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Coalition still kidding itself about price of coal generation
California offset supply to swell through 2020 despite restrictions -analysts
SolarReserve and ACWA sign power purchase agreement for 100-megawatt solar thermal project with energy storage in South Africa
SolarReserve and ACWA sign power purchase agreement for 100-megawatt solar thermal project with energy storage in South Africa
Renewable Energy Market Report – all eyes on rooftop solar
Renewable Energy Market Report – all eyes on rooftop solar
New Costa Rica leader vows to take country towards oil-free future
New Costa Rica leader vows to take country towards oil-free future
Climate change: 1.5°C is closer than we imagine
Trash Robot cleans up Chicago River's rubbish
Russians protest over 'toxic' landfill near Moscow
'Sunburnt Country: The History and Future of Climate Change in Australia'
Using astronomy to save a species
Children aren't liabilities in disasters – they can help, if we let them
Dozen black holes found at galactic centre
Murray-Darling: when the river runs dry
Five years after the implementation of the Murray-Darling basin plan, our great river system is under stress. Follow our 3000km journey along the rivers, travelling from inland Queensland to the Murray mouth, to understand where the plan has failed those who live and work on this land
Continue reading...You don't have to be a climate science denier to join the Monash coal forum, but it helps | Graham Readfearn
The Coalition’s backbench group of coal fans have a history of attacking climate science
There seems to be three rules for membership of the Coalition’s new backbench Monash Forum that wants taxpayer subsidies for new coal fired power stations.
Firstly, you have to really love the life-giving and not-really-all-that-deadly rock from the late Permian and Carboniferous which, if they made it into a snack bar, you would totally want to eat it and then rub the bits left sticking to the wrapper all over your naked form.
Continue reading...Ghost water, poor planning and theft: how the Murray-Darling plan fell apart
More than five years and $9bn since the basin plan began, the Murray-Darling river system is in crisis. In a series of in-depth features and articles this week, Guardian Australia will explore what’s gone wrong
Kate McBride stands on the banks of the Lower Darling river as it flows past her family property, Tolarno, south of Menindee in New South Wales. She surveys the stagnating waterholes that were once a river. They are turning an alarming shade of chartreuse, thanks to blue-green algae.
The sometimes mighty river has ceased to flow again this summer – an increasingly regular occurrence in these reaches of the Murray-Darling system.
Why are unions so keen on nuclear jobs? | Letters
Thanks to Mike Clancy (Letters, 2 April) for responding to our analysis that intense UK government attachments to civil nuclear power are (to a significant – but dangerously undiscussed – extent) aimed at supporting the national industrial base underpinning nuclear submarine capabilities. He accuses us of “speculation”, yet fails to address any of the strong evidence that we cite. We show at length that UK nuclear attachments do not reflect economic performance. A host of ways to manage intermittency are routinely priced at a small fraction of the growing cost advantage of renewable energy. As a member of the UK Nuclear Industry Council (itself with a dual civil/military remit), Mr Clancy could assist much-needed factual scrutiny by addressing the points we raise. As a union leader, he might help democratic debate by explaining why his own organisation – and UK unions more generally – are so much more supportive of jobs in the nuclear than in the renewable sector.
Professor Andy Stirling and Dr Phil Johnstone
SPRU, University of Sussex
• Join the debate – email guardian.letters@theguardian.com
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