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The last great tree: a majestic relic of Canada's vanishing boreal forest
Spared by the loggers’ chainsaws a Douglas fir perhaps 1,000 years old stands in splendid isolation on Vancouver Island
On a cool morning in the winter of 2011, Dennis Cronin parked his truck by the side of a dirt logging road, laced up his spike-soled caulk boots, put on his red cargo vest and orange hard hat, and stepped into the trees.
He had a job to do: walk a stand of old-growth forest and flag it for clearcutting.
Continue reading...Bird extinctions 'driven' by global food trade
PCAN Policy Fellow, Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics – London
An end to endings: how to stop more Australian species going extinct
UK shows how climate action done, with cuts to emissions for six years in a row
Carbon Brief analysis shows UK CO2 emissions fell for the sixth consecutive year in 2018, the longest series of continuous reductions on record. Meanwhile, in Australia...
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Victoria announces planning rule change to smooth way for renewables boom
Victoria government changes state planning rules for grid connections for large-scale solar and wind energy development.
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Did Morrison and Taylor listen when Snowy belled the cat on coal costs?
At press briefing to announce $1.4bn of taxpayer funds into Snowy Hydro, the CEO made it clear wind and solar were far cheaper than even existing coal power. Was the government listening?
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South Africa celebrates opening of another solar plus storage plant
ENGIE announced early February the completion and commercial operation of one of South Africa’s largest renewable energy projects, the 100 MW Kathu Solar Park.
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Record renewable energy share of 56.5% for German system operator 50Hertz
German grid operator 50Hertz says 56.5% of the electricity consumed in 2018 across its grid area was supplied by renewable energy sources.
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CP Daily: Monday March 4, 2019
Why does the AFR print such utter garbage about battery storage?
The AFR is not done with battery storage. On Monday, it publishes opinion piece so ridiculous and so misinformed it beggars belief.
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NY grid operator’s CO2 charge could be delayed following call for additional analysis
Five RGGI entities fail to comply at interim compliance deadline
CPUC should consider California’s climate goal in PG&E safety proceeding -stakeholders
Weatherwatch: why short memories may be bad for the climate
Unusual weather may not seem so if we forget how things used to be
The record-breaking warmth at the end of February was remarkable, but as cases of extreme temperatures become more common do they have any effect on people’s attitudes to the climate?
A fascinating study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal looked at more than 2bn tweets in the US about unusual cold or hot weather, and revealed that people get used to such extremes fairly quickly. As time goes by and unusual weather becomes more frequent, people seem to view the new highs and lows as simply the normal state of the climate, and memories of the weather years ago fade away.
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