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Nature project incubator focused on stimulating demand, advisor says
US asset manager kickstarts biodiversity-focused global fund
BP raises fossil fuel demand forecast as energy transition slows
GRI to support corporate disclosure alignment with ESRS
Leaks won't stop with £19 a year water bill rise, say firms
Australia Market Roundup: Senate report calls on govts to consider CCS bans to protect Great Artesian Basin
There’s a ‘trash revolution’ in New York – exciting for everyone but the rats
NYC has lagged behind the UK in waste disposal. But with wheelie bins replacing bin bags, we’re finally catching up
Last year, 200 composting bins were rolled out in New York City, with a unit on every other corner you could open and close via an app. This was exciting for those of us who have hit an age when rubbish disposal is something we think about. For a while, my kids indulged me in my need to discuss composting – whether our bag would fit in the bin; how good the exercise made us feel; whether it actually did anything useful or not – before pointing out I was talking about it too much. This week, a new fleet of wheelie bins has been introduced across the city, and the excitement has been almost too much to bear.
The “trash revolution” as Eric Adams, the mayor of New York, put it while placing a black bin bag in a wheelie bin in front of reporters on Monday, sounds like a characteristic piece of hyperbole from the man, but for once he wasn’t exaggerating. Like banking technology, rubbish disposal is one of those baffling areas in which the US in general, but New York in particular, is wildly behind Britain.
Emma Brockes is a Guardian columnist
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Offshore wind farm proponent takes Bowen to court after missing out on licence
The post Offshore wind farm proponent takes Bowen to court after missing out on licence appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Verra seeks feedback on draft early coal-fired closure credit methodology
Top End to add 16 community batteries to its small, solar-heavy grid
The post Top End to add 16 community batteries to its small, solar-heavy grid appeared first on RenewEconomy.
China’s clean energy pushes coal to record-low 53 pct share of power in May
The post China’s clean energy pushes coal to record-low 53 pct share of power in May appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Fortescue pulls green hydrogen and ammonia plan from NT’s Middle Arm precinct
The post Fortescue pulls green hydrogen and ammonia plan from NT’s Middle Arm precinct appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Is HumeLink worthwhile? The $5 billion dilemma facing the energy regulator
The post Is HumeLink worthwhile? The $5 billion dilemma facing the energy regulator appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Solar Insiders Podcast: New dawn for household batteries
The post Solar Insiders Podcast: New dawn for household batteries appeared first on RenewEconomy.
‘Africa’s most resilient lion’ and his brother filmed making record-breaking swim across dangerous African river
A team led by an Australian researcher captured the pair swimming about 1.5km after two failed attempts
A record-breaking swim by two lion brothers across a predator-filled African river has been documented by a team led by a researcher from an Australian university.
The two-male lion coalition was filmed crossing the Kazinga Channel in Uganda at night using high-definition heat detection cameras on drones.
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Offshore wind’s biggest hurdle in Australia? It just might be the election cycle
The post Offshore wind’s biggest hurdle in Australia? It just might be the election cycle appeared first on RenewEconomy.