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Better fuel for cleaner air - Discussion paper
Black hole 'swallowed star', say Queen's astronomers
Pesticides stop bees buzzing and releasing pollen, says study
Researchers find neonicotinoid insecticides harm ability of bees to vibrate flowers and shake out pollen to fertilise crops
The world’s most widely used insecticides harm the ability of bees to vibrate flowers and shake out the pollen to fertilise crops, according to preliminary results from a new study.
Some flowers, such as those of crops like tomatoes and potatoes, must be shaken to release pollen and bumblebees are particularly good at creating the buzz needed to do this. But the research shows that bumblebees exposed to realistic levels of a neonicotinoid pesticide fail to learn how to create the greatest buzz and collect less pollen as a result.
Continue reading...At sundown, the Sussex skies come alive
Waltham Brooks, West Sussex I count at least four separate birds’ voices. They seem more eerie in the cold and dark
It feels less cold, but the grass is still hard, smooth and slippery underfoot. The channels and small pools of water are almost completely frozen over, their surfaces patterned like frosted glass where the water has thawed and frozen again. A grey mist is starting to rise from the ground. In the distance, the red sun is sinking behind the South Downs and the sky glows with ember streaks of orange and red.
From the reeds along the river’s edge, water rails are calling. Familiar but always unnerving, their grunts and cries – often compared to the squeals of piglets – are known as “sharming”. I count at least four separate birds’ voices. They seem more eerie in the cold and dark. As I walk along the river bank, a moorhen and three water rail fly, one by one, across the river to the other side and into cover. The squealing sounds become a cacophony.
Continue reading...Fossil fuel divestments now add up to $5.2 trillion
Modelling from government advisor shows high RET may be cheapest option
Canadian firefighters smash ice to rescue moose from frozen lake – video
Firefighters rescue a freezing 500lb (225kg) female moose in Canada, using axes to make a path through the ice on Saturday to help it reach the shore. Rescuers spent 90 minutes on the Shediac river in New Brunswick helping the animal which, after an initial fright, calmly watched them work. The animal mounted the bank and ran off.
Continue reading...TrinaBEST agrees to provide 1st shipment of 2MW/2MWh Energy Storage System to EU
Eradicating fire ants is still possible, but we have to choose now
Australia needs to spend millions of dollars more to eradicate one of the nation’s worst invasive species, the fire ant, according to recent reports.
Fire ants, first detected in Brisbane in 2001, pose a major health and agricultural risk. A recent independent review of the eradication program recommended that A$380 million be spent over 10 years to eradicate the ants, on top of the A$330 million already spent since 2001.
Improvements in knowledge and control methods mean that eradicating the Australian invasion is challenging, but still potentially feasible. We now face a stark choice.
Lessons from previous attemptsThe fire ant eradication program began in September 2001 after the species was detected at two locations in Brisbane. By that time, it may have been present for at least five years or perhaps even longer, and large areas were already infested. Fire ants had never been eradicated from areas this large.
However, improved eradication methods mean we have increased the chances of eradicating larger invasions.
Most of the original funds were spent on pesticides and monitoring areas with likely infestations. Monitoring information was used to estimate how far the invasion had spread (“delimitation”) and management efforts were focused on the delimited area.
The early years of the program showed that large infestations, such as those at the Port of Brisbane and Yarwun, can be eradicated when the geographic range of the infestations is known.
However, when this is not the case, undetected nests beyond the known infested area can spread unchecked. In a published reconstruction of the invasion we estimated that undetected nests existed a relatively short distance beyond the delimited area.
Had those nests been detected by monitoring a larger area over the first few years of the program, the ants may already have been eradicated. However, the initial focus on intensively treating known infestations rather than expanding the monitored area reflected the best available scientific advice at the time.
It also reflected an urgent need to protect people from the potentially serious health consequences of coming into contact with fire ants in areas known to be infested.
Is eradication still possible?Although the invasion now occupies a larger area than it did when the program began, fire ant numbers have effectively been suppressed and some individual infestations have been eradicated. These facts, and the availability of a cheaper monitoring method involving remote sensing with airborne cameras, have kept alive eradication hopes.
A recent meeting of agricultural ministers agreed with the finding of the independent review that eradication remains technically feasible.
The review’s recommendation that eradication program funding be increased is a logical response to the invasion’s expansion. The expansion not only increased the area that requires management, thus increasing costs, but also showed that the areas previously searched and treated each year were too small to achieve eradication, implying there was insufficient annual funding.
Geographic expansion of the invasion cannot continue much longer without the invasion becoming too large to eradicate. The review panel’s finding that increased funding should be made available soon is therefore timely.
A lack of monitoring during the early years of the program led to the erroneous conclusion in 2004 that eradication was imminent, when in fact the invasion was expanding in area. To avoid this mistake being repeated, substantial monitoring will be required beyond known infestations and monitoring data will need to be assessed with reliable statistical methods.
In a recent report we wrote to help the eradication program, we showed that the invasion boundary can be estimated with a high degree of confidence if adequate monitoring data are available.
Pesticide treatment and monitoring will underpin eradication efforts. We need highly sensitive monitoring methods, including sniffer dogs and trained spotters, to confirm absence of fire ants in and near treated locations.
A large enough area should be monitored to ensure all fire ant colonies are found and removed. We need continued support for community members to report fire ants, particularly in urban areas. Remote sensing will be needed in less developed areas where contact between people and fire ants is less likely.
A stark choiceThe choice is to continue eradication efforts or live with fire ants forever. Living with fire ants will incur large costs for agricultural producers and households.
The most recent cost-benefit analysis of the program estimated that if these costs were added up over each of the next 70 years they would exceed A$25 billion in today’s dollars.
Over half these estimated costs arise from damage to agricultural activities, with household losses being of a similar magnitude.
Large numbers of people are likely to come into contact with fire ants if the species is left unchecked. Environmental damages could also be substantial. These losses far exceed estimated eradication costs.
The review panel’s report makes it clear that we face an urgent choice between increased eradication funding or living with fire ants. There is not much time left to make this choice.

Daniel Spring previously received funding from Biosecurity Queensland and conducted analysis for the Independent Review of the National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program.
Jonathan Keith has previously received funding from Biosecurity Queensland to model the spread of fire ants.
Tom Kompas was part of a team that received research funding from ABARES for work on RIFA.
Will New Zealand learn from Australia’s rooftop solar mistakes?
Carnegie teams with Sumitomo for grid-scale vanadium flow battery storage
Decarbonisation and politics: How to make it matter to voters
Trump, Putin, and ExxonMobil team up to destroy the planet
World's largest reindeer herd plummets
Viral virus
Zenviron wins 270MW Sapphire Wind Farm Contract
'Flushable' wet wipes: consumer watchdog launches legal action
ACCC says customers have been misled to believe products could be safely flushed down the toilet
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has launched legal action against the manufacturers of “flushable” wet wipes over allegations that they falsely claimed the products would break down in the sewerage system.
The ACCC filed separate actions against Kimberly-Clark Australia and Pental Products in the federal court on Monday on the grounds that the label “flushable” had misled customers to believe that thewipes could be safely flushed down the toilet, just like toilet paper.
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Weather observed for first time on Jupiter-like exoplanet
Fossil fuel divestment is worth $7tn globally yet Australia still clings to coal | Blair Palese
While the Australian government lags behind on climate change action, consumers, local councils and energy companies lead the way to clean energy
The Turnbull government has been an utter disappointment on so many things but nowhere as much as on the biggest issue of our time: climate change.
Unable to shrug off the legacy of the climate-denying Abbott government, it has been bullied out of any climate change ambition by science-denying fringe elements on the right.
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