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Protect the Peel: one of America’s last wildernesses under threat – in pictures

The Guardian - Fri, 2016-09-30 18:50

The fate of the Peel watershed in northern Yukon is at the centre of an extended legal battle between the territorial government and First Nations. The case is one of many conflicts over natural resource development to test Canada’s commitment to reconciliation and indigenous rights

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The Wrap: Trump v Clinton, the Adelaide storm and Wyatt Roy

ABC Environment - Fri, 2016-09-30 18:35
The Wrap is RN Drive's summary of the biggest stories of the week, plus some you may have missed.
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From Patagonia to Purbeck: your wild camping photos

The Guardian - Fri, 2016-09-30 16:38

From isolated mountain ranges to a pitch under a road bridge, our readers shared their most enjoyable wild camping experiences

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England needs almost double the number of marine zones to ensure healthy seas

The Guardian - Fri, 2016-09-30 15:01

Conservationists say 48 new protected areas are needed to fill the gaps in the ‘blue belt’ coastal network to ensure wildlife can flourish

Conservationists have called for the creation of a further 48 protected areas in English waters that would “fill in the gaps” of a national network designed to ensure healthy and productive seas.

If designated, they would add to the 50 existing marine conservation zones (MCZs) and create an “ecologically coherent network” where habitats and wildlife could flourish, according to a report from the Wildlife Trusts.

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Reaction to SA storms shows why Aussies are switching off politics

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-09-30 14:39
Politicians and others were fast to use SA storms as an opportunity to pin the situation on renewable energy, before anyone even knew what had happened.
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Summer leaves await a glorious autumnal death

The Guardian - Fri, 2016-09-30 14:30

Symonds Yat Rock, Forest of Dean This is an old world forest; organic, unwieldly, fecund, oaky – forest as nature wanted

Summer’s end, and the forest is thick. Beneath the leaves, the sun creates puddles of bright and black, through a canopy still swollen enough to block most of its light. Roads are green tunnels. Paths are dark and have a warm smell, the dense flotilla-dust of bug, web and sap lit brilliantly in the air. Soon the forest leaves will burn, through every shade of russet, to glorious autumnal death.

The Forest of Dean is an old world forest; organic, unwieldy, fecund, oaky. Forest as nature wanted, not the sterile, shadowed ranks of spruce that too often masquerade as such. In high summer a walk under the canopy seduces, in autumn one through its fresh decay beguiles. But now the more subtle charms of September’s change-month call for a higher lookout.

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Dumb politics means we may be stuck with an even dumber grid

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-09-30 14:18
It's remarkable how quickly a national conversation can fall into the gutter of bipartisanship and ignorance. But the legacy could be damaging: dumb politics could leave Australia with an even dumber grid.
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13 projects from across the globe to be honoured at UN Climate Conference in Marrakech

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-09-30 13:22
13 game-changing initiatives from around the world were announced today as winners of the United Nations ‘Momentum for Change’ climate change award.
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Stuff we can blame on renewables

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-09-30 12:56
Turnbull amongst many to point the finger at renewables for South Australia's power outage. What else can we blame renewables for? Twitter answers.
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Lyon partners with Mitsubishi for 1GW solar + battery storage plan

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-09-30 12:54
The Lyon Group announces a partnership with Mitsubishi Corporation to roll out 1GW of solar and up to 1GWh of battery storage by 2020.
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How can fossil fuel supplies be constrained?

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-09-30 12:51
Australian academics give their views on how to constrain fossil fuel supply as part of efforts to tackle climate change.
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Chart of the year: ‘Incredible’ price drops jumpstart clean energy revolution

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-09-30 12:50
New DOE report details latest advances in solar, wind, LED lights, batteries, and electric cars.
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Labor states accuse Turnbull of “ignorant rubbish” on renewable energy

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-09-30 12:46
Labor states accuse Turnbull of peddling "ignorant rubbish"about wind and solar in the wake of the South Australian blackout.
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Uhlmann’s bizarre prediction of “national blackout” if we pursue wind and solar

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2016-09-30 12:21
ABC's Chris Uhlmann doubles down on attacks on renewable energy by predicting the whole nation is at risk of a blackout if we pursue wind and solar. Doesn't the ABC have editors?
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Safeguard dolphins, government urged

BBC - Fri, 2016-09-30 12:09
Safeguards to the UK's domestic marine life should be as strong as they are around Britain’s overseas territories, conservationists say.
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Snake-handler shortage starting to bite in north Queensland

The Guardian - Fri, 2016-09-30 11:54

Female snakes, hungry after waiting for their eggs to hatch, are heading indoors in search of food such as rats

A shortage of volunteer snake-handlers is starting to bite in north Queensland, where an end-of-breeding-season influx of hungry reptiles into homes is driving an increase in the number of calls for help.

The need for sustenance by female snakes that have shed weight while waiting for their eggs to hatch has driven them indoors in search of food, including rats.

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How safe are you from hackers?

The Guardian - Fri, 2016-09-30 09:28

How much time do you spend thinking about cyber security? Probably not as much as you should. We are all vulnerable to attack, and as the internet becomes more pervasive, the threat is growing

When a 20-year-old hacker broke into US vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s Yahoo email account during the 2008 presidential campaign, it didn’t take a great deal of computer expertise.

“The hacker simply used the password reset prompt and answered the secret questions,” says Dr Nalin Gamagedara Arachchilage, a lecturer in cyber security at the Australian Centre for Cyber Security, part of the University of New South Wales, based at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra.

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Head of Yosemite resigns amid reports of 'horrific' work conditions, harassment

The Guardian - Fri, 2016-09-30 08:55

Superintendent Don Neubacher, who is accused of publicly ‘humiliating’ and intimidating workers, stepped down as California park faces misconduct scandal

The head of Yosemite national park is stepping down in the wake of reports of “horrific working conditions” and rampant sexual harassment, the latest in a controversy that has brought national shame to one of America’s most beloved landmarks.

Superintendent Don Neubacher, who is accused of publicly “humiliating” and intimidating workers, said in an email to staff that he “regrets” leaving but wanted to “do what’s best” for the popular California park that has faced a widening misconduct scandal in recent months.

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Commonwealth Bank: coal seam gas makes property 'unacceptable' as loan security

The Guardian - Fri, 2016-09-30 08:52

Exclusive: bank turns down owners’ application for $500,000 bridging loan on grounds that Queensland property has four coal seam gas wells on it

Australia’s biggest mortgage provider has declared a Queensland property with coal seam gas wells “unacceptable” as security for residential lending, raising fresh concerns that people living in the state’s gasfields may be unable to sell their homes.

But Queensland Gas Company (QGC), which owns the wells on the Chinchilla acreage, has insisted that no properties that host its infrastructure have had their values negatively affected.

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Categories: Around The Web

Risk of private investment in renewables going elsewhere if 'blame game' ensues

ABC Environment - Fri, 2016-09-30 08:36
Climate Council member Andrew Stock says political conflict over renewables risks their future in Australia.
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