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'I want you to panic': 16-year-old issues climate warning at Davos – video

The Guardian - Sat, 2019-01-26 01:34

Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate activist, has told world leaders: ‘I don’t want you to be hopeful, I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day and then I want you to act.’ In an impassioned warning to act now on climate change, Thunberg told her audience at Davos: ‘Either we choose to go on as a civilisation or we don’t’

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'Our house is on fire': Greta Thunberg, 16, urges leaders to act on climate

The Guardian - Sat, 2019-01-26 00:57

Swedish school strike activist demands economists tackle runaway global warming. Read her Davos speech here

Our house is on fire. I am here to say, our house is on fire.

According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), we are less than 12 years away from not being able to undo our mistakes. In that time, unprecedented changes in all aspects of society need to have taken place, including a reduction of our CO2 emissions by at least 50%.

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Cod stocks on course to crash if ocean warming continues

The Guardian - Sat, 2019-01-26 00:40

Barents Sea is key source of UK cod imports and could see temperature rises of over 6C

Fish fingers and cod and chips are under a far greater threat from carbon emissions than previously thought, according to a recent study that has grave implications for food security.

The North Atlantic cod stock in the Barents Sea is likely to first rise and then crash, possibly to almost zero before the end of the century if climate change isn’t addressed, says the scientific paper, published by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme.

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The Week in Wildlife – in pictures

The Guardian - Sat, 2019-01-26 00:30

Tiger poachers, goldfinches and playful baby elephants feature in this week’s gallery

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CN Markets: Pilot market data for week ending Jan. 25, 2019

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2019-01-25 20:40
Closing prices, ranges and volumes for China's regional pilot carbon markets this week.
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Nasa's New Horizons: Best image yet of 'space snowman' Ultima Thule

BBC - Fri, 2019-01-25 20:40
Deep pits on the surface of the small, icy object Ultima Thule come into much sharper view.
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Neanderthals 'could kill at a distance'

BBC - Fri, 2019-01-25 20:28
Neanderthals produced weapons that could kill from 20m away, a new study claims.
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Data call shows China sticking to plans to include eight industries in ETS

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2019-01-25 20:04
China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Friday ordered emitters in eight major industries to report their 2018 carbon emissions in preparation for the national emissions trading scheme.
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Australia issues 1.86m offsets to ease concerns over Safeguard supply shortfall

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2019-01-25 19:57
Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator has issued 1.86 million new carbon credits, it said Friday, adding supply to the market ahead of next month's annual compliance deadline for Safeguard Mechanism entities.
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India sends 'lightest satellite' to space

BBC - Fri, 2019-01-25 17:54
Kalamsat-V2 weighs just 1.26kg (2.6lb) and was made by students belonging to a space education firm.
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What caused the death of a million fish in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin? – video

The Guardian - Fri, 2019-01-25 16:52

Up to a million fish, including 100-year-old Murray cod, have died in one of the biggest environmental catastrophes to hit the river. Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin river system is the life blood of much of Australia's agriculture industry and supports thousands of communities through Queensland, New South Wales, ACT and South Australia. An outbreak of blue-green algae, a severe drought and allegations of water theft are some of the factors believed to have left the river with very little oxygen. 

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Deadly rabbit virus threatens UK brown hare population

The Guardian - Fri, 2019-01-25 16:30

Cases confirmed in Dorset and Essex with public urged to report sick or dead animals

The first cases of rabbit virus have been confirmed in hares in the UK, highlighting a major new threat to the UK’s rapidly dwindling brown hare population.

Two cases of the deadly rabbit haemorrhagic disease type 2 have been confirmed in Dorset and one in Essex, so it may already be taking hold in the wild, but more testing will be needed to determine its spread.

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Bye bye blackbird?: RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch marks 40 years

The Guardian - Fri, 2019-01-25 16:00

World’s biggest wildlife citizen survey maps changing fortunes of Britain’s bird populations

The garden of 1979 was filled with glossy gangs of starlings, the atonal chirp of sparrows and the tap-tap of song thrushes breaking open snail shells.

In 2019, you’re more likely to hear the screech of a ring-necked parakeet, the “coo” of a collared dove or the “woo” of a woodpigeon.

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Google announces its first Asia PPA in Taiwan

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2019-01-25 14:53

Google expands its portfolio of renewable energy projects to a fourth continent as it signs a long-term PPA for the output of a 10MW solar array in Taiwan.

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What is Look at me? - Look at me podcast

The Guardian - Fri, 2019-01-25 14:33

Forget the kangaroo and koala. Our new podcast dives deep into the world of Australian animals, looking beyond the old favourites to the most unusual, rare and fascinating wildlife found down under. Join host Benjamin Law as he learns about their amazing lives and hears from people who have formed a special connection to these animals.

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Grid held together by solar, load management, as coal fails in heat

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2019-01-25 14:33

Extreme heat plus coal outages have made it a rough couple of days for the Australian grid operator. But there are some of good news energy market stories to come out of this heatwave, too.

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Will Morrison kick off 2019 with massive own-coal?

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2019-01-25 14:25

Scott Morrison CoalCould Scott Morrison and Angus Taylor do anything possibly more unpopular than announce funding for new expensive, unreliable and high-polluting coal fired power plants during a record-breaking heatwave?

The post Will Morrison kick off 2019 with massive own-coal? appeared first on RenewEconomy.

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Battery storage as substitute for gas peakers – better performance, lower cost

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2019-01-25 13:49

Recent advances in energy storage technology, especially batteries, coupled with dramatic cost declines is making storage increasingly attractive.

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Categories: Around The Web

Geosiris is an early contender for Sexiest Plant of 2019

The Conversation - Fri, 2019-01-25 13:47
Move over Benedict Cumberbatch, there's another oddly shaped pale figure stealing the limelight. Elizabeth Joyce, PhD candidate, James Cook University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

With UK nuclear power plans in tatters, it’s vital to double down on wind and solar

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2019-01-25 13:07

Committee on Climate Change says the UK needs to cut power emissions from about 265g of carbon dioxide per kilowatt hour in 2017 to under 100g by 2030.

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