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Closing gender gap in physics 'will take generations'
National Trust needs to be 'radical'
NA Markets: RGGI advances on limited buying as WCI prices stagnate
Talking trash about the plastic-free life
World Bank announces new carbon pricing coalition co-chair, high-level competitiveness forum
Invitation to comment on three species listing assessments
Recycling row: China's ban stokes trade fears amid concerns councils will follow Ipswich's lead
Calls for state governments to invest in long-term recycling and sustainable waste solutions
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The body representing Australian councils is urging the federal government to take seriously China’s effective ban on accepting shipments of plastic for recycling, warning it should not ignore potential implications for trade between the two countries.
The Australian Local Government Association is calling on state governments to stop treating hundreds of millions of dollars in landfill levies collected when rubbish was dumped as general revenue, and to instead invest it in long-term recycling and other sustainable waste solutions.
Continue reading...Solar sailing
Solar sailing
EPA inspector general to investigate Scott Pruitt's security detail on trips
- Latest in a string of investigations into Pruitt’s travel spending
- Trips included Disneyland and attendance at sporting games
The Environmental Protection Agency’s inspector general will investigate agency administrator Scott Pruitt’s use of his official security detail on recent personal trips, the latest in a string of congressional, White House and internal investigations into his spending on security and travel.
The investigation comes at the request of Democratic senator Sheldon Whitehouse, he announced on Thursday, a month after he asked Inspector General Arthur Elkins to look into Pruitt’s “unprecedented use” of his taxpayer-funded security detail documented in six weeks of obtained schedules and travel logs.
Continue reading...Sustainable shopping: tap water is best, but what bottle should you drink it from?
UK weather: Why this isn't a heatwave... yet
'Sea nomads' evolved for free-diving
EUAs drop to 1-week low after breaching support
Birders everywhere are playing their part | Letters
It was encouraging to read your item on birding becoming mainstream (Shortcuts, G2, 19 April). While Chris Packham and the ’watches teams have indeed contributed to this, please do not ascribe this emerging enthusiasm to just one source. Other TV naturalists, including Iolo Williams and Mike Dilger, have done much to encourage and enlighten young people about wildlife issues. Organisations such as the British Trust for Ornithology and RSPB provide excellent opportunities for youngsters to realise that birding can be fun. Local RSPB reserves and groups, Wildlife Trusts and talented individuals are also playing a part. We need these youngsters to care for the future and should be grateful to all those, often working hard behind the scenes, who are enabling this. Many an older birder will express gratitude to one enthusiastic mentor who set them on the road to a lifetime of birdwatching. Long may this continue and not just rely on charismatic TV presenters.
Dr Jennifer M Jones
• Join the debate – email guardian.letters@theguardian.com
Continue reading...Lack of technical infrastructure hindering Ontario offset market investment, development
Nova Scotia cap-and-trade participants want auctions, more industry protection
Poison project
Poison project
UK drives into e-vehicle fast lane with 11% sales rise
Electric vehicles’ share of new UK registrations rises to 2%, still falling far short of Norway’s 48%
Sales of electric cars in the UK have risen 11% on last year, putting the country in the premier league of those ditching petrol and diesel engines, though it is still miles behind Norway and China.
An analysis of the latest global sales of electric vehicles found that nearly half the vehicles registered in Norway in the first three months of 2018 were electric (48%), compared to just over a third (35%) during the same period in 2017. The vehicles are run almost exclusively off the nation’s hydropower resource, underlining Norway’s claim as the world leader.
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