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Slovenly humans bring out the worst in the resident wildlife

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-09-08 14:30

Petersfield, Hampshire Bags of picnic rubbish littered the lakeside, and rats were helping themselves to bread left for the ducks

After enduring weeks of overcast skies and squally showers, hordes of visitors had evidently spent the day at the heath, making the most of the long-awaited sunshine.

A confetti of carelessly discarded sweet and ice lolly wrappers littered the path to the 22-acre Heath Pond. The bins were overflowing with bottles, cans and fast food packaging, but rather than taking their rubbish home people had resorted to dumping bags of picnic detritus beside them.

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Categories: Around The Web

Australia installs 98MW rooftop solar in August – soaring above 6GW total

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2017-09-08 14:27
Solar party continues. Latest data show 98MW of rooftop solar PV was installed on Australian homes and businesses in August.
Categories: Around The Web

Telstra, Macquarie looking to build new wind and solar farms

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2017-09-08 14:18
Telstra and Macquarie Group looking to build new solar and wind farms in Australia in further signs of strong corporate investment.
Categories: Around The Web

South Australia launches tender for hydrogen plant, buses

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2017-09-08 14:12
SA govt seeks proposals to build hydrogen production facility and refuelling station, and supply at least six hydrogen cell buses.
Categories: Around The Web

Blockchain energy trader Power Ledger raises $17m in “coin offering”

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2017-09-08 14:11
Perth blockchain-based renewables trading start-up, Power Ledger, raising tens of millions of dollars in Australia's first "initial coin offering" in energy space.
Categories: Around The Web

AEMO explains caution on S.A. wind: We’re first in the world

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2017-09-08 14:01
AEMO explains caution of grid operations in South Australia, saying it is way out front of rest of the world and in virgin territory. But there is debate on grid weakness is due to wind farms or ageing gas units with the wrong settings.
Categories: Around The Web

Fast forward on action to preserve the Reef

Department of the Environment - Fri, 2017-09-08 13:22
The Australian and Queensland Governments remain firmly committed to preserving and managing the Great Barrier Reef.
Categories: Around The Web

Turnbull’s rooftop PV and storage may be more useful to grid than Liddell

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2017-09-08 13:15
PM is chuffed about his rooftop PV and storage, and so he should be. Installations like that will be of greater value to the grid than Liddell, which is a similar age and condition to the Hazelwood generator Turnbull admitted was "very old" and no longer viable.
Categories: Around The Web

Bats 'tricked' into flying into buildings

BBC - Fri, 2017-09-08 10:25
Scientists warn of potential hazards from modern structures with large expanses of glass or mirrors.
Categories: Around The Web

ACORN-SAT Technical Advisory Forum - third report released

Department of the Environment - Fri, 2017-09-08 09:53
The Bureau of Meteorology welcomes the release of the third annual Technical Advisory Forum report.
Categories: Around The Web

WA grid could reach 85% renewables – and cheaper than ‘clean coal’

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2017-09-08 08:54
Repowering WA’s South West Integrated System grid with renewables would not increase the wholesale electricity price, new modelling shows.
Categories: Around The Web

The true cost of keeping the Liddell power plant open

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2017-09-08 08:50
It is the worst of all worlds: a market-based system but with extensive and unpredictable intervention by governments that tend to undermine investor confidence
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New research shows sharks form relationships

ABC Environment - Fri, 2017-09-08 08:50
Australian researchers have found that sharks prefer to hang out with other sharks that are similar to themselves
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Marine park protection wind back

ABC Environment - Fri, 2017-09-08 07:52
Environmentalists campaign against the proposed wind back of protection within Australia's marine reserves.
Categories: Around The Web

Hurricane Irma: Eye of the storm passes Hispaniola

BBC - Fri, 2017-09-08 07:04
The International Space Station and an advanced weather satellite capture the deadly hurricane over Earth.
Categories: Around The Web

The true cost of keeping the Liddell power plant open

The Conversation - Fri, 2017-09-08 06:15

For a long time, Australian governments have believed that the private sector should run the electricity sector. And successive governments have used market instruments to incentivise reducing emissions, by supporting renewables, discouraging coal use, or both.

Now things seem inside out: uncertainty about energy policy mechanisms is pervasive, and the federal government is attempting to broker a deal for the ageing Liddell coal plant to stay open past its planned decommissioning date. It’s possible the plan will require government payments – amounting to a carbon subsidy.

Read more: AGL rejects Turnbull call to keep operating Liddell coal-fired power station

Fear of supply shortages and an appetite for coal have combined with an inability to resolve the political side of energy and climate policy.

Power companies see coal as a technology of the past, but the government seems unready to accept that wind and solar technologies (already the cheapest option for new capacity in Australia) are the future of Australia’s power.

Read more: The day Australia was put on blackout alert

The latest suggestion amounts to deferring serious investment in renewables for a while, fixing up some of the old coal plants up so they can run a few more years, and buying time in the hope of keeping power prices down. Chief Scientist Alan Finkel has backed the idea, at least in principle.

The cost of delaying the inevitable

Commissioned in 1972, the Liddell power plant is the oldest of Australia’s large coal-fired stations (after the closure of the Hazelwood station). The New South Wales government sold it to AGL in 2014, at an effective price of zero dollars.

AGL announced some time ago that it will close the plant in 2022 and has considerable financial incentive to do so. This week AGL reiterated this. The latest suggestion is that Delta Electricity might buy and continue to operate Liddell.

What might be the benefits and costs of keeping Liddell running for, say, another decade? We do not know the plant-level technical and economic parameters, but let’s look at the principles and rough magnitudes.

Keeping the plant running longer will require refurbishments, defer the investment costs in renewables, and result in additional emissions, both in carbon dioxide and local air pollutants.

Refurbishment is costly. Finkel put refurbishment costs at A$500-600 million for a 10-year extension. Such refurbishment might achieve an increase in efficiency – as GE, a maker of power station equipment, recently argued – but perhaps not by much for a very old plant like Liddell.

Read more: Coal and the Coalition: the policy knot that still won’t untie

And refurbishment might not work so well, as the experience with the Muja plant in Western Australia shows: A$300 million was spent on refurbishment that ultimately failed. Spending big money on outdated equipment is not a particularly attractive option for energy companies, as AGL’s CEO recently pointed out.

Liddell’s power output during 2015-16 was around 8 terawatt hours – about 10% of present NSW power supply (it was more in 2016-17, and less in previous years). It might well be lower as the plant ages.

Ironically, the reduction in the Renewable Energy Target, from 41 to 33 terawatt hours per year, almost exactly matches Liddell’s present power output. With the original RET target, new renewables would have covered Liddell’s output by 2020.

Liddell emitted around 7.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year in 2015-2016. With the assumed reduction in output and some improvement in CO₂ emissions intensity, the carbon dioxide output might be in the order of 5-6 million tonnes per year, or 50-60 million tonnes over ten years.

If the government were to pay for the refurbishment, as has been suggested, this would equate to subsidising CO₂ emissions at a rate of perhaps $10 per tonne, compared to the alternative of replacing Liddell with renewable power.

Read more: FactCheck Q&A: is coal still cheaper than renewables as an energy source?

At the same time, the government is paying for projects to reduce emissions, at average prices of around $12 per tonne of carbon dioxide, under the Emissions Reduction Fund. The contradiction is self-evident. Furthermore, keeping more coal plants operational deters commercial investment in any kind of new plants.

Of course this needs to be seen in the context of supply security, any subsidies that might be paid in future to renewable energy generators, and the possibility that a Clean Energy Target will determine overall emissions from electricity production irrespective of whether Liddell operates or not. It’s complicated. But the fundamental point is clear: paying for an old coal plant to operate for longer means spending money to lock things in, and delay the needed transition to clean power.

A possible compromise might be to mothball the Liddell plant, to use if supply shortages loom, for example, on hot summer days. But such a “reserve” model could mean very high costs per unit of electricity produced.

It is not clear that it would be cheaper than a combination of energy storage and flexible demand-side responses. And it may be unreliable, especially as the plant ages further. During the NSW heatwave last summer Liddell was not able to run full tilt because of technical problems.

A market model to pay for reserve capacity would surely do better than government direction.

Australia’s energy companies have been calling for a mechanism to support new clean investment, such as the Clean Energy Target. And many would no doubt be content to simply see a broad-based, long-term carbon price, which remains the best economic option. If the policy framework was stable, private companies would go ahead with required investment in new capacity.

Read more: Finkel’s Clean Energy Target plan ‘better than nothing’: economists poll

Meanwhile, federal and state governments are intervening ad-hoc in the market – making a deal to keep an old plant open here, building and owning new equipment there. It is the worst of all worlds: a market-based system but with extensive and unpredictable intervention by governments that tend to undermine investor confidence.

The Conversation

Frank Jotzo is in charge of research funded by different bodies including the Australian government. None of the research funding constitutes a conflict of interest for this article.

Zeba Anjum does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond the academic appointment above.

Categories: Around The Web

Record drop in electricity emissions cancelled out by rises in other sectors

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-09-08 04:00

Australia’s overall greenhouse gas emissions last financial year were the highest since 2011, despite the closure of the Hazelwood coal-fired power plant

Emissions from the electricity sector in the three months to June dropped by the biggest amount on record, as the effect of the Hazelwood coal-fired power station closure is seen for the first time in quarterly projections produced exclusively for the Guardian.

But even that drop wasn’t enough to stop Australia’s overall greenhouse gas emissions from continuing to rise. Emissions from almost every other sector – industrial energy, transport, industrial heat and agriculture – all rose. They are the highest levels seen since before the carbon tax was repealed, according to projections by consultants at Ndevr Environmental.

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Categories: Around The Web

Vivienne Westwood's son challenges Ineos injunction on fracking protest

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-09-08 01:50

Joe Corré accuses multinational petrochemical company of ‘bully boy tactics’ to prevent legitimate protest against its fracking activities in the UK

An environmental campaigner is challenging the legality of a wide-ranging injunction obtained against protesters by a multinational firm that he criticised as being “draconian, anti-democratic and oppressive”.

Joe Corré accused petrochemical giant Ineos of using “disgusting bully boy tactics” against campaigners who want to protest against the firm’s fracking operations.

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Categories: Around The Web

UK coast haven for 200,000 seabirds becomes marine special protected area

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-09-07 22:58

Northumberland coastline famed for Arctic terns and Atlantic puffins granted greater protection by Natural England

A stretch of coastline which is one of the most important sites in the UK for seabirds such as Arctic terns and Atlantic puffins has been given greater protection.

The newly-designated Northumberland marine special protected area (SPA) stretches 12 miles from the coast into the North Sea, covering an area larger than 120,000 football pitches, government conservation body Natural England said.

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Categories: Around The Web

'No fire risk' with new lithium batteries

BBC - Thu, 2017-09-07 22:18
Lithium-ion batteries that are resistant to exploding or igniting have been developed by scientists in the US.
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