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JinkoSolar grows Q3 revenue 39% YoY, ups 2016 guidance

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 12:45
JinkoSolar has posted a set of strong Q3 financials that serve to highlight the current challenges facing the solar industry.
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Climate deniers linked with Trump’s EPA pick booted from COP22 talks

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 12:43
Climate denier Marc Morano got himself kicked out of UN climate talks in Marrakech. But something about the incident was not right.
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Sydney CBD 520kW solar array opens for public investment

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 12:27
Sydney Renewable Power Company is offering 519 unlisted shares to community and retail investors keen to invest in a 520kW solar array on Sydney’s new International Convention Centre.
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Enova reaches major milestone, looks to expand and try peer to peer trading

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 12:24
High solar tariff helps Australia's first community-owned retailer reach major milestone, as it plans geographic expansion and push into new concepts such as peer-to-peer trading.g
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China tells Trump – no climate conspiracy here

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 12:08
As the world awaits Trump's call on Paris, China answer's his 2012 claim that climate change is a Big Chinese Hoax.
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Mayan 'nesting doll pyramid' discovered in Mexico

BBC - Thu, 2016-11-17 12:03
A third structure is found within the famous Kukulkan pyramid in eastern Mexico, experts say.
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Australia named and shamed for “unambitious, uninspired” climate policies

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 11:29
Two international reports name Australia among a small number of G20 nations whose climate change efforts are falling well short of other countries.
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Australia lobbies for Adani coal mine at climate talks

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 11:20
Australia earns "fossil of the day" award in Marrakech after using climate talks to lobby for Adani coal mine. ACT, meanwhile, calls for coal moratorium.
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Australia says it will reduce methane emissions despite coal seam gas and LNG expansion

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-11-17 11:18

Marrakech communique commits countries including Australia to reducing emissions from the oil and gas industry

Australia has signed an international agreement committing to reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas industry, and calling for other countries to do the same, sparking claims it is being hypocritical and could “seriously damage our reputation in climate talks”.

The Marrakech communique, signed this week at the first meeting of parties to the Paris agreement in Morocco, commits a coalition of countries including Australia to take measures to reduce methane emissions in the oil and gas industry.

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Australia ranked among worst developed countries for climate change action

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-11-17 10:01

Two reports place the country near the bottom of the league for emissions level, use of renewables and action to combat global warming

Australia has been singled out again as a climate laggard, being ranked fifth-worst for emissions and policies among developed countries and among the six worst countries in the G20 when it comes to climate action.

In the climate change performance index, released overnight at the UN climate talks in Marrakech, Australia comes ahead of only Kazakhstan, South Korea, Japan and Saudi Arabia.

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Marrakech COP22: IEA issues a Paris reality check

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 09:25
In its first World Energy Outlook since Paris, the International Energy Agency makes clear that commitments to the pact equal near full decarbonisation of energy around 2040 – and that means Australia, too.
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JinkoSolar completes sale of Jinko Power downstream business in China

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 09:06
JinkoSolar today announced the completion of the sale of all of the 55% equity interest it indirectly held in Jiangxi JinkoSolar Engineering Co
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Jinko Solar’s PV modules are 100% in compliance with IEC62804 double 85 anti-PID Standards

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 09:00
Jinko Solar’s PV modules are 100% in compliance with IEC62804 double 85 anti-PID Standards.
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Australia dubbed 'fossil of the day' after lobbying for coal mine at climate talks

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-11-17 07:57

Energy minister Josh Frydenberg raises concern with American counterpart over US activists seeking to stop Adani’s giant Carmichael coalmine

Australia has used a summit on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to lobby the US energy minister in support of the development of one of the world’s largest coalmines.

The move, by the Australian environment and energy minister, Josh Frydenberg, at the Marrekech meeting, won Australia the “fossil of the day” award, announced daily by the Climate Action Network to the countries that perform the worst at UN climate talks.

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Illegal wildlife poaching reaches unprecedented levels

ABC Environment - Thu, 2016-11-17 07:53
A new report has found illegal poaching and trafficking of wildlife continues to rise as Asian demand reaches new heights.
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Scientists working to discover what music birds like

ABC Environment - Thu, 2016-11-17 07:19
Scientists at Rutgers University in New Jersey are trying to identify what kinds of music different bird species prefer by using a specially designed bird feeder.
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Pluto 'has slushy ocean' below surface

BBC - Thu, 2016-11-17 05:51
Pluto may harbour a slushy water ocean beneath its most prominent surface feature, known as the "heart".
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Seawater's DNA secrets to life in the deep

BBC - Thu, 2016-11-17 05:11
Sampling DNA from seawater may be one way to check up on ocean life, according to research.
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Alien invaders: the illegal reptile trade is a serious threat to Australia

The Conversation - Thu, 2016-11-17 05:09
Boa constrictors are frequently found at large in Australia, despite being banned. Marcos André/flickr, CC BY

Australians are banned from keeping non-native reptiles as pets, but there is a nevertheless a thriving illegal trade in these often highly prized animals. We have documented the threat that these species – many of them venomous or potentially carrying exotic diseases – pose to people and wildlife in Australia.

In a study published in Conservation Letters, we estimate that of 28 alien reptile species illegally traded in Victoria between 1999 and 2012, 5 of them (18%) would have the potential to establish themselves in the wild if they escape or are released. Our findings also indicate that smaller alien reptiles are more likely to establish in the wild in Australia.

Worryingly, more than a third of these illegal reptile species are highly venomous snakes (10 out of the 28 species). The presence of 10 alien venomous snakes represents a serious human health hazard, even in Australia which is already home to some of the most venomous snakes in the world.

Previous research has focused on the overharvesting of wild populations to meet the demand for illegal wildlife products such as traditional medicine ingredients and other commodities, as well as live animals themselves.

But the trade in illegal wildlife poses a risk not just to the species being trafficked, but also to the people and ecosystems potentially exposed to new hazardous alien species as a result. Unfortunately, these risks are often overlooked or underestimated by wildlife agencies.

Frogs take their diseases with them

Effective biosecurity measures are crucial for tackling these threats. Are Australia’s biosecurity activities as good as they are made out to be in popular television shows about customs officers policing our borders?

Let’s look at the example of ranaviruses, an emerging disease that kills huge numbers of amphibians around the world. The introduction of these viruses to Australia could be catastrophic for native frogs. Alien frogs transported as unintentional stowaways can carry ranavirus, so intercepting those alien frogs will also prevent the spread of these pathogens.

In an earlier study, we examined the effectiveness of Australian biosecurity activities for stopping the introduction of dangerous alien ranaviruses. Our main conclusion was that existing biosecurity measures have significantly reduced the likelihood of introduction of alien ranaviruses.

Moreover, biosecurity activities do not need to intercept every single incoming alien frog in order to reduce significantly the likelihood that new diseases will be introduced. This is particularly good news for threatened native frogs.

Puff adders have been illegally kept in Victoria, despite being a seriously dangerous pet. Julius Rückert/Wikimedia Commons A way forward

Unfortunately, many other countries seem to have inadequate systems for keeping unwanted species out, despite the many social, economic and ecological impacts that alien species cause across the world.

This situation paints a bleak picture for the future of biodiversity, with alien species increasingly wreaking havoc across all environments. But we believe there is hope and a way forward – as long as countries are willing to work much harder to combat the threats posed by alien species.

Foremost, we need to improve our understanding of the importance and drivers of transport pathways through which alien species travel. Armed with that knowledge, we can plan more effective management – although a lack of data is no excuse for delay in the meantime. Prevention is always better than cure, so our number one goal should be to prevent the introduction of alien species, rather than simply tackling the problems they cause.

Some important lessons emerge from our research. The illegal wildlife trade and the transport of stowaways are global issues. Therefore no country, however effective its biosecurity, can solve its problems on its own. Multilateral biosecurity agreements will be necessary to manage both stowaways and the illegal wildlife trade.

In Australia, we need to raise public awareness about alien species. We have to enlist the public in reporting suspicious activities and the presence of alien species at large. Meanwhile, supporting biosecurity activities is a no-brainer. Biosecurity is a responsibility shared by all Australians, and the general public have a role to support biosecurity activities, even if that means a few more minutes to clear biosecurity ports and airports. Be on the lookout for potential alien species, and if you spot anything unusual, report it to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.

The Conversation

Pablo Garcia-Diaz receives funding from the Invasive Animals CRC and the Department of Education and Training (Australian Government).

Joshua Ross receives funding from the ARC, NHMRC, and D2D CRC.

Phill Cassey receives funding from Australian Research Council and the Invasive Animals CRC.

Categories: Around The Web

Infants' brains attuned to baby talk and nursery rhymes

BBC - Thu, 2016-11-17 04:14
New research indicates that for brain connections to be properly formed in babies' brains, they need to feel safe, secure and loved.
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