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Tailored climate finance policies seen key to emissions cuts, but barriers persist

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2025-01-13 10:04
Climate-related financial policies (CRFPs) have shown significant progress in reducing carbon emissions and boosting renewable energy production, particularly in advanced economies, though barriers remain in developing nations.
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Scientists propose marriage of ocean-based energy generation, direct air capture to put a dent in climate crisis

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2025-01-13 09:47
Combining ocean-based energy generation with direct air capture (DAC) could significantly reduce global CO2 levels and mitigate climate change, a new study has found.
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Falsely labelled ‘organic’ products rife on Australian shelves, shoppers warned

The Guardian - Mon, 2025-01-13 00:00

Warning from organic farmers and retailers comes as government faces push to introduce national domestic standard

Organic farmers and retailers have warned Australians are being misled by producers who engage in a form of greenwashing by falsely labelling their products “organic”.

Australian consumers may be happy to pay higher prices for meat, cheese, cosmetics and other goods marked “organic”, but producers can use the term without meeting any particular standards or being certified.

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Is it a bomb? Is it a plane crash? No, it's space junk landing

BBC - Sun, 2025-01-12 10:29
The Kenyan villagers surprised by falling satellite debris heralding a new year full of surprises.
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In utterly unsurprising news, Maga blames diversity for the Los Angeles wildfires

The Guardian - Sun, 2025-01-12 00:00

Elon Musk, one of the brightest minds of his generation, is saying it, so it must be true

Women, eh? They’re simply not to be trusted. Eve ate that apple; Pandora opened that horrible little box; and now women are to blame for the devastating wildfires in California. I know that sounds like a ridiculous thing to say, but it’s what Elon Musk, one of the brightest minds of his generation – and one of the most powerful people on Earth – is saying, so it must be true.

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We built our world with fire. Now heat is destroying our lives | John Vaillant

The Guardian - Sat, 2025-01-11 23:43

We fell in love with the power and speed that fossil fuels brought us. But the price being paid in California, and around the world, has become too high

Zero per cent contained. In layperson’s terms, that means “out of control and burning at will”. It’s a common designation for a wildfire – in the wild. But when a fire like this enters an urban area such as Los Angeles County, the most highly populated metropolitan area in the US, it becomes an exploding bomb, and this one has been detonating since last Tuesday.

By now, the energy release from this wind-driven, drought-fuelled firestorm turned urban conflagration is into the megatons, and the nuclear-scale destruction is there for all to see: block after block and neighbourhood after neighbourhood levelled – roughly 12,000 structures destroyed or rendered uninhabitable, 55 sq miles of city and mountain burnt, nearly 200,000 residents evacuated – so far. There is more to come.

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Bring North Sea oil and gas under greater public control, report urges

The Guardian - Sat, 2025-01-11 21:36

Common Wealth thinktank warns that communities and taxpayer may have to pick up pieces when production ends

North Sea oil and gas must be brought under greater public control to avoid a cliff-edge collapse of the industry and secure a sustainable future for workers and communities, according to a report.

Under the current private ownership model the inevitable end of North Sea oil and gas production – whether through government action or the lack of viable oilfields – will lead to private companies abruptly abandoning the basin, leaving frontline communities and the state to deal with the social and economic consequences, the authors predict.

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Los Angeles is on fire and big oil are the arsonists | Tzeporah Berman

The Guardian - Sat, 2025-01-11 21:00

Every barrel of oil, every cubic meter of gas, and every ton of coal burned brings us closer to environmental catastrophe

Apocalyptic flames and smoke are raging through southern California in the worst fire in Los Angeles county’s history. At least seven people have died. Thousands of structures have been destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of people have fled their homes. The private forecaster AccuWeather estimates initial damage and economic loss at more than $50bn and has the potential to be the costliest wildfire disaster in American history. The impacts of the disruption and loss faced by community members is incalculable.

While some media outlets are discussing the link between the LA fires and climate crisis, the president-elect Donald Trump and rightwing media are using this devastating event to foster misinformation including denying the role of climate crisis.

Tzeporah Berman is a Canadian environmental activist, campaigner and writer

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US Treasury issues overdue biofuels tax credit guidance

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2025-01-11 11:37
The US Department of Treasury and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on Friday released highly anticipated guidance on the 45Z Clean Fuels Production Credit (CFPC), but industry members remained disappointed over its lack of detail.
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Replacing traditional building materials with CO2-storing alternatives could sequester over 16 bln tonnes/year -study

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2025-01-11 11:18
Replacing traditional building materials with carbon-storing alternatives could sequester more than 16 billion tonnes of CO2 annually, potentially offsetting half of global emissions, a new study reveals.
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EPA power plant rules could accelerate retirements of coal units -report

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2025-01-11 10:49
Coal plants are expected to retire at a quicker rate by 2040 than the EPA anticipates based on the impacts of the federal agency’s power plant GHG emissions rules, according to new modelling by non-profits published on Thursday.
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US DOE awards $18.6 mln to three projects aiming to decarbonising industrial practices

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2025-01-11 10:38
The US DOE announced on Friday the launch of three projects totalling $18.6 million in funding under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that will align best practices to reduce emissions in hard-to-abate industrial sectors.
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Canadian CCS project threatened by cost challenges -report

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2025-01-11 10:09
An Alberta-based carbon capture and storage (CCS) project faces rising costs and weak revenue potential, jeopardising the viability of bringing the oilsands CO2 storage hub to fruition, a think-tank published Thursday.
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California’s “ambitious” climate efforts linked to rising electricity costs in the state -report

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2025-01-11 09:35
Electricity rates in California are among the highest in the US, in part driven by the state’s climate-related initiatives coupled with wildfire-related costs and varying utility structures, according to the state’s nonpartisan agency.
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Bhutan publishes ART TREES concept note, aims for ITMOs

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2025-01-11 09:34
The Secretariat of the ART TREES standard on Friday announced it had added Bhutan’s jurisdictional REDD+ concept note to the ART Registry, wherein the Himalayan country has also committed to following protocols to issue Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) under the Paris Agreement.
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US awards millions in decarbonisation grants

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2025-01-11 09:11
The US DOE is doling out more than $130 million to dozens of projects to reduce emissions, energy demand, and advance decarbonisation technology in its core industrial base, keeping up with global markets.
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Preliminary 2024 US GHG emissions not on track to meet Paris target -report

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2025-01-11 08:52
Preliminary US data for 2024 is expected to show declines in the country’s oil, gas, and industrial sector emissions, while total emissions dipped slightly, according to a report published Thursday.
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Forestry endowment puts $6.5 mln on tap for US working forest projects

Carbon Pulse - Sat, 2025-01-11 04:42
A forestry-focused endowment issued a request for proposals Tuesday to distribute $6.5 million in funds to projects that improve the resilience of US working forests and forest-based communities.
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