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'Roundest known space object' identified

BBC - Thu, 2016-11-17 23:50
Astronomers claim to have discovered the roundest object ever measured in nature.
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SpaceX aims to launch internet from space

BBC - Thu, 2016-11-17 23:50
Private rocket firm SpaceX applies for US government approval for a large network of internet satellites.
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Ugly fruits and vegetables: why you have to learn to love them

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-11-17 23:00

A cohort of US delivery services want to change the way we view, cook and eat ‘imperfect’ produce that grocery stores regularly banish

King-sized kiwis, curvy squash and smaller-than-usual apples and limes. That was the “ugly” produce count in boxes of fruits and vegetables Deborah Levine recently received at her home in the San Francisco Bay Area. While most of the produce she gets in her biweekly deliveries is “very normal”, she recalls one particular veggie. It was like a siamese carrot, but with part of it broken off, it looked like it “didn’t have its leg”.

Related: Half of all US food produce is thrown away, new research suggests

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'We have been almost buried': the Sudanese villages being swallowed by sand

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-11-17 22:32

Climate change and deforestation mean people who once lived among trees now go to bed not knowing if their homes will be lost to the desert by morning. Villagers are learning how to adapt and stop the sand

Standing next to a thin belt of rattling trees that represents the only line of green in vast stretches of orange desert, 70-year-old Hamud El-Nour Hamdallah recalls a time when this area in Sudan’s River Nile state was dense forest. If you had not found Goz El Halg village by nightfall, you would have to wait until morning to find your way out.

But decades of drought and deforestation have allowed sand to roll through the desert and swallow homes and farmland. Hamdallah and his community now go to bed not knowing if they will make it out of their homes the next day.

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Danes identify Aalborg bishop's 300-year-old poo

BBC - Thu, 2016-11-17 22:23
A lump of faeces stored in the back of a Danish museum is traced back to a 17th-Century bishop.
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UK poised to ratify Paris climate deal

BBC - Thu, 2016-11-17 22:03
The UK is poised to ratify the world's first comprehensive agreement on tackling climate change.
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Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns | John Abraham

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-11-17 21:00

Trump’s plans to roll back environmental protections seem worse than many feared

Come on, you can admit it. I admit it. I admit that after Trump’s election victory, I secretly hoped and even though that his rhetoric was worse than its bite. He only said those crazy things during the campaign to get elected. He wouldn’t really follow through on his plans to completely gut the US commitment to keeping the Earth habitable. Oh how naive we were. Trump’s planned staff to fill positions in his administration show things are worse than we could have ever feared.

According to recent reports, Trump has picked long time climate denier and spokesperson for the fossil fuel industry (Myron Ebell) to head the Environmental Protection Agency transition. This basically means the EPA will either cease to function or cease to exist. It also appears that the US will pull out of any agreements to limit greenhouse emissions.

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Europe to launch four sat-nav spacecraft

BBC - Thu, 2016-11-17 20:52
With an initial service soon to go live, Europe is extending its Galileo satellite-navigation system by putting up another four spacecraft.
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Prince William warns poachers are outrunning efforts to stop wildlife trade

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-11-17 20:44

Animals are still being killed in horrifying numbers despite global efforts to stop the poaching crisis, says prince at Hanoi summit

Poachers killing Africa’s rhinos and elephants are still one step ahead of efforts to stop the multibillion wildlife trade, Prince William has warned.

Traffickers have become more sophisticated and increasingly brutal, and animals are dying in “horrifying numbers”, the Duke of Cambridge told an international wildlife summit in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday.

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Research Filter: pigs, planets and Torobo-kun

ABC Environment - Thu, 2016-11-17 17:50
Can a pig be a pessimist or an optimist? RN Drive puts the latest science news under the microscope.
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UN talks in Marrakech aim to develop a 'rulebook' for action on climate change

ABC Environment - Thu, 2016-11-17 17:35
Politicians and environmental activists have converged on Marrakech to participate in the 22nd round of climate talks.
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Five cycling tests for Sadiq Khan | Andrew Gilligan

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-11-17 17:00

Will the new mayor uphold his election pledges and prove he is serious about improving cycling in the capital?

Over the next few years, the future of cycling in Britain may depend on what happens in London, the place that has done more than any other to build segregated bike lanes.

Only six months after they opened, the new tracks have succeeded beyond our wildest dreams – the Embankment one carries an astonishing 3,000 people an hour in the peaks, according to Transport for London’s Alan Bristow.

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British farmland bird bounces back from brink of extinction

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-11-17 16:01

Conservation programme sees numbers of the endangered cirl bunting reach 1,078 pairs - up from just 118 in 1989

One of Britain’s most threatened farmland birds has reached a major milestone in its recovery from the brink of extinction, figures show.

A nationwide survey by the RSPB shows the UK population of the cirl bunting - a small, finch-like bird - has reached 1,078 pairs after numbering just 118 in 1989.

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Black grouse wander on the fell

The Guardian - Thu, 2016-11-17 15:30

Chapel Fell, Weardale The male’s black and white plumage is striking, but at close range a greyhen is captivatingly beautiful

Every autumn, for the past four years, I’ve seen black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) here. Always single birds, most likely wanderers from the lek at Langdon Beck in Teesdale, just a few miles south.

This morning there were six four males and two females, in a sheltered hollow in rough pasture, halfway down the fellside. In the distance they could have been mistaken for large free-range chickens, but just a glance through binoculars revealed the distinctive profile and plumage of the male black grouse, striking even in autumn.

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Floods play a vital role in ecosystems – it's time to get out of their way

The Conversation - Thu, 2016-11-17 14:14

Floods are often seen as a force of destruction. From photographs of crops under water and houses being swamped by swollen rivers, to stories of road, business and public amenity closures, the news during flooding understandably emphasises human loss.

But as river ecologists, we find it hard not to see the positive side of flooding. Why? Because although floods cause destruction, they are also creators, of which we are all beneficiaries.

Floods as destroyers

Rivers have played pivotal roles in most civilisations throughout human history due to the universal need for drinking water and other resources like food. Rivers feature in the mythology, religion, philosophy and culture of so many societies and also play political roles, acting as borders between tribes, states and nations.

Virtually all of the world’s major cities were founded on soils made fertile by flooding. In fact, floods – and the fertility that they bring - have been one of the most important reasons why human societies exist where they do today.

But despite their benefits to humans, rivers also bring death and destruction. In terms of lives lost, the top two worst natural disasters on record are floods.

The worst was in 1931, when at least 4 million people died and almost 30 million people were affected by floods in China.

In the United States, the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 affected about 630,000 people and covered an area of almost 70,000 square kilometres. That flood’s destructive power was exacerbated by the failure of levees, as has commonly happened elsewhere.

By contrast, death tolls from Australian floods have been comparatively light. Purportedly the most lethal flood in Australia’s history was the 1852 Gundagai flood, which claimed almost 90 lives. Many drowned because the town was previously built on the lowland flood plain of the Murrumbidgee River.

Deaths and destruction occur to the extent they do because of our desire to live in the very areas that are most prone to flooding. But with living on flood plains comes risk, and sooner or later, a big flood will come.

Floods as creators

Generally, rivers flood every one to two years. It is just what they do. The reason is because of the interaction of geology, geomorphology and climate.

When rivers flood, water moves out onto the flood plain. But so does sediment and a lot of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus - the energy and materials that fuel river ecosystems and productive farm land. There is in fact mutual exchange of these rich materials between rivers and flood plains, which is why river flats are valued so much by farmers, and often why these areas became permanent settlements.

Some fish and other animals move backwards and forwards between the main channel and flood plain too, but all benefit from the rich materials transported by flooding.

Nature over nurture

In our ambition, we think that we can live on and exploit flood plains through controlling flooding. But this has been shown time and time again to be deluded.

Since the industrial revolution, vastly ambitious and expensive engineering projects around the world have sought to separate rivers from their flood plains, to reclaim land on which to build houses or to farm, and to prevent flooding. In most cases, levees have been built to effectively raise the level of river banks.

Levees have been constructed to separate rivers from their flood plains. Bidgee/Wikimedia, CC BY-SA

While these reduce the incidence of minor floods in some areas, they mostly fail to stop the major ones, and generally make flooding much worse in areas downstream.

Flood damage in the European Union from 2000-12, for example, cost an average US$6.8 billion a year, despite the extensive networks of levees designed to prevent flooding. Similar networks of dams and levees are ineffective at preventing large-scale flooding in Australia. Climate change is set to make the costs even higher.

Going with the flow

If we’ve learned anything from floods, it is that trying to prevent flooding, especially the big ones, is enormously expensive, rarely works and causes ecological and socio-economic damage. There are, however, ways in which people can live and enjoy the benefits of rivers without causing damage.

For example, the Yolo Bypass in Sacramento, California is a clever way of harnessing the floodplain’s capacity to buffer the effects of flooding, rather than trying to prevent flooding in the first place. The bypass, built in the 1930s, transports a large percentage of high flows away from the city, and into a reconnected flood plain. The flood plain is, during non-flood periods, used for agriculture and other activities.

The Yolo Bypass is California is one way of harnessing floodwater for good. Mwehman/Wikimedia, CC BY-SA

Researchers argue that there are many human uses consistent with periodic flooding, such as the growing of pasture and timber, but building infrastructure on flood plains is not one of them.

Solutions such as these are far less costly than trying to prevent flooding and mopping up after inevitable failure. But of course, this requires a transformation in thinking when planning the design of towns and in developing flexible agricultural practices.

Floods are reminders that nature can be both creator and destroyer. Herodotus referred to Egypt as “the gift of the Nile”. It would be wise of us to view our own flood plains in the same way: that they are the gift of our rivers.

We should learn to accept that there will be times when the landscape on which we live, farm or play is reclaimed by the river that created it. On the flipside, we can rejoice when the river spends its time confined to its banks, and make hay while the sun shines.

The Conversation

The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond the academic appointment above.

Categories: Around The Web

RSPB hails 'remarkable' recovery of threatened cirl bunting

BBC - Thu, 2016-11-17 13:17
One of the UK's most endangered songbirds is no longer on the brink of extinction, the RSPB says.
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2016 Telstra Business Women’s Entrepreneur of the Year

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 13:11
Jenny Paradiso was last night named the 2016 Australian Telstra Business Women’s Entrepreneur of the Year award.
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Impact Investment Group adds nu-tility to renewables investment portfolio

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 12:56
Impact Investment Group has backed Australian start-up nu-tility, becoming a major shareholder in Australia’s first fully integrated energy solutions provider.
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Climate advocates get a huge donation Trump bump

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 12:47
NGOs gearing up to battle Trump on a host of issues, including climate change, may have more public support than ever.
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JinkoSolar grows Q3 revenue 39% YoY, ups 2016 guidance

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2016-11-17 12:45
JinkoSolar has posted a set of strong Q3 financials that serve to highlight the current challenges facing the solar industry.
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