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‘Citizen scientists’ to check UK rivers for sewage and pollution

The Guardian - 6 hours 20 min ago

Big River Watch scheme asks general public to help monitor state of rivers after years of deregulation

Rivers will be checked for sewage and other pollution by the general public this month in an attempt to assess the health of British waterways.

Cuts to the UK regulators and a change in the law to allow water company self-monitoring of pollution in England mean there is little independent monitoring of the state of rivers in the UK.

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Producers slash holdings across North American carbon markets, financials build CCA and RGGI net length

Carbon Pulse - 9 hours 29 min ago
Financial entities continued to boost V25 California Carbon Allowance (CCA) holdings at the expense of V24 net length, while emitters cut holdings across North American carbon markets over the week ahead of third quarterly RGGI and Washington permit sales, according to data from the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
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US forest management firm’s 2023 CO2 removals surpassed emissions by almost 600%

Carbon Pulse - 10 hours 58 min ago
A US forest management company reported that its forests removed nearly seven times more CO2 than it emitted in 2023, although overall removals decreased in comparison to previous years.
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US fossil fuel industry reports results of methane emissions reduction efforts

Carbon Pulse - 11 hours 35 sec ago
An annual report by a network of US oil and gas companies detailed results from the group’s methane emissions reductions measures, revealing that participation was not identical across its membership.
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US green methanol tech company lures $4.5 mln investment

Carbon Pulse - 11 hours 3 min ago
A US company developing a method for converting CO2 into green methanol closed a $4.5 million seed financing round this week that will help the company accelerate its technology to pilot stage.
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Researchers urge revised carbon crediting methods to better protect high-risk forest areas

Carbon Pulse - 12 hours 28 min ago
Researchers this week raised concerns about the efficacy of current carbon crediting methods for high-forest, low-deforestation (HFLD) jurisdictions, suggesting that a shift towards more predictive models is necessary to better safeguard these critical forested areas.
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FEATURE: Carbon projects with hard currency needs face FX risk

Carbon Pulse - 18 hours 28 min ago
Fluctuations in foreign exchange (FX) markets affect emerging economies engaged in the voluntary carbon market (VCM), and can threaten proponents’ access to finance, even as sustainable development projects continue to rely on outside hard currencies.
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Germany rejects 215,000 emissions reductions units from eight projects in China

Carbon Pulse - 18 hours 57 min ago
The German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has rejected 215,000 tonnes of new emissions reduction certificates from eight upstream oil and gas projects in China due to "irregularities", it  announced on Friday.
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Corporate greenwashing unevenly hits share price of offenders, study finds

Carbon Pulse - 19 hours 16 min ago
Attempts at corporate greenwashing will eventually hurt the financial bottom line of companies in the long run, but offenders are still getting away with it in too many jurisdictions, according to research published this week.
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Stranded astronauts' capsule to head home without them

BBC - 19 hours 18 min ago
Boeing's troubled spacecraft is to return empty - while Nasa astronauts stay in space until February 2025.
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US EPA cracks down on illegal HFC usage, imports with new enforcement alert

Carbon Pulse - 19 hours 29 min ago
The US EPA on Friday issued a new enforcement alert, stepping up efforts to combat illegal imports and usage of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) – potent greenhouse gases used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
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AI could expand access to carbon markets for sustainable rice farming, says report

Carbon Pulse - 19 hours 44 min ago
Artificial intelligence (AI) holds the potential to lower barriers to accessing carbon finance for sustainable rice projects, according to a new report.
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Former Gabon environment minister beefs up board of CTrees

Carbon Pulse - 19 hours 45 min ago
Lee White, the former environment minister of Gabon in central Africa who was briefly placed under house arrest in August last year amid a miliary coup, has been appointed to the board of directors of CTrees.
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Poland aims for 56% renewables in electricity mix by 2030

Carbon Pulse - 20 hours 12 min ago
Poland will aim for a 56% share of renewable energy in its electricity mix by 2030, according to the climate ministry, who announced a new target was revealed in the draft of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) this week.
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Hottest summer on record could lead to warmest year ever measured

The Guardian - 20 hours 15 min ago

This year will more than likely end up the warmest humanity has measured, reports European climate service

Summer 2024 sweltered to Earth’s hottest on record, making it even more likely that this year will end up as the warmest humanity has measured, the European climate service Copernicus reported on Friday.

And if this sounds familiar, that’s because the records the globe shattered were set just last year as human-caused climate change, with a temporary boost from an El Niño, keeps dialing up temperatures and extreme weather, scientists said.

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RGGI auction races to another record clear with strong compliance bid

Carbon Pulse - 20 hours 35 min ago
The Q3 RGGI auction cleared at a new all-time high, with compliance buyers scooping up two-thirds of the permits offered, results posted Friday showed.
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Experts call for COP16 to address Amazon crimes destroying nature

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2024-09-06 23:59
Experts on the Amazon have urged action from politicians at the COP16 conference to combat the policies fuelling demand for products from activities like gold mining that are driving biodiversity loss.
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Investors should start with materiality when addressing Scope 3 emissions -report

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2024-09-06 23:48
Financiers should adopt a materiality-based approach when addressing the Scope 3 emissions of assets, according to a report published this week.
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Analysts propose carbon clearing house to support integration of carbon removals in UK ETS

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2024-09-06 23:08
In response to a recent consultation on integrating carbon removals in the UK ETS, analysts at a non-profit have called for the establishment of an intermediary institution, such as a 'Carbon Clearing House', to streamline the market for suppliers and buyers, and to provide greater control over the portfolio and scale of removals being developed in the country.
Categories: Around The Web

Wetland restoration project in Italy to sell biodiversity tokens, two European companies to buy

Carbon Pulse - Fri, 2024-09-06 22:39
A wetland restoration project in Italy is set to generate the first batch of tokenised biodiversity credits, with two large European companies ready to buy them, Carbon Pulse has learned.
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