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Brown coal hits new low in Victoria as wind and battery records tumble and renewables peak at 95.2 pct
The post Brown coal hits new low in Victoria as wind and battery records tumble and renewables peak at 95.2 pct appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Future Made in Australia bill passes Senate to provide tax credits to green hydrogen and minerals, and boost regions
The post Future Made in Australia bill passes Senate to provide tax credits to green hydrogen and minerals, and boost regions appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Trump signs order shifting US back toward plastic straws
Vast unveils new power tower – the “last bit of gear” for Australia’s first big solar thermal plant
The post Vast unveils new power tower – the “last bit of gear” for Australia’s first big solar thermal plant appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Canada flip flops on taxing overdue small business carbon tax rebates
Brazil’s development bank, forest service launch notice for new forest concessions
AU Market: ACCU prices slide as social licence issues take spotlight
Global wind and solar capacity expands in 2024, but project delays persist, G7 falls behind -report
Berrybank lightning strike could be the new normal for wind farms, says expert
Lightning strikes on wind farms are becoming more common, says consultant Rosie Barnes.
The post Berrybank lightning strike could be the new normal for wind farms, says expert appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Anti-renewable billboard ad pulled under pressure from industry
The post Anti-renewable billboard ad pulled under pressure from industry appeared first on RenewEconomy.
RGGI Market: RGAs weak as uncertainty reigns in RGGI amidst illiquidity, auction anticipation
Swedish CDR startup raises €5.1 mln to accelerate deployment of large-scale BECCS projects
Japan’s NYK signs five-year J-Credit purchase agreement
INTERVIEW: Central America’s phased-in carbon markets chart unique course in the region
Nature and shops: here’s what people told us they want most from urban planning
Earth is already shooting through the 1.5°C global warming limit, two major studies show
Drax is the subsidy show that goes on and on | Nils Pratley
Government cranks handle again for group owning Yorkshire power plant because cheaper generating capacity not in place
Surprise, surprise, a mighty £7bn of subsidies since 2012 have not been enough to get Drax to stand on its own feet. More bungs are required to keep the wood fires burning at the enormous power plant in North Yorkshire – this time an estimated £1.8bn from 2027-31.
The energy minister Michael Shanks at least sounded embarrassed. He railed against the “unacceptably large profits” Drax has made, said past subsidy arrangements “did not deliver a good enough deal for bill payers” and vowed that that the definition of a “sustainable” wood pellet would be tightened. But the bottom line is that the government has agreed to crank the subsidy handle once again, just at a slower rate.
Continue reading...FEATURE: UK-EU ETS linking back on the table, raising cautious optimism ahead of talks
Farmers ‘very worried’ as US pesticide firms push to bar cancer diagnoses lawsuits
Pesticide-backed proposed law that opponents call ‘Cancer Gag Act’ pits Iowa farm groups against each other
Pesticide company efforts to push through laws that could block litigation against them is igniting battles in several US farm states and pitting some farm groups against each other.
Laws have been introduced in at least eight states so far and drafts are circulating in more than 20 states, backed by a deluge of advertising supporting the measures.
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