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Newquay is go!

BBC - Mon, 2017-07-17 22:06
World Land Speed record holder Andy Green looks forward to the first, low-speed runs of the Bloodhound supersonic car.
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Scientists marvel at creatures' 'precise' body clock

BBC - Mon, 2017-07-17 21:51
Scientists studied zooplankton found in a Scottish loch to better understand their behaviour.
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Coral, coal and climate change

ABC Environment - Mon, 2017-07-17 20:05
Anna Krien on the dysfunctional politics of climate change policy, the contested economics of coal mining, and the 'energy wars'.
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Surrendering to fear brought us climate change denial and President Trump | John Abraham

The Guardian - Mon, 2017-07-17 20:00

I propose that people take indefensible positions like climate denial and Trump support simply out of fear

This story picks up where an earlier post left off a few weeks ago. Then, I discussed some of the political realities associated with inaction on climate change. In that post, I said I would revisit the question of why so many people deny the evidence of a changing climate. Now is the time for that discussion.

What continually befuddles people who work on climate change is the vehement and indefensible denial of evidence by a small segment of the population. I give many public talks on climate change, including radio and television interviews and public lectures. Nearly every event has a few people who, no matter what the evidence, stay in a state of denial. By listening to denialist arguments, I find they fall into a few broad categories. Some of them are just plain false. Examples in this category are ones like:

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Museums in the age of climate change

ABC Environment - Mon, 2017-07-17 19:15
In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Miranda Massie left her job as a lawyer to create a museum of climate change.
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In the Grand Canyon, uranium mining threatens a tribe's survival

The Guardian - Mon, 2017-07-17 16:00

The Havasupai are attempting to fight back against the operation of a uranium mine that they say could contaminate their sole water source

Ed Tilousi knelt down next to the crystal-clear turquoise creek. The only sounds were the gurgling of the current and the sawing of cicadas in a pecan nut tree as the hot sun made the red rock canyon walls towering above him glow.

Downstream, the creek becomes a 100ft-high waterfall, tumbling into a brilliant blue pool then making more cascades before it empties into the Colorado river running through the Grand Canyon.

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LO3 unveils ‘game-changing’ solar sharing microgrid in South Australia

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-17 15:05
US-based energy sharing company LO3 partners with Yates Electrical to build 6MW solar microgrid in SA Riverland region.
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Turnbull’s coal delusions as COAG “changes course” on energy

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-17 14:57
If COAG did change the course of energy in Australia, it is not immediately obvious, given Turnbull's coal delusion comments. Much will depend on how Finkel recommendations are put in place, and the storage equation and the make-up of the energy security board are critical.
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Pristine paradise to rubbish dump: the same Pacific island, 23 years apart

The Conversation - Mon, 2017-07-17 14:34
The same beach on Henderson Island, in 1992 and 2015.

A few weeks ago, the world woke to the story of Henderson Island, the “South Pacific island of rubbish”. Our research revealed it as a place littered with plastic garbage, washed there by ocean currents.

This was a story we had been waiting to tell for more than a year, keeping our discoveries under wraps while we worked our way through mountains of data and photographs.

Our May 2017 video story detailing the rubbish on Henderson Island.

Everyone wanted to know how the plastic got there, and fortunately that is a question that our understanding of ocean currents can help us answer. But the question we couldn’t answer was: when did it all start to go so wrong?

This is the million-dollar question for so many wild species and spaces – all too often we only notice a problem once it’s too big to deny, or perhaps even solve. So when did Henderson’s sad story start? The answer is: surprisingly recently.

An eloquent photo

During our research we had reached out to those who had previously worked on Henderson Island or in nearby areas, to gain a better understanding of what forces contributed to the enormous piles of rubbish that have floated to Henderson’s sandy beaches.

Then, after our research was published and the world was busy reading about 37 million plastic items washed up on a remote south Pacific island, we received an email from Professor Marshall Weisler from the University of Queensland, who had seen the news and got in touch.

In 1992, he had done archaeological surveys on Henderson Island. The photos he shared from that expedition provided a rare glimpse into the beginning of this chapter of Henderson Island’s story, before it became known as “garbage island”.

Henderson Island in happier times. Marshall Weisler, Author provided The same stretch of beach in 2015. Jennifer Lavers, Author provided

There are only 23 years between these two photos, and the transformation is terrifying – from pristine South Pacific gem to the final resting place for enormous quantities of the world’s waste.

Remember, this is not waste that was dumped directly by human hands. It was washed here on ocean currents, meaning that this is not just about one beach – it shows how much the pollution problem has grown in the entire ocean system in little more than two decades.

To us, Henderson Island was a brutal wake-up call, and there are undoubtedly other garbage islands out there, inundated and overwhelmed by the waste generated in the name of progress. Although the amount of trash on Henderson is staggering – an average of 3,570 new pieces arrive each day on one beach alone – it represents a minute fraction of the rubbish produced around the globe.

Cleanup confounded

In the wake of the story, the other big question we received (and one we should have seen coming) was: can I help you clean up Henderson Island? The answer is no, for a very long list of reasons – some obvious, some not.

To quote a brilliant colleague, what matters is this: if all we ever do is clean up, that is all we will ever do. With thousands of new plastic items washing up on Henderson Island every day, the answer is clear.

The solution doesn’t require travel to a remote island, only the courage to look within. We need to change our behaviour, to turn off the tap and stem the tide of trash in the ocean. Our oceans, our islands, and our planet demand, and deserve it.

However difficult those changes may be, what choice do we have?

Prevention, not cure

While grappling with the scale of the plastics issue can at times be overwhelming, there are simple things you can do to make a difference. The solutions aren’t always perfect, but each success will keep you, your family, and your community motivated to reduce plastic use.

First, ask yourself this: when did it become acceptable for something created from non-renewable petrochemicals, extracted from the depths of the Earth and shipped around the globe, to be referred to as “single use” or “disposable”? Your relationship with plastic begins with the language you use.

But don’t stop there: here are a couple of facts illustrating how you can challenge yourself and make a difference.

Challenge: switch to bamboo toothbrushes, which cost just a few dollars each and are available from a range of online retailers or wholefood shops.

Challenge: switch to products that use crushed apricot kernels, coconut shell, coffee grounds, or sea salts as natural exfoliants.

These are only small changes, and you can undoubtedly think of many more. But we need to start turning the tide if we are to stop more pristine places being deluged with our garbage.

The Conversation

Jennifer Lavers receives funding from Detached Foundation and RACAT Foundation.

Alexander Bond receives funding from The David & Lucile Packard Foundation, and the Darwin Initiative.

Categories: Around The Web

Helpless blob of jelly is a formidable predator

The Guardian - Mon, 2017-07-17 14:30

Sandsend, North Yorkshire It’s not a jellyfish but a ctenophore, one of a group thought to be more than 500m years old

Close to dead calm on the Yorkshire hem of the North Sea today. The waves are barely 10cm high and the water is so clear that, standing knee-deep between each half-hearted surge, I can see sand grains shifting on the bottom.

Related: Signal crayfish – invader, cannibal, survivor

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Will wildcat lynx be reintroduced to the UK?

BBC - Mon, 2017-07-17 14:03
The wildcat could be reintroduced into the UK for the first time in 1,300 years.
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Know your NEM: Generator Reliability Option might be dumb idea

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-17 13:34
The COAG endorsement of the Finkel Review (apart from the CET) won't mean much in the short term, but the generator reliability option might be a dumb idea. Meantime, smart companies are showing how to save costs with solar and storage.
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Porsche installs $900,000 Solar pylon & 1st high-power EV supercharger

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-17 12:23
Porsche's new corporate banner in its Berlin HQ is made up of 8,000 solar cells that will generate enough to meet energy needs of entire building.
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VW’s I.D. to be cheaper than Model 3, plans super-fast charging network

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-17 12:21
While VW pays off fines from diesel cheating scheme, it is also aiming to become the world’s leading electric car producer.
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National Electricity Market has served its purpose – it’s time to move on

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-17 12:19
The NEM has failed. Its very narrow economic objective was to provide low prices, reliable and safe energy, and to act in the long term interests of consumers. It hasn't.
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Nashville factory to become the first solar powered facility for Husqvarna Group

RenewEconomy - Mon, 2017-07-17 11:40
Husqvarna Group is building its first solar power generating facility at its current injection molding site in Nashville, Arkansas, USA. The new facility is expected to reduce the CO2 footprint by approximately 1,000 tons in the first year of operation and approximately 25,000 tons over the expected 25 year life of the facility.
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Toasting an urban wine project and worms a wriggling success

ABC Environment - Mon, 2017-07-17 11:30
This week we toast an urban wine project; Carol Cosentino opens her home and heart to injured wildlife; we go behind the scenes at a commercial worm farm; and try our luck in a stockman's challenge.
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May 2017 Australian Petroleum Statistics now available

Department of the Environment - Mon, 2017-07-17 08:59
The Australian Petroleum Statistics provide statistics on petroleum production, refinery inputs and outputs, sales and stocks of petroleum products, and prices.
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Hope for endangered Honeyeater

ABC Environment - Mon, 2017-07-17 06:35
A critically endangered Regent Honeyeater has given researchers hope that the species can be saved.
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Back from the near-dead – the charismatic butcher bird

The Guardian - Mon, 2017-07-17 06:30

A rare sighting of a red-backed shrike, notorious for its habit of impaling its victims in a grisly larder

The first sign of autumn appeared the moment we arrived. A spotted redshank, resplendent in its dusky breeding plumage, stopping off on my Somerset coastal patch as it headed south from its Arctic nesting grounds.

But the start of July is far too early for any songbird migrants. So along with my companion Daniel, whom I met on our very first day at grammar school, almost half a century ago, I simply enjoyed the fine weather, and its associated marbled white and meadow brown butterflies.

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