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Deep sea life faces dark future due to warming and food shortage

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-02-23 17:01

New study reveals negative impact of climate change, human activity, acidification and deoxygenation on ocean and its creatures

The deep ocean and the creatures that live there are facing a desperate future due to food shortages and changing temperatures, according to research exploring the impact of climate change and human activity on the world’s seas.

The deep ocean plays a critical role in sustaining our fishing and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, as well as being home to a huge array of creatures. But the new study reveals that food supplies at the seafloor in the deepest regions of the ocean could fall by up to 55% by 2100, starving the animals and microbes that exist there, while changes in temperature, pH and oxygen levels are also predicted to take their toll on fragile ecosystems.

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How do we keep gardening in the face of a changing climate?

The Conversation - Thu, 2017-02-23 15:36
Keep the climate in mind when you're choosing what to plant. shutterstock

Since 1880, the average global temperature has increased by 0.8°℃, with large changes in rainfall redistribution. With these changing conditions upon us, and set to continue, gardeners will have to alter the way they do things.

As climate largely determines the distribution of plants and animals – their “climate envelope” – a rapid shift in these conditions forces wild plants and animals to adapt, migrate or die.

Gardeners face the same changing conditions. If you look at the back of a seed packet, there is often a map showing the regions where these particular plants thrive. But with a rapidly changing climate, these regions are shifting.

In the future we will need to be more thoughtful about what we plant where. This will require more dynamic information and recommendations for gardeners.

The shifting climate

Changes in altitude significantly affect the temperature. As you walk up a hill, for every 100 metres of altitude you gain, the temperature drops by an average of 0.8℃.

Changes in latitude obviously have a bearing on the temperature too. It gets cooler as you move towards the poles and away from the Equator. An accurate rule of thumb is difficult to derive, because of the number of interacting and confounding factors. But generally speaking, a shift of 300 km north or south at sea level equates to roughly a 1℃ reduction in average temperature.

This means that due to warming over the past century or so, Adelaide now experiences the climate previously found in Port Pirie, whereas Sydney’s climate is now roughly what was previously found halfway to Coffs Harbour. The temperature difference is equivalent to a northward shift of approximately 250 km or drop in altitude of 100 m.

At current climate change trajectories, these shifts are set to continue and accelerate.

The plants in your garden might need to change. Adaptation

Plants are already adapting to the changing climate. We can see that in the hopbush narrowing its leaves and other plants closing their pores. Both are adaptations to warmer, drier climates.

We have also seen some major shifts in the distribution of animal and plant communities over the past 50 years. Some of the most responsive species are small mobile insects like butterflies, but we have also seen changes among plants.

But while entire populations may be migrating or adapting, plants that grow in isolated conditions, such as fragmented bush remnants or even gardens, may not have this option. This problem is perhaps most acute for long-lived species like trees, many of which germinated hundreds of years ago under different climatic conditions. The climate conditions to which these old plants were best adapted have now changed significantly – a “climate lag”.

Using such old trees as a source of seed to grow new plants in the local area can potentially risk establishing maladapted plants. But it’s not just established varieties that run this risk.

The habitat restoration industry has recognised this problem. Many organisations involved in habitat restoration have changed their seed-sourcing policies to mix seeds collected from local sources with those from more distant places. This introduces new adaptations to help cope with current and future conditions, through practices known as composite or climate-adjusted provenancing.

The shifting climate and your garden

Gardeners can typically ameliorate some of the more extreme influences of global warming. They can, for example, provide extra water or shade on extremely hot days. Such strategies can allow plants to thrive in gardens well outside their natural climatic envelope, and have been practised by gardeners around the world for centuries.

But with water bills rising and the need to become more sustainable, we should think more carefully about the seeds and seedlings we plant in our gardens. The climate envelope we mentioned earlier is shifting rapidly.

We will need to start using seeds that are better adapted to cope with warmer and, in many cases, drier conditions. Typically, these plants have thinner leaves or fewer pores. This requires more information on the location and properties of the seeds’ origin, and a more detailed matching of diverse seed sources to planting location.

As the climate changes, we need to be more selective with what we plant.

As the climate continues to change we will also need to introduce species not previously grown in areas, using those that are better adapted to the increasingly changed climatic conditions. Plenty of tools are now available to help guide seed collection and species selection for planting. These include those offered through the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility and the Atlas for Living Australia, for instance.

But these resources are often aimed at expert or scientific audiences and need to be made more accessible for guiding gardening principles and plant selection for the public. The information needs to be intuitive and easy to understand. For example, we should produce lists of species that are likely to decline or benefit under future climate conditions in Australia’s major cities and towns, along with future growing areas suitable for some of our most popular garden species.

This won’t just be useful for a backyard gardener, either. Many exciting new gardening initiatives are being proposed, including rooftop gardens, which promote species conservation, carbon sequestration and heat conservation, and future city designs, which incorporate large-scale plantings and gardens for therapeutic benefits. All of these activities need to take the shifting climate into account, as well as the need to change practices to keep up with it.

The Conversation

Andrew Lowe receives funding from the Australian Government and not for profit groups for restoration research. He is a board member of Trees for Life and on the Scientific Advisory panel of Greening Australia.

Categories: Around The Web

Talons at noon as red kite pair topple the spare

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-02-23 15:30

Sandy Bedfordshire In an aerial tussle one raptor attacked from above until its opponent dropped so low it was grounded

By lunchtime the skies over rural Bedfordshire had become an arrivals and departures board. Thin white slashes criss-crossing the blue trailed over the horizon towards Barcelona, Rome and Salzburg. The 11.25 to Katowice had dissipated into a wispy smudge. Then, an intense arrowhead, like a cursor on a computer screen, might have been the 12.20 from Barcelona entering our airspace.

Birds of prey do not arrive; they simply appear in the sky, as if they had been lowered from heaven. So it was that three red kites came into view out of nowhere.

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Shorten attacks Coalition for energy “vandalism”, affirms 50% target

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-02-23 13:42
Opposition leader Bill Shorten has accused the Coalition government of policy vandalism on energy, and committed to an emissions intensity scheme that he insists will deliver Labor’s target of 50 per cent renewables in the country’s electricity system by 2030. In a landmark speech at the Bloomberg headquarters in Sydney on Thursday, Shorten said Australia should […]
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BYD seeks 25% share of Australia battery storage market

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-02-23 13:27
China's biggest EV and energy storage company targeting 25% share of Australian battery market, with new B-Box product range.
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Tesla says Model 3 electric sedan on track, but results back in red

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-02-23 13:17
US EV and battery maker says mass-market Model 3 electric sedan on schedule to begin production in July.
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California’s SimpliPhi latest to plug into Australian battery storage market

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-02-23 13:01
As regulators consider strict new guidelines for Australian home battery installations, US battery maker SimpliPhi is making its move, keen to promote the key strengths of its proprietary technology – safety, reliability and flexibility.
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German battery maker Sonnen offers “free power” for slice of Australian electricity market

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-02-23 13:01
German battery maker Sonnen hopes to use its new solar and storage “free” electricity deal to muscle in on Australia’s peaking power market.
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Big solar market headed for “huge” 2017, as costs continue to plunge

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-02-23 12:56
Climate Council confirms solar now cheapest new power generation, predicts huge year for big solar – not to mention solar and battery storage.
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Western Trawl Fisheries - agency application 2017

Department of the Environment - Thu, 2017-02-23 12:56
Application for assessment under the EPBC Act - call for public comments open 23 February 2017 – 30 March 2017
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Coral Sea Fishery – agency application 2017

Department of the Environment - Thu, 2017-02-23 12:53
Application for assessment under the EPBC Act - call for public comments open 23 February 2017 – 30 March 2017
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Greensync launches world-first exchange to trade stored household solar power

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-02-23 11:39
Industry and govt set to pilot Decentralised Energy Exchange – “deX” – for trading locally generated and stored rooftop solar power to support the grid.
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8 out of 10 Victorians support renewable energy target, poll finds

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-02-23 10:33
New polling shows that the vast majority of Victorians expect state and federal government leadership to cut pollution and support renewable energy.
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Gas-fired power plants failed during NSW heatwave, report reveals

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-02-23 10:33

Market regulator urgently requested aluminium smelter reduce electricity use as demand surged alongside temperatures

Gas-fired power plants failed during this month’s New South Wales heatwave, forcing authorities to urgently cut demand from the Tomago aluminium smelter to prevent outages.

The record-breaking heat put enormous strain on NSW’s electricity supply on Friday, 10 February, when demand peaked at 4.30pm at 14,181MW.

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'Magical thinking' on Heathrow expansion

BBC - Thu, 2017-02-23 10:15
A third runway at Heathrow can only be justified if it does not breach climate change laws, MPs say.
Categories: Around The Web

Redflow applauds grid approval for Victron inverter

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-02-23 10:12
Redflow has welcomed news that Victron Energy’s MultiGrid 48/3000 battery inverter is now approved for connection to the Australian electricity grid.
Categories: Around The Web

Liquid hydrogen may be way forward for sustainable air travel

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-02-23 10:09
Liquid hydrogen seems to be a realistic option for what is probably the most problematic of transportation modes in terms of sustainability, future air travel.
Categories: Around The Web

Government 'watering down' pollution limits to meet Heathrow pledge

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-02-23 10:01

MPs say ministers are not doing enough to demonstrate how third runway would meet obligations on noise and air quality

The government is set to “water down” limits on aviation emissions and is shifting targets to meet its pledge to mitigate the environmental impact of expanding Heathrow, MPs have said.

The cross-party environmental audit committee said ministers were not doing enough to demonstrate a third Heathrow runway could be built without breaching laws on air quality and carbon emissions.

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Vestas reclaims top spot in annual ranking of wind turbine makers

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2017-02-23 10:00
Vestas leads a group of three major manufacturers, but a “big four” will emerge this year.
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Australian consortium launches world-first digital energy marketplace for rooftop solar

The Guardian - Thu, 2017-02-23 09:47

Pilot program will allow homeowners to tap into a network of ‘virtual’ power stations made up of smart grids of rooftop solar and batteries

Australian homeowners with solar panels and batteries could soon trade their electricity in a digital marketplace developed by a consortium of electricity providers, energy tech startups, energy retailers and energy agencies.

The Decentralised Energy Exchange – or deX – was launched on Thursday with the promise to “change the way energy is produced, traded and consumed at a local level in Australia”.

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