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Country diary: a kind of heaven in avian form
Shapwick, Somerset: Hundreds of thousands of starlings reduced by distance and number to something like smoke
In any other place a great white egret passing overhead would have commanded all our attention. The national breeding total for this species was just seven pairs in 2017. Here, however, at dusk it was an incidental detail, a stately white shape rowing quietly through the binoculars’ orbit, as we focused on something far more captivating.
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Origins of land plants pushed back in time
Tesla ‘virtual power plant’ second best to real people power
Regulator cites Loy Yang B coal unit failure for price surge in January
Redflow simplifies Large Scale Battery design
Proposed solar farms could meet the RET single-handed
Tesla battery + solar now “significantly cheaper” than grid power
World’s first floating wind farm performing better than expected
Climate change no threat to cheap wind power – except in Sunshine State
Faster reproduction could hold key to saving critically endangered frog
Researchers believe introducing frogs to lower elevation areas would help them reach sexual maturity earlier
Researchers are hoping to increase the population of one of Australia’s most endangered frogs by helping them reach sexual maturity earlier.
The number of wild northern corroboree frogs, which are only found in cold, mountainous areas of the ACT and New South Wales, has been in sharp decline, mostly due to chytrid fungus. The fungus causes an infectious disease that is killing frogs around the world. There are only 20 of the small black and yellow striped frogs left living in the wild in the ACT and fewer than 1,000 in NSW.
Why Lakeland solar battery could be world leader in battery storage
Ocean plastic tide 'violates the law'
'Much work needed' to make digital economy environmentally sustainable
MPs cast doubt on whether energy efficiency gains can keep offsetting rising power demand
A cross-party group of MPs has raised doubts over whether the growing energy demand from digital technology and the proliferation of internet-connected gadgets can continue to be offset by energy efficiency improvements.
More efficient smartphones, networking gear and data centres have so far largely staved off increased power demand from the internet and computing – which now accounts for about 6% of global electricity use.
Continue reading...A less timid version of Justin Trudeau won’t cut it. The NDP must be bolder | Martin Lukacs
To challenge the Liberals, Jagmeet Singh will have to overthrow Canada’s neoliberal consensus
At the New Democratic Party’s convention this weekend in Ottawa, their new leader Jagmeet Singh declared “the time to be timid was over.” For a party whose shambling meekness in the last election let Justin Trudeau claim the mantle of progressive champion, such a shift could not come sooner.
That an opportunity exists to capitalize on enormous hunger for change is apparent. Trudeau harnessed it for his route to power, only to betray it in office. The environmental Adonis transformed into an oil barons’ salesman. An electoral reform promise was broken with a shrug. Instead of a peace offensive, we’ve gotten a military spending spree; instead of novel social programs, novelty socks.
Continue reading...France to let wolf population grow despite farmers' fears
Deposit schemes reduce drink containers in the ocean by 40%
'Fantasy documents': recovery plans failing Australia's endangered species
Expired, unfinished or undeveloped: conservationists call for more transparency and accountability in species management systems
Less than 40% of Australia’s nationally-listed threatened species have recovery plans in place to secure their long-term survival.
And close to 10% of listed threatened species are identified as requiring plans to manage their protection but the documents are either unfinished or haven’t been developed, according to data published by the environment and energy department.
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World’s most controversial fruit depends on giant bats for pollination
While we debate whether the durian is the best or worst food on the planet, it turns out this wonderful oddity requires healthy populations of flying fox for survival
Durian. Depending on whom you talk to it’s either the most beloved or the most despised fruit on the planet. It suffers no moderation, no wishy-washiness. It is the king of fruits or the worst thing you’ve ever tasted. Due to its potent odour – delicate and sweet to its advocates and sewage-like to its detractors – durian has been banned from airplanes, subways, and hotels (though punishments appear light if non-existent). But a recent study in Ecology and Evolution finds there may be no durians at all without bats: big, threatened bats. The scientists found that flying foxes – bats in the Pteropus and Acerodon genus and the largest in the world – are likely vital pollinators for the polarising durian.
“We already knew that flying foxes feed on durian flowers, but there was this unsubstantiated belief, even among some researchers, that flying foxes just destroyed the flowers,” said Sheema Abdul Aziz, the lead researcher on the project that was done as part of her PhD at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in France. “It doesn’t help that a durian flower only blooms for one night, then falls off the tree naturally, regardless of whether it’s been pollinated or not. When people see all the flowers on the ground in the morning, they think it’s the bats.”
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