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Beware the great green deception: 'perceptionware' is being used to hoodwink us | George Monbiot

The Guardian - Thu, 2024-09-12 17:00

Grand schemes, many backed by government, masquerade as taking action on the environment. They should be disowned

Let’s talk about perceptionware. Perceptionware is technology whose main purpose is to create an impression of action. Whether it will ever work at scale is less important, in some cases entirely beside the point. If it reassures the public and persuades government not to regulate damaging industries, that’s mission accomplished.

Managing perceptions is an expensive business. Real money, especially public money, is spent on fake solutions. Take carbon capture and storage: catching and burying carbon dioxide emissions from power stations, oil and gas fields, and steel and cement plants. For 20 years, it has spectacularly failed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, its only clear successes involve enhanced oil recovery: carbon dioxide is used to drive oil out of geological formations that are otherwise difficult to exploit. With astonishing chutzpah, some oil companies have claimed the small amount of carbon that remains trapped in the rocks as a climate benefit. Though it is greatly outweighed by the extra oil extracted, they have, as a result, received billions in government subsidies.

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FEATURE: Offshore wind is gaining traction in APAC, but regulatory gaps, supply chain bottlenecks could stifle deployment

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2024-09-12 15:04
The offshore wind industry in the Asia Pacific is displaying significant growth in a patchwork fashion, but missing regulatory frameworks and significant supply chain bottlenecks down the track will require careful planning, according to experts. 
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Fossil fuel companies face rising lawsuits to compensate for climate damage, misleading adverts -report

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2024-09-12 14:00
The number of cases filed each year against fossil fuel companies including BP, Shell, and Chevron has nearly tripled since the Paris Agreement, with cases linked to climate damages, misleading advertising, and emissions reduction growing significantly over the period, according to a new report.
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Consumerism and the climate crisis threaten equitable future for humanity, report says

The Guardian - Thu, 2024-09-12 14:00

The Earth Commission says hope lies in sustainable lifestyles, a radical transformation of global politics and fair distribution of resources

All of humanity could share a prosperous, equitable future but the space for development is rapidly shrinking under pressure from a wealthy minority of ultra-consumers, a groundbreaking study has shown.

Growing environmental degradation and climate instability have pushed the Earth beyond a series of safe planetary boundaries, say the authors from the Earth Commission, but it still remains possible to carve out a “safe and just space” that would enable everyone to thrive.

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ARB tempers offset issuance, continues to lag behind 2023 totals

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2024-09-12 11:16
California regulator ARB reduced its compliance-eligible offset issuances over the latest two-week period, reversing course from the trend of growing distributions seen in past periods.
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National parkland in public hands 'would help nature'

BBC - Thu, 2024-09-12 10:05
Campaigners call for national parks to be given new powers to buy private land and protect habitats.
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Don’t eat up the claim, peddled by the Coalition and conservative media, that greenies are ‘coming for your steak’ | Temperature Check

The Guardian - Thu, 2024-09-12 10:00

Climate Change Authority’s report didn’t even contain a recommendations section, let alone a command to eat less red meat

The notion that “greenies” are coming for the Aussie barbecue and want to rip that eye-fillet from your cold dead hands is a recurring culture war flash point for many conservatives.

Last week came a flood of media stories and furious commentary that claimed the government’s Climate Change Authority (CCA) had recommended people eat less red meat to bring down greenhouse gas emissions.

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Major airline finalises deal to purchase carbon removals

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2024-09-12 09:01
A major airline has finalised a deal to purchase CO2 removal (CDR) credits as the hard-to-abate sector ramps up efforts to meet net zero emission targets.
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Yucatan releases guidelines for nature-based carbon project developers

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2024-09-12 08:55
Mexico's Yucatan released guidelines Wednesday detailing best practices for developing voluntary carbon market (VCM) projects within the state, placing a heavy emphasis on ensuring that local communities and ejidos are the primary beneficiaries of nature-based projects.
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DAC developer signs $3 mln engineering agreement for Louisiana project

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2024-09-12 08:38
A direct air capture (DAC) developer on Wednesday announced a $3 million phased commercial agreement with global partners to launch engineering studies and potentially supply CO2 removal (CDR) credits from a Louisiana project.
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Alberta invests C$2.8 mln to design waste-to-energy with CCS prototype

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2024-09-12 08:34
Alberta is investing C$2.8 million ($2.1 mln) to help design a municipal waste-to-energy facility with a carbon capture addition, the provincial government announced Tuesday.
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Iowa politicians ramp up opposition to CO2 pipeline

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2024-09-12 07:00
County supervisors in Iowa on Tuesday condemned the use of eminent domain for a proposed CO2 pipeline, while state Republicans announced plans to challenge the project's approval.
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Second lowest clearance ever at Washington’s Q3 allowance sale

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2024-09-12 06:27
Washington's Q3 current vintage auction settled nearly $3 below front-month futures prices in the secondary market the day prior to the sale, with buyers recoiling from the uncertainty surrounding the future of the state’s carbon market.
Categories: Around The Web

Germany unveils long-awaited tender plans for new gas power plants

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2024-09-12 05:30
The construction of 5 GW and modernisation of 2 GW of “hydrogen-ready" gas power plants could start being put out to tender in Q1 2025, the German government announced with a consultation launched on Wednesday.
Categories: Around The Web

ANALYSIS: Talk isn’t cheap at the US presidential debate, as perceived risks shape compliance carbon markets

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2024-09-12 05:02
The first high-stakes US presidential debate between a swapped Democratic nominee and a Republican contender barely addressed environmental policy, yet some traders are factoring in potential volatility in compliance carbon markets before and after the November elections, adjusting positions based on perceived risks or opportunities.
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