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Police tactics at fracking protests need urgent review, says MEP

The Guardian - Mon, 2017-07-10 21:02

Call for review follows repeated allegations of violence and excessive force by police and security staff at UK sites

Repeated allegations of excessive force by police and security staff against protesters at oil and gas fracking sites across the country have led to a call for an urgent review of police tactics.

Lancashire police are investigating an allegation of assault by a security official at the Cuadrilla site at Preston New Road in Lancashire. At other protest sites – including Surrey and Derbyshire – demonstrators have made complaints about the alleged heavy-handedness of police officers.

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Fido's family tree – in pictures

The Guardian - Mon, 2017-07-10 20:50

A new series on Sky 1 traces the ancestry and evolution of the 500 million domesticated dogs worldwide, with biologist Patrick Aryee introducing some of the 36 wild species. Dogs: An Amazing Animal Family airs on Thursdays from 13 to 27 July.

All photographs: Offspring Films

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Conservatives are again denying the very existence of global warming | Dana Nuccitelli

The Guardian - Mon, 2017-07-10 20:00

The best efforts to undermine the established climate science behind the Endangerment Finding are pathetically bad

As we well know, climate myths are like zombies that never seem to die. It’s only a matter of time before they rise from the dead and threaten to eat our brains. And so here we go again – American conservatives are denying the very existence of global warming.

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Adani's Carmichael's short operating plan avoids expected legal obligation of $1bn environment bond

The Guardian - Mon, 2017-07-10 16:08

Plan details no mining or construction or resulting land disturbance, which would trigger government demand for rehabilitation assurance

Adani has kept an operating plan for its unfunded Queensland mine to just six months, postponing an expected legal obligation to provide a billion-dollar rehabilitation bond before financial backing emerges.

The miner has provided the state government with a plan that covers only up to the end of 2017, which falls before its deadline for securing US$2.5bn in financial backing to execute the first phase of Australia’s largest proposed coal project.

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Gorgeous goats – in pictures

The Guardian - Mon, 2017-07-10 16:00

Meet Ben, Bella, Sherlock and Sydney – the elegant goats turned into portraits by Kevin Horan. As the American photographer explains, he just treated them ‘like customers in a small-town photo studio’

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The Southern Highlands Shale Forest and Woodland of the Sydney Basin Bioregion

Department of the Environment - Mon, 2017-07-10 14:57
A new guide is available to help promote the conservation and recovery of this nationally significant ecological community.
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Can Elon Musk’s battery storage plant smash Australia’s gas cartel?

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-10 14:43
Elon Musk and Tesla's big battery is breaking open the gas cartel. New analysis shows margins for the big utilities will jump $2 billion over next three years because they control market bidding. Battery storage developers like Tesla and Sonnen will change that.
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Know your NEM: Turnbull, Tesla and falling energy prices

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-10 14:38
Turnbull reinforces Paris commitment, along with G19, what Tesla's battery storage means, and Victoria energy prices now higher than South Australia.
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Between two shires – a world of difference

The Guardian - Mon, 2017-07-10 14:30

Moonshine Gap, Cambridgeshire I watch a bird, listen to its dainty movements, then walk over into Northamptonshire, into the wood and signs of rural mischief

Moonshine Gap: what does that name say? When I saw it on the map it said something probably over-romantic, definitely nefarious, the sort of feature found in literature of the Kentucky backwoods. Or older, when the transit of and sightlines to stellar objects were watched, noted and sometimes immortalised. Seemed a stretch for this place.

Gap is like col or pass, a place where the ground gives to allow a way between this place and that. All are mountain words, so a strange find in this flat place. This “gap” marks a straddle between Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire, so maybe that’s why. It’s not new: there it is on the 1889 map, attached to a wedge of wood amid crackle-glaze fields.

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Community retailer Enova lifts solar tariff to 16c/kWh

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-10 14:12
NSW community-owned power retailer offers solar feed-in tariff of 16c/kWh – a 33% increase on its former FiT, and higher than most competing offers.
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It’s economics, stupid! Days of “baseload only” power over

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-10 13:17
RepuTex report affirms renewables a ‘lay down misere’ to out-compete, and replace, traditional fossil-fuel sources in Australia.
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Investors pour $1.5bn into Australian solar and wind energy in Q2

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-10 12:56
Investment in wind and solar energy in Australia jumped 77 per cent, year-on-year, as part of a major global recovery, says BNEF.
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$60M FNQ biorefinery to create 130 jobs

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-10 11:33
The Palaszczuk Government is throwing its support behind a new $60 million Atherton Tableland biorefinery that could generate 130 regional jobs and encourage diverse cropping in the region.
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Explainer: What the Tesla big battery can and cannot do

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-10 10:17
Details of how the Tesla storage array is configured, what it will do and won't do, and what it will cost.
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Record half year for rooftop solar after another bumper month

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-10 10:11
Australia records highest installation rate for rooftop solar in six months to June, as homes and businesses prepare for soaring grid charges.
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If Volvo wanted to be revolutionary, it would drop diesel altogether

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-10 08:00
Volvo Cars has been in the news recently in relation to their announcement this Wednesday on their decision to leave the internal combustion engine only based automotive industry.
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PV plant built on nuke site as renewables surpass nuclear

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-10 07:57
A 1MW plant on the site of half-built nuclear power plant in Tennessee is a harbinger of things to come in the US and global electricity mixes.
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Impressionist view of midsummer flowers: Country diary 100 years ago

The Guardian - Mon, 2017-07-10 07:30

Originally published in the Manchester Guardian on 12 July 1917

Along the grassy cuttings of the railway line between Carlisle and Kilmarnock the midsummer flowers are rampant. One would like to have a free pass to investigate the flora of railway cuttings. Many are the tales one hears of the uncommon plants which turn up in such situations, but, in whirling past, one can get only an impressionist view. To-day the prevailing colour was a brilliant and beautiful lilac-blue, that of the tufted vetch (Vicia cracca) whose long-spikes of pea-shaped flowers made “little heavens” for many miles. In some places they had begun to mow the grass along the cuttings, and the farmers will be glad of this vetch, which makes a much-prized sweet food for cattle.

Related: How to access the Guardian and Observer digital archive

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The downside of summer sunshine

The Guardian - Mon, 2017-07-10 06:30

The June heatwave brought dangerously high ozone levels and caused serious summer smog

The hottest June day in the UK since 1976 caused widespread summertime smog across southern England and the Midlands. Sevenoaks in Kent and Lullington Heath, East Sussex, measured the greatest ozone level for 11 years; reaching eight on the UK government’s ten-point scale for the first time. The winds then turned westerly and carried our polluted air eastwards to create problems over Germany.

Ozone can take days to form in the atmosphere. It therefore spreads across very wide areas. To reduce the worst impacts, Paris once again banned the oldest vehicles from its roads and, in a targeted approach, restrictions were placed on industries that emit volatile hydrocarbons that contribute to ozone formation. In a re-run of the 2003 heatwave, smoke from the tragic forest fires in Portugal spread over France and reached the UK during the hot weather.

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Campaigns urging us to 'care more' about food waste miss the point

The Conversation - Mon, 2017-07-10 05:54
What if you had somewhere quick and easy to put food waste, instead of being blamed for wasting it? Gary Perkin/Shutterstock

Environmental campaigns often appeal to our emotions: they ask us to care. They implore us to feel a sense of connection, empathy and stewardship, and then to alter our behaviour as a result.

In relation to food waste, this could mean anything from not pouring oil down the sink so as to protect ocean habitats, to keeping methane-emitting organic waste out of landfill.

About one-third of the world’s food goes to waste. We know that this squander is bad for social, economic and environmental reasons, yet still it happens.

But my recent research (publication pending) which looks at how food surplus is managed in homes, found that in many households, food wastage is not due to people being unthinking, unskilled or uncaring over-consumers. Instead, it is a product of our (largely reasonable) hierarchies of care: we actively prioritise the health and well-being of our family and friends.

For example, leftovers may go to waste because of health concerns about freezing and reheating certain foods, or the need to eat them within particular time frames. Many parents with young children (in line with parenting and dietary advice) want to give their kids a wide variety of fresh, nutritious food. This means not feeding them the limp veggies lurking at the bottom of the crisper, and avoiding meat that may have crept past its use-by date.

As well as feeling a strong obligation to their family’s immediate concerns, many people I survey and interview are frustrated by a lack of appropriate infrastructure to help keep food waste out of landfill. As a consequence, campaigns that focus on mobilising people to “care more” about the environment may actually be preventing – or at least limiting – the focus on more urgent problems.

Blame game

The implication that waste results from a lack of care reinforces a neoliberal approach that blames consumers. This is evident in the most well-known food waste reduction campaign, Love Food Hate Waste (LFHW), which originated in Britain and has been imported to New South Wales and Victoria.

The NSW LFHW website implores us to care for food, in turn promising that we can “waste less food, save money and our environment”. The suggested strategies include meal planning and leftover recipes. These could be useful for some people, but many consumers are already using these techniques. They know how to reuse food and consciously attempt to avoid overbuying.

In the few research studies that have looked in detail at the passage of food into and out of homes, all found that householders carefully monitor and manage fresh foods. Generally speaking, people aren’t adding organic waste to landfill through a lack of care for the environment.

Many of my participants said they want to reduce waste but find it difficult to buy small amounts of fresh food from supermarkets, where such products are often pre-packaged. Many people were also concerned about over-packaged items, such as half a cauliflower wrapped in huge lengths of cling wrap.

Food enters the waste stream not because we don’t care, but because we actively prioritise other things such as our family’s health, and because of authorities’ failure to provide infrastructure to address the problem.

A failure of infrastructure

While care for the environment is rarely front and centre in people’s decision-making about food waste (being secondary to health considerations), my research suggests that people will happily use schemes to keep food waste out of landfill, as long as they are simple, efficient, and mess-free.

Such schemes could include regular collection of the waste by local councils, including provision of receptacles that fit into kitchens and minimise mess and smell through the use of biodegradable bags (as used in a recent successful trial by Lake Macquarie Council).

Community composting initiatives, commonly centred around community gardens, also have potential, as does the use of private companies, particularly for servicing businesses. In my work with households involved in some of these initiatives, all were enthusiastic about having their food waste being repurposed into compost to nourish new life.

But most urban Australian households either can’t or won’t compost at home, and this is unlikely to change no matter how much we urge the public to care for the environment.

This illustrates why focusing solely on making people “care” is unlikely to reduce household food waste as much as we would like. Instead, we must reduce food waste in landfill by providing infrastructure that drives widespread behavioural change. Put simply, we need to expand our toolkit.

Many people already care about food waste, but they care about other things too, such as health and hygiene. By giving consumers a simple way to deal with food waste rather than throwing it into the bin, we can reduce landfill without asking people for unrealistic compromises about their food habits. To really drive behavioural change, perhaps what we need to promote is not care but the infrastructure that makes caring convenient.

The Conversation

Access to participants in the Lake Macquarie trial was facilitated by Lake Macquarie City Council. The author did not receive funding from this body.

Categories: Around The Web


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