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Stuart Wenham: scientists pay tribute to 'Einstein of solar world'

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-01-18 16:12

UNSW scientist died in December, age 60, from malignant melanoma

Australia’s scientific community has paid tribute to Prof Stuart Wenham, a solar energy pioneer described as the “Einstein of the solar industry”, whose research increased the efficiency of solar cells a hundredfold.

Wenham passed away on 23 December, age 60, after suffering from malignant melanoma. He was the director of the centre of excellence for advanced photovoltaics and photonics at the University of New South Wales.

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Europe's microwave ovens emit nearly as much CO2 as 7m cars

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-01-18 15:42

The biggest impact comes from electricity used to power the microwaves, but study also highlights rising environmental cost of our throwaway culture

Popping frozen peas into the microwave for a couple of minutes may seem utterly harmless, but Europe’s stock of these quick-cook ovens emit as much carbon as nearly 7m cars, a new study has found.

And the problem is growing: with costs falling and kitchen appliances becoming “status” items, owners are throwing away microwaves after an average of eight years, pushing rising sales.

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Country diary: an electrifying sight beneath the pylons

The Guardian - Thu, 2018-01-18 15:30

Haldon Forest, Devon: Britain’s hawfinch population has been boosted by hundreds of unexpected but welcome visitors from the continent

Towering electricity pylons bisect the western edge of Haldon Forest, their splayed metal arms echoing the shapes of surrounding conifer trees, as if they have broken ranks from the plantation pines. It is bitterly cold but I take a seat at the foot of a pylon. I have come in search of one of Britain’s most elusive birds and the surrounding woodland, I have been assured, is the place to spot it.

Hail soon begins peppering the ground around me and causing the power cables above to fizz alarmingly. I consider retreating to my car, but a sudden sharp pit! jolts my senses like a static charge. The storm passes and I hear the sound again, tracing its source to a bird perched deep within a stand of hornbeam trees. I can just make out a heavy head fronted by a powerful nutcracker of a beak. It is enough to identify it: a hawfinch. My luck is in.

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Queensland could host Australia’s largest wind farm, in proposed renewables hub

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-01-18 14:24
Australian renewables outfit Lacour wants to build a wind farm of potentially 800MW in Queensland, and at least 200MW of solar.
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US energy regulator rejects GOP proposal to bail out coal

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-01-18 14:05
America's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has rejected energy secretary Rick Perry's request for rule change in competitive wholesale markets to favor coal and nuclear plants. Could cooler heads be prevailing?
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Full Federal Court dismisses push by SA Power Networks to increase power bills

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-01-18 13:49
The Federal Court has dismissed an appeal by SA Power Networks to charge more for electricity distribution, which would have increased bills for all South Australians.
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Hunger in the lucky country – charities step in where government fails

The Conversation - Thu, 2018-01-18 13:16
Despite Australia being considered the 'lucky country', 15% of us still experience food insecurity. Meanwhile, 40% of edible food is thrown away before it even reaches the market. Carol Richards, Senior Lecturer, Queensland University of Technology Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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Call to Australian energy innovators in search for the world’s best start-ups

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-01-18 13:04
AusNet Services has once again joined forces with seven leading international energy companies to search for start-ups to participate in the second annual round of Free Electrons.
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Electric aircraft: Coming soon to an airfield near you

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-01-18 12:57
Multi-seat, cross-country electric airplanes are still a way off, but a test-flight of the Pipistrel Alpha electro shows real progress is being made.
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Will mainstream media be duped in 2018 by climate denial spin doctors?

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-01-18 12:47
Will 2018 be the year that mainstream media is not duped by professional spin doctors and fake experts paid to downplay and deny the realities of climate change?
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Solar installs through the roof, as Australians deliver record growth

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-01-18 12:45
SunWiz data – and eye-watering charts – reveal 2017 was a "magnificent record setting year" for solar installs, with 50% more rooftop PV capacity added across the country than in 2016, and some astonishing growth in the commercial solar sector.
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Geological and Bioregional Assessment of the Isa Superbasin announced

Department of the Environment - Thu, 2018-01-18 10:17
The Australian Government has announced the Geological and Bioregional Assessment of the Isa Superbasin in Queensland.
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Replacing India’s coal plants with solar and wind could save billions, analysis finds

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-01-18 09:21
New research shows nearly two-thirds of India’s coal power generation is no longer price competitive with new solar and wind.
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Germany lifts 2030 renewable energy target to 65%

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2018-01-18 09:07
On Friday, a 28-page text covering the main policy fields cursorily was published after a previous draft had been leaked. For energy policy, the changes are encouraging, but a lot of question marks remain.
Categories: Around The Web

Sale of Gwydir water allocation provides win-win

Department of the Environment - Thu, 2018-01-18 08:39
The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder has sold 6.7 gigalitres of Commonwealth environmental water allocations for a return of $2.878 million that will be used to improve the environment of the Murray Darling Basin.
Categories: Around The Web

Sale of Gwydir water allocation provides win-win

Department of the Environment - Thu, 2018-01-18 08:39
The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder has sold 6.7 gigalitres of Commonwealth environmental water allocations for a return of $2.878 million that will be used to improve the environment of the Murray Darling Basin.
Categories: Around The Web

Mystery deepens over mass die-off of antelopes

BBC - Thu, 2018-01-18 07:59
A mass die-off of antelopes in Kazakhstan was triggered by environmental factors, scientists believe.
Categories: Around The Web

How will the National Energy Guarantee impact investment in renewables?

ABC Environment - Thu, 2018-01-18 05:51
Renewable energy investment touched a new high in Australia last year as spending on new power plants more than doubled, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
Categories: Around The Web

Australia's 'deadliest natural hazard': what's your heatwave plan?

The Conversation - Thu, 2018-01-18 04:46
Australia's scorching summers aren't just inconvenient: heatwaves are deadly. Yet new research has found many vulnerable people don't have a plan for extreme heat. Andrew Gissing, Adjunct Fellow, Macquarie University Lucinda Coates, Risk Scientist, Risk Frontiers Natural Hazards Research Centre, Macquarie University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

Chemistry 'Van Gogh' could help with cancer

BBC - Thu, 2018-01-18 04:02
Scientists capture "incredible" images of instructions contained in DNA being read
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