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Extinction update

ABC Environment - Wed, 2018-12-05 21:40
With Sir David Attenborough warning that the extinction of much of the natural world is "on the horizon", do we need an All Ordinaries Index for our wildlife?
Categories: Around The Web

Lost lands? The American wilderness at risk in the Trump era

The Guardian - Wed, 2018-12-05 21:14

Exclusive: a new study reveals the scale of how public lands are being opened up to the energy industry. The Guardian heard from three communities on the frontlines

In the great expanses of the Grand Staircase-Escalante national monument, the silence hits you first. Minutes pass, smooth and unbroken as glass. The smallest sound – a breath of wind, a falling rock – can seem as loud as passing traffic.

Colter Hoyt knows this landscape well. As an outdoor guide, he walks the monument almost daily. Yet these days he is full of fear. This remote paradise of red rocks, slot canyons and towering plateaus faces an uncertain future, following a controversial presidential proclamation that removed 800,000 acres from the monument and opened land up for potential energy development.

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Beef-eating 'must fall drastically' as world population grows

The Guardian - Wed, 2018-12-05 20:29

Current food habits will lead to destruction of all forests and catastrophic climate change by 2050, report finds

People in rich nations will have to make big cuts to the amount of beef and lamb they eat if the world is to be able to feed 10 billion people, according to a new report. These cuts and a series of other measures are also needed to prevent catastrophic climate change, it says.

More than 50% more food will be needed by 2050, according to the World Resources Institute (WRI) report, but greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture will have to fall by two-thirds at the same time. The extra food will have to be produced without creating new farmland, it says, otherwise the world’s remaining forests face destruction. Meat and dairy production use 83% of farmland and produce 60% of agriculture’s emissions.

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'We're sounding the alarm': half of Canada's chinook salmon endangered

The Guardian - Wed, 2018-12-05 19:00

Prospects for species look dire as federal science body finds that only one of the country’s 16 populations is believed to be stable

Half of Canada’s chinook salmon are endangered, with nearly all other populations in precarious decline, according to a new report, confirming fears that prospects for the species remain dire.

The report by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada concluded that eight of the country’s 16 populations are considered endangered, four are threatened, one is of special concern and the health of two remain unknown.

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Students bring climate change protest to Canberra

ABC Environment - Wed, 2018-12-05 17:25
After being denied a meeting with the PM, students hold a sit-in at Parliament and demanded action on climate change.
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Royal Society publishing photography competition 2018 winners

The Guardian - Wed, 2018-12-05 17:00

The Royal Society’s annual photography competition celebrates “the power of photography to capture science in its many forms”

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Trump's disbelief won't stop dangerous climate change

The Guardian - Wed, 2018-12-05 16:00

Republican platform is not only at odds with science but potentially US voters in 2020

“I don’t believe it,” said Donald Trump when asked about the fourth national climate assessment, authored by 13 government agencies and hundreds of the US’s top climate scientists. His administration had tried to hide the report, publishing it on Black Friday when many Americans were either recovering from a Thanksgiving food coma or stampeding department store sales.

The administration’s plan backfired badly – the latest alarming climate science report became front-page news. Numerous Republican politicians were asked about it on TV news and politics shows, and their answers demonstrated that Trump’s climate science denial continues to pervade the GOP.

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In 100 years' time, maybe our food won't be grown in soil

The Conversation - Wed, 2018-12-05 14:45
The thin layer of soil on our planet's surface ultimately sustains us all, but it's a finite resource. With a growing global population, perhaps it is time to start looking for alternatives. Alex McBratney, Professor of Digital Agriculture & Soil Science; Director, Sydney Institute of Agriculture, University of Sydney Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

The “Let’s bully and force AGL to sell Liddell” legislation

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2018-12-05 14:37

Morrison government's big stick forced divestment legislation clearly an attempt to force AGL to sell Liddell and not close it. It is revenge, bullying and stand-over tactics.

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Categories: Around The Web

Aluminium-ion battery breakthrough announced by UNSW researcher

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2018-12-05 14:32

Quest for viable alternatives to lithium-ion continues, with news researchers have demonstrated rechargeable aluminium-ion batteries as possible for future renewables storage.

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Categories: Around The Web

Coalition scuppers Greens, Labor efforts to block new coal

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2018-12-05 14:31

Greens-led, Labor-backed effort to block Coalition from underwriting coal-fired generation in Australia narrowly defeated in Parliament.

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Categories: Around The Web

How the Tesla big battery became the “heartbeat” of Australia’s main grid

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2018-12-05 14:13

New report provides more insight into performance of Tesla big battery, its ability to keep the lights on in South Australia, and become the "heartbeat" of the grid.

The post How the Tesla big battery became the “heartbeat” of Australia’s main grid appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Categories: Around The Web

Introducing the latest carbon neutral certified organisation

Department of the Environment - Wed, 2018-12-05 14:12
NextDC is reducing the environmental impact of its data centres
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Why South Australia energy transition is seen as model of success around the world

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2018-12-05 13:09

South Australia's energy transition is shrouded in myths created by those who want to slow or stop the switch to renewables. It is actually a model of success. Here's why.

The post Why South Australia energy transition is seen as model of success around the world appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Categories: Around The Web

Students left hanging during Canberra trip to confront Morrison on climate change

The Guardian - Wed, 2018-12-05 10:50

Group rallies outside Parliament House after being told they needed to have a prearranged meeting organised

High school students from across Australia calling for emergency action on climate change have travelled to Canberra to confront the prime minister after he criticised them for skipping school to stage national strikes.

Students from Scott Morrison’s southern Sydney electorate of Cook – as well as Townsville, Melbourne and Brisbane – arrived at Parliament House on Wednesday morning to meet with him.

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Categories: Around The Web

Ash dieback: ash woodlands 'may flourish once again'

BBC - Wed, 2018-12-05 10:44
Scientists say there is hope that some ash trees can survive in the future, despite ash dieback.
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Rats and pigeons 'replace iconic species'

BBC - Wed, 2018-12-05 10:44
"Iconic" animals such as tigers are being replaced by "cosmopolitan" species found everywhere - researchers.
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CP Daily: Tuesday December 4, 2018

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2018-12-05 10:33
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
Categories: Around The Web

Herbert Smith Freehills’ renewables experts advise on A$140 million ‘Samurai’ project refinancing of Waterloo Wind Farm

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2018-12-05 09:30

Herbert Smith Freehills has advised MUFG Bank, Ltd., (MUFG) on the A$140 million ‘Samurai’ refinancing of the Waterloo Wind Farm.

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Categories: Around The Web

Can we make Australia a renewable energy exporting superpower?

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2018-12-05 09:25

Politicians around Australia are proposing ambitious plans to export renewable energy from Australia, using high-voltage power lines laid under the oceans. But will this work?

The post Can we make Australia a renewable energy exporting superpower? appeared first on RenewEconomy.

Categories: Around The Web


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