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How should I vote if I care about preventing the extinction of nature?
Second NZ ETS reform package provides little clarity
Why the vitriol about my bike expenses won't stop me cycling to work – MP
Media criticism has actually kickstarted my drive to get commuters on to two wheels
Over the last few weeks, our schoolchildren have staged climate change strikes, while Extinction Rebellion locked down central London. Nearby, MPs (including myself) listened to Greta Thunberg and held debates on climate change.
So, at a time when most of the country is focused on the threats to our environment, the challenges we face in addressing them and the need for not just behavioural change but a transformation of our economy, what is more newsworthy to Fleet Street?
Continue reading...Shorten declares climate “emergency” as top priority for Labor
Federal Labor leader Bill Shorten has referred to climate change as an "emergency," in his final formal pitch to voters ahead of Saturday's federal election.
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Parts of Western Australia declared 'water deficient' as emergency supplies trucked in
Farmers in Mallee Hill and Mount Short in the state’s south have run out of water after months of drought
Two areas of Western Australia have been declared “water deficient” and will have supplies trucked in by the state government to keep farm animals alive.
Farmers around the area of Mallee Hill in the shire of Lake Grace and Mount Short in the Ravensthorpe shire have run out of water for their stock and had been driving more than 40km to cart water back to their farms.
Continue reading...Oil drilling in Australian Bight a disaster for climate, biodiversity
Drilling and associated development of oil in the Australian Bight will be decided by an approval system totally inadequate in the complex world of today.
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It’s not easy to build a solar farm in Australia any more
Bizarre new rules, strict new performance standards, a feeding frenzy and archaic rules are causing delays, cost blowouts and cancellations, and threaten Australia's solar boom.
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Queensland energy minister describes lampooned new solar rules as “visionary”
Queensland energy minister says controversial new solar rules will result in a more highly skilled workforce, and won't get in way of state's renewable energy target.
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Medieval manuscript code unlocked by Bristol academic
Coalition's climate policy has allowed heavy industry to increase emissions by nearly a third
Analysis finds regulator has approved a 32% increase in how much large industrial facilities are allowed to emit each year
Heavy industry companies in Australia have been given the green light to increase their greenhouse gas emissions by nearly a third without penalty under the Coalition’s climate change policy.
An analysis of a scheme known as the “safeguard mechanism”, part of the Coalition’s Direct Action policy, found the government regulator has approved a 32% increase in how much large industrial facilities are allowed to emit each year since the policy was introduced.
Continue reading...CP Daily: Wednesday May 15, 2019
Snakebites: Like having my hand smashed by a hammer'
Blue Planet II and other times TV changed the world
Canadian Conservative climate plan to lean more on int’l offsetting, leader suggests
Climate change threatens 26 native species in Great Dividing Range, study finds
Australian researchers say governments must step up and protect critical habitats to give wildlife a chance
More than 20 native animals would disappear from the Great Dividing Range before the end of the century if global emissions continue at business as usual rates, according to new analysis by Australian researchers.
The University of Queensland and Australian Conservation Foundation study, published this week in Global Ecology and Conservation, examines native fauna in a part of the country that is home to three-quarters of the population and much of Australia’s biodiversity.
Continue reading...Oregon intends to move ETS bill out of committee Friday
PV peakers: How solar and batteries are killing new gas projects in US
New analysis shows solar and storage projects are beating out gas projects with prices in the low $US30s/MWh, and are easily beating fossil fuels in Hawaii.
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