20 13:38
New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) on Friday unveiled $100 million to decarbonise the Empire State Plaza, targeting a 20% GHG reduction in its operations.
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US appeals court dismisses request to pause US EPA power plant rule

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-07-20 10:36
A US federal appeals court on Friday rejected another request for a temporary pause on controversial Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) power plant standards as they are being challenged on merit.
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COT report shows CCA traders reposition to 2025, RGA compliance demand remains robust

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-07-20 09:22
Stakeholders shifted their California Carbon Allowance futures and options holdings to vintage 2025 in the aftermath of ARB’s cap-and-trade workshop fallout, while the month-long trend of strong compliance demand for RGGI Allowances (RGA) continued, weekly data from the Commitment of Traders’ report released Friday showed.
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Iowa lawmakers, local governments, landowners ask state to reconsider CO2 pipeline approval

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-07-20 09:01
Iowa state Republican lawmakers, counties, and landowners filed separate motions on Monday requesting the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) to reconsider its issuance of a construction permit to a proposed CO2 pipeline.
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Canada pours another C$71 mln into 2 Billion Trees programme despite past shortfalls

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-07-20 08:37
Canada’s ministry of natural resources on Friday announced more than C$71 million ($51.7 mln) in additional funding to support its 2 Billion Trees (2BT) initiative, which was previously deemed unlikely to meet its target without significant changes.
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Algeria sets sights on CCS to lower national carbon footprint -media

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-07-20 04:37
Algeria’s government and private sector are looking to carbon capture and storage (CCS) to counterbalance emissions from oil and gas production, with an eye to minimising the impact of the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), according to local media sources.
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DATA DIVE: Why the steel industry may have turned a corner on net zero

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-07-20 03:36
The steel sector has potentially turned a corner on net zero, says a new report, after years of being considered a laggard in emissions reduction pathways.
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‘Not acceptable in a democracy’: UN expert condemns lengthy Just Stop Oil sentences

The Guardian - Sat, 2024-07-20 03:15

Michel Forst, UN special rapporteur, joins growing chorus of voices criticising jail terms handed to five defendants

The lengthy multi-year sentences handed to Just Stop Oil activists are “not acceptable in a democracy”, a UN special rapporteur has said, as the government faced growing pressure to reverse the previous administration’s “hardline anti-protest” approach.

Michel Forst, the UN special rapporteur for environmental defenders, joined a growing chorus of voices condemning the sentences handed down to the five defendants for planning non-violent protests on the M25.

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Azerbaijan launches Climate Finance Action Fund with initial target of $1 bln

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-07-20 02:35
Azerbaijan has today announced the launch of the Climate Finance Action Fund (CFAF), initially targeting $1 billion in financing from fossil fuel producing countries and companies, and half of the capital to go towards climate projects in developing countries.
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Turkish parliament approves law to start taxing ship emissions

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2024-07-20 01:23
The Turkish parliament has passed a law requiring ships to pay for the greenhouse gas emissions released when entering and departing from the country's ports.
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You may find Just Stop Oil annoying. You may dislike their tactics. But they do not belong in prison | Chris Packham and Dale Vince

The Guardian - Sat, 2024-07-20 01:23

These protesters are shouting ‘fire’ while the world burns. A society that locks them up cannot be called democratic

There’s a crisis in our prisons. Keir Starmer says it is “shocking”. Our jails are so full, police chiefs are warning it may soon be impossible to maintain even the most basic law and order. So here’s a radical proposal. Let’s stop locking up our truth tellers. The people who are shouting “fire” because there’s a fire. When they see we’re not moving fast enough and that the flames are getting higher, they know their responsibility is to shout out the message louder. Because they care. You probably know who we mean.

These people might be annoying. They might give you an earache. We might wish they would tone it down. But in a democratic society, they do not belong in prison. We need to be listening to them, not locking them up.

Chris Packham is a naturalist, environmental and animal welfare campaigner, author and television presenter on BBC Two’s Springwatch

Dale Vince is a green energy industrialist and campaigner and a Labour party donor

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Ten effective habits to adopt if you’re an eco-enthusiast | Abigail Austin

The Guardian - Sat, 2024-07-20 01:00

Regenerative farmers, philosophers, scientists and more offer their insights, from feeding your dog to finding your ‘enough’

“What is one habit all eco-enthusiasts should adopt?” After a year of asking this on my podcast, The Eco Enthusiast, I’ve gathered 10 memorable and effective habits from regenerative farmers, philosophers, scientists, CEOs, and sustainability directors.

Here are the best insights I’ve learned so far.

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