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Big cars, red meat, household gas: Consumers still have crucial role to play in cutting emissions
The post Big cars, red meat, household gas: Consumers still have crucial role to play in cutting emissions appeared first on RenewEconomy.
The same party that legislated for offshore wind farms now wants to ban them. It’s nuclear in reverse
The post The same party that legislated for offshore wind farms now wants to ban them. It’s nuclear in reverse appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Wind turbine towers and blades could be built in Australia under new supply chain plan
The post Wind turbine towers and blades could be built in Australia under new supply chain plan appeared first on RenewEconomy.
South Australia releases green iron and steel strategy, calls for industry collaboration
Peter Dutton’s nuclear energy policy will do nothing to ease Australians’ hip-pocket pain, now or in the future
Carbon registry launches biodiversity programme, gears up for listing credits
AEMO sounds alarm as unplanned gas outage collides with winter coal snap, drought
The post AEMO sounds alarm as unplanned gas outage collides with winter coal snap, drought appeared first on RenewEconomy.
The race to protect “heartbeat” of the grid as wind and solar replace coal and gas
The post The race to protect “heartbeat” of the grid as wind and solar replace coal and gas appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Ziggy Switkowski and another big nuclear back-flip
The post Ziggy Switkowski and another big nuclear back-flip appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Letters come out for and against SBTi’s Scope 3 emissions proposal
Plucking numbers from the air: Victoria’s big build for housing relies on impossible targets
IRA clean energy incentives could be ‘on the chopping block’ with Trump’s re-election -report
Alarm bells in Central Africa as Congo Basin forests face 27% reduction by 2050
Chimpanzees ‘self-medicate’ with healing plants
US Forest Service advances plan to protect old-growth forests
California March gasoline sale lags 2023 levels, diesel picks up once again
Global solar to surge to 20% of power generation on north’s longest day of year
Energy Insiders Podcast: Homes, electric cars and the grid
The post Energy Insiders Podcast: Homes, electric cars and the grid appeared first on RenewEconomy.