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Lions face same extinct threats as Ice Age cats - study

BBC - Fri, 2017-05-12 01:17
Two big cats including the African lion are most at risk from extinction due to loss of prey, say scientists.
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Water companies losing vast amounts through leakage, as drought fears rise

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-05-11 22:32

Customers are being asked to save water, but more than 20% of water is lost before it reaches homes and leakage levels are not declining, Guardian analysis shows

Fears of a drought are rising after an exceptionally dry spell and water companies are asking customers to save water, but the vast amount of water that leaks from company pipes every day has not fallen for at least four years, according to a Guardian analysis.

Furthermore, many companies in the parched south and east of England have been set leak reduction targets for 2020 of zero or even targets that could allow leakages to increase. Critics blame a system where it is “cheaper to drain a river dry than fix a leak” and say it is unfair to place the water saving burden on customers while 20% of all water leaks out before it even reaches homes.

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Why has Labour included bees in its manifesto?

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-05-11 21:43

Leaked draft says Labour will protect bees by banning all neonicotinoid pesticides, which have been linked to species decline

If you were wondering why bees popped up in the Labour party’s leaked manifesto this week, then here’s the answer.

Since 1900 about 20 bee species have become extinct in the UK and 35 more are now at risk.

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Labor split over Great Australian Bight oil drilling

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-05-11 20:21

Senate committee fails to make official recommendations after South Australia Labor senator, Alex Gallacher, votes with Liberals

A Labor senator has broken ranks with his party to vote with Liberals in support of oil and gas drilling in the Great Australian Bight, deadlocking a Senate committee investigating the proposal.

The Greens have accused the Labor party of being directly influenced by donations from oil giant Chevron. A long-awaited Senate report into the consequences of opening up the Great Australian Bight Marine National Park for oil or gas production was published on Thursday.

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More errors identified in contrarian climate scientists' temperature estimates | John Abraham

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-05-11 20:00

A new study suggests there are remaining biases in the oft-corrected University of Alabama at Huntsville atmospheric temperature estimates

Human emission of heat-trapping gases is causing the Earth to warm. We’ve known that for many decades. In fact, there are no reputable scientists that dispute this fact. There are, however, a few scientists who don’t think the warming will be very much or that we should worry about it. These contrarians have been shown to be wrong over and over again, like in the movie Groundhog Day. And, a new study just out shows they may have another error. But, despite being wrong, they continue to claim Earth’s warming isn’t something to be concerned about.

Perhaps the darlings of the denialist community are two researchers out of Alabama (John Christy and Roy Spencer). They rose to public attention in the mid-1990s when they reportedly showed that the atmosphere was not warming and was actually cooling. It turns out they had made some pretty significant errors and when other researchers identified those errors, the new results showed a warming.

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A cross-species performance

ABC Environment - Thu, 2017-05-11 19:15
Australian artists and scientists have been inspired by the amazing travels of migratory shorebirds.
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US Glacier national park is losing its glaciers with just 26 of 150 left

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-05-11 19:09

Warming climate makes it ‘inevitable’ that contiguous US will lose all of its glaciers within decades, according to scientists

It’s now “inevitable” that the contiguous United States will lose all of its glaciers within a matter of decades, according to scientists who have revealed the precipitous shrinkage of dozens of glaciers in Montana.

Warming temperatures have rapidly reduced the size of 39 named glaciers in Montana since 1966, according to comparisons released by the US Geological Survey (USGS) and Portland State University. Some have lost as much as 85% of their expanse over the past 50 years, with Glacier national park, site of 37 of the surveyed glaciers, set to lose all of its eponymous ice formations within the next few decades. Of the 150 glaciers that existed in the park in the late 19th century, only 26 remain.

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The economics of immigration

ABC Environment - Thu, 2017-05-11 17:30
Australia's population is not far from 24 and a half million. It's growing at a shade under 350 thousand a year, of which almost 190 thousand is immigration. At this rate, by mid century we'll be at least 40 million.
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Life as a whale: a humpback's view of the Antarctic – in pictures

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-05-11 16:00

‘Whale cams’ and digital tags attached to minkes and humpbacks allow scientists to go below the surface of the Antarctic ocean and experience a day in a life of these ocean giants. The data will help them to understand the animals’ behaviour and the impacts of climate change

‘Whale cams’ reveal humpbacks’ habitats – video

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Mine rehabilitation security bonds inadequate, NSW auditor general finds

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-05-11 15:34

Greens MP responds to damning report, warning taxpayers are left exposed to footing the bill ‘for the huge damage the mining industry is doing to the environment’

Mining companies should be forced to set aside more money for the rehabilitation of mine sites, according to a damning report by the New South Wales auditor general.

While security deposits provided by mining companies have increased from $500m in 2005 to around $2.2bn in 2016 for about 450 mine sites in NSW, the report found the money was still not likely to cover the full costs of each mine’s rehabilitation if the company went out of business or the mine suddenly stopped operating.

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British embarrassment over asking for tap water in bars fuels plastic bottle waste – survey

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-05-11 15:31

Consumers are needlessly buying bottled water in restaurants and pubs because they feel awkward asking for free tap water, says environmental charity

UK consumers who are too embarrassed to ask a pub or restaurant for a glass of tap water or a refill of their empty bottle are helping to fuel the rising tide of discarded single-use plastic drinks bottles, according to a new survey.

Only a quarter of people admitted to knowing their legal rights when it comes to asking for a glass of tap water, while a third admit to feeling awkward when asking for water for a reusable bottle even if they are buying something else, according to research commissioned by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy and Brita UK, a manufacturer of filter jugs.

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Infigen restructures management team

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-05-11 15:29
Infigen today announced several key changes to the Infigen management team to support the company’s growth strategy.
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South Australia energy security target may exclude battery storage

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-05-11 15:29
South Australia rules out "synthetic inertia" - and therefor battery storage - in its energy security target, in a move that could have huge implications for the owners and developers of current and upcoming wind and solar projects in the state.
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Stephen Mikkelsen to step down from AGL

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-05-11 15:27
Executive General Manager, Energy Markets, Stephen Mikkelsen, would be leaving his role at AGL after 11 years of service both in his current role and, formerly, as Chief Financial Officer.
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South Korea’s new president likely to curb thermal coal imports

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-05-11 14:54
South Korea is Australia's second biggest customer for thermal coal, but election of Moon Jae-In as president raises doubts about future of coal generation in that country.
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LFIA Forum ADL 2017 : Building Nutrition

The Living Future Institute of Australia (LFIA) Forum is designed to inspire, engage and dare everyone to believe every act of development must be positive and regenerative.

The theme this year is Building Nutrition: Bringing health, happiness and well-being back to the centre of the design discussion, with the topics being BIOPHILIC DESIGN & CITIES, PERMACULTURE & URBAN AGRICULTURE, PROMOTING HEALTH & WELLBEING & DELIVERING THE LIVING BUILDING CHALLENGE.

Darren Bilsborough - Studio Leader, Hames Sharley

Keri Chiveralls - Senior Lecturer/Permaculture Design and Sustainability, CQUniversity

Deborah Davidson - Director, Dsquared Consulting
Sally Modystach - Director, Healthy Environs Pty Ltd

Stephen Choi - Executive Director of Living Future Institute of Australia

All talks can be viewed here: LFIA Forum ADL 2017

Adelaide City Council | City Switch

Environmental Science Media

Living Future Institute of Australia - living-future.org.au
Adelaide Sustainable Building Network - adelaidesbn.com.au

Cast: AdelaideSBN

Categories: Around The Web

AusNet trial successfully takes part of Melbourne suburb off-grid

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-05-11 14:50
Eight homes successfully separated from main electricity grid and operated as stand-alone solar and battery storage powered mini-grid, in Melbourne trial.
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California grid operator prepares for August eclipse

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-05-11 14:48
California's high solar penetration means the stakes are high with this summer’s eclipse. Fortunately, Europe has already been down this road.
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Tesla’s ‘solar roof’ open for orders – and down payments – in Australia

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-05-11 14:42
Tesla opens orders for its much-hyped solar roof, with installations of two varieties of its PV tiles to begin installations in the US mid-year and in Australia in 2018.
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Australia could follow California and reach climate goals without EIS

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-05-11 14:36
Australia can achieve its 2030 climate target by relying on energy productivity gains and tighter controls on high emitting industries – and without legislating an EIS.
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