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GM pushes for national ZEV programme as federal rollback looms
Weatherwatch: Britain's wettest October on record
In October 1903 a relentless series of Atlantic lows brought rain almost every day and many crops rotted in the ground
We in Britain are used to variations in our weather from month to month and year to year. But few periods in history were quite so variable as the period around the turn of the twentieth century, which saw both the driest month on record (February 1891), and the wettest (October 1903), since reliable rainfall records began in 1766.
In October 1903, across most of Britain, it rained almost every day. The cause was a relentless series of Atlantic lows, sweeping rapidly across the country from the west, and dumping their contents over the land.
Continue reading...Climate change: Low cost, low energy cooling system shows promise
IMO still docked in finding ways to meet shipping’s global emission goals
Side hustle James Walker
EU Market: Carbon tumbles, potentially setting up more losses next week
Your social media activities and potential employers
Virginia’s RGGI-linked carbon regulations to spill into 2019
Latest land defender murder cements Mexico's deadly reputation
Body of Julián Carrillo found with multiple bullet wounds in Chihuahua state on 24 October
Mexico is cementing its reputation as one of the deadliest places in the world for environmental and land defenders, human rights activists have warned after the latest murder of a prominent indigenous rights campaigner.
The body of Julián Carrillo, a member of the Alianza Sierra Madre organisation, was found with multiple bullet wounds in the mountains of Chihuahua state on the evening of 24 October.
Continue reading...'We have a duty to act': hundreds ready to go to jail over climate crisis
Rowan Williams backs call for mass civil obedience ‘to bypass the government’s inaction and defend life itself’
A new group of “concerned citizens” is planning a campaign of mass civil disobedience starting next month and promises it has hundreds of people – from teenagers to pensioners – ready to get arrested in an effort to draw attention to the unfolding climate emergency.
The group, called Extinction Rebellion, is today backed by almost 100 senior academics from across the UK, including the former archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.
Continue reading...Spain to close most coal mines in €250m transition deal
Agreement with unions includes early retirement for miners, re-skilling and environmental restoration
Spain is to shut down most of its coal mines by the end of the year after government and unions struck a deal that will mean €250m (£221m) will be invested in mining regions over the next decade.
Pedro Sánchez’s new leftwing administration has moved quickly on environmental policy, abolishing a controversial “sunshine tax” on the solar industry, and announcing the launch of Spain’s long-delayed national climate plan next month.
Continue reading...Cuadrilla forced to stop fracking as quake breaches threshold
Shale gas firm halts work near Blackpool after 17th quake is first over 0.5 magnitude limit
Cuadrilla has been forced to stop fracking after its operations at a well near Blackpool triggered an earthquake that breached the official threshold.
The company said it had paused work for 18 hours after the tremor on Friday morning. It was the 17th quake in the area since fracking began 11 days ago, but the first to be powerful enough to pass a regulatory threshold that requires fracking to stop.
Continue reading...Energy minister had private meeting with fracking firms in May
Claire Perry failed to record meeting with Cuadrilla and others on transparency register
The government wants Britain to export its approach to fracking around the world, the energy minister Claire Perry has told the shale gas industry.
Details of Perry having a private meeting with fracking firms have emerged, as the 13th minor earthquake was recorded since the shale company Cuadrilla began fracking near Blackpool earlier this month.
Continue reading...SENG Vic Event 8 Nov 2018
CN Markets: Pilot market data for week ending Oct. 26, 2018
HS2 construction: Moving the remains of 40,000 people
Soy destruction in Argentina leads straight to our dinner plates
Argentina’s Gran Chaco forest is being razed for soya, ending up in Europe as animal feed, and on our plates. It’s the backbone of Argentina’s fragile economy, but has come at a price for the indigenous people who live there
The extent of the destruction is painful to see. Flying over the area around the El Corralito indigenous community in a single-propeller plane, only thin strips of green are left between vast fields of pale, newly uncovered earth, pencilled in with parallel white lines of the ashes of bulldozed trees.
Only a few years ago, this stretch of land in Argentina’s northern province of Salta was still forest – home to the Wichí people, and part of the gigantic Gran Chaco forest that spreads across northern Argentina and its neighbouring countries Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil. Second only to the Amazon in South America for its size and biodiversity, the Gran Chaco covers 250,000 sq miles of dry forest, which is being cut down faster than scientists can study it.
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