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Researchers seek evidence on gardens and well-being

BBC - Mon, 2017-01-30 01:35
A project aims to investigate the social case for gardens and what impact they have on well-being.
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Smog in the cities: the truth about Britain’s dirty air

The Guardian - Sun, 2017-01-29 18:00
As London pollution hits a five-year high, will we see a return to the carpets of fog?

Last Sunday evening, the air over London achieved a remarkable quality. As winds died and a freezing stillness gripped the city, levels of nitrogen oxides and particles of soot slowly built up in the air until they reached maximum measurable levels at 24 different locations across the capital. It was a degree of pollution that had never been recorded in London since the government introduced its current methods and scales for recording air quality, the Daily Air Quality Index, in 2012.

“What we recorded was a very intense pollution event over London – in common with several other areas of western Europe,” said air pollution expert Gary Fuller, of King’s College London. “We had not seen anything like it here for the past five years.”

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The eco guide to responsible travel

The Guardian - Sun, 2017-01-29 16:00

A few intrepid tour operators are determined to reduce the harm we do to the planet with our holidays

I love an untapped resource (as opposed to a very overstressed one). The responsible travel movement is perfect. It takes the huge global travel industry (1.2 billion people holidaying abroad in 2015) and shapes it into a force for good, rather than one that trashes local host communities, siphoning profits to rich countries.

It’s untapped partly because we’re encouraged to think like travel consumers (obsessed with injustices such as single-person supplements) and not as citizens of the world. But a few tour operators are determined to change us.

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Have we learned the lessons from the history of London fogs? | Christine L Corton

The Guardian - Sun, 2017-01-29 10:04
Writers and artists were inspired by the pea-soupers but smog cost thousands of lives

Londoners are being warned not to breathe too deeply when they go outside. A toxic fog is hanging over the streets, threatening the health and wellbeing of the capital. It is small consolation to know that this has been the state of the city’s air for more than 200 years.

London is in a natural basin surrounded by hills and its air generally holds moisture because of the river running through it, so it has always had a natural fog problem.

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Is chlorinated chicken about to hit our shelves after new US trade deal?

The Guardian - Sun, 2017-01-29 10:03
Consumers could be exposed to American farming practices banned by the EU

Those of us who want to eat safe, healthy food awoke to a nightmare on Tuesday, a chilling interview on Radio 4’s Today programme. Bob Young, chief economist at the American Farm Bureau Federation, made it crystal clear that any US trade deal struck by Theresa May would be contingent on the UK public stomaching imports of US foods that it has previously rejected: beef from cattle implanted with growth hormones, chlorine-washed chicken, and unlabelled genetically modified (GM) foods.

Wiping the sleep from our eyes, we hoped it was just a bad dream, but the grim reality worsened. Martin Haworth, director of strategy at the National Farmers Union (NFU), was up next. Surely our own farmers, who have worked for decades to stricter EU standards shaped by consumers’ demand for safe, natural food, would reiterate their commitment to keeping them? Not a bit of it. Haworth’s only concern was that if such controversial American products were allowed into the country, British farmers should be able to use the same production techniques to ensure “an even playing field”. Do you find it credible that British farmers could beat the US’s vast industrial feedlots, hi-tech poultry plants and vast GM prairies at their own game? No matter, the NFU does.

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‘You can't live in a museum’: the battle for Greenland's uranium

The Guardian - Sat, 2017-01-28 20:00

A tiny town in southern Greenland is fighting for its future. Behind it sits one of the world’s largest deposits of uranium. Should a controversial mine get the green light?

It is a beautiful morning on the southern tip of Greenland; the sun is high in a cloudless sky, but there is a tang of cold in the air. A crowd of Spanish tourists in red parkas has gathered at the small jetty in Narsaq, to watch boatmen who have just returned from hunting a minke whale in the open sea. From the shoreline, the Spaniards watch the men below busy themselves, slicing the whale meat into slippery rectangular chunks. They work swiftly, as if cleaning up the scene of an emergency, deferring to one young man in orange overalls. As word spreads that a catch has landed, local people arrive with carrier bags and choose from the cuts laid out on the bloodstained floor of the little boats bobbing in the water. The bags are slung on handheld scales; today, whale meat costs 80 Danish kroner a kilo, about £9. A woman pushes a wheelbarrow down the jetty, loaded with what looks like a ribcage.

The whale hunter is a symbolic figure in Greenland but the flurry the Spaniards are observing is humdrum, devoid of ceremony. Sebu Kaspersen, the hunter in orange overalls, explains that there was a calm sea and they could see a lot of whales; they shot one with a rifle and then fired a harpoon to finish it off. It is, he says, the second minke whale he has killed this year, the limit of his quota. His living largely comes from fishing halibut, and hunting seals for their skin; mostly, he works alone, without a crew.

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New mercury threat to oceans from climate change

BBC - Sat, 2017-01-28 15:34
Rising temperatures could boost mercury levels in fish by up to seven times the current rates, say Swedish researchers.
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Driven to distraction by wildlife

The Guardian - Sat, 2017-01-28 15:30

Strathnairn, Highlands Looking at siskins so close is a delight. I can never decide if their plumage is yellow-green or lime-green

My study is separate from the house, in the 0.4 hectare garden, and I find there are three main distractions when I try to write there during daylight. (Though not the Toad’s Hole engraving by the door, which so intrigues visitors – it’s a family joke, dating back to a time when I used to work away a lot and write home signing myself “Toad”).

The first is the large pond just below the window. We had the pond dug out 30 years ago, for the wildlife, and it has been a great success – you can even see it on the latest Ordnance Survey map.

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Seeds offer clue to domesticated plants' larger size

BBC - Sat, 2017-01-28 11:08
The seeds of domesticated plants could offer clues as to why cultivated crops are larger than their wild cousins, a study suggests.
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Fewer, less viable sperm follows inbreeding of NZ endangered birds

ABC Environment - Sat, 2017-01-28 11:05
In New Zealand genetic diversity is proving a barrier for conservation measures aimed at boosting numbers of endangered birds.
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It's a mad fan's world

ABC Environment - Sat, 2017-01-28 09:30
Australia's rufous fantails have managed to avoid extinction by snake, unlike their unfortunate cousins on the island of Guam. Lindsey Nietmann is trying to find out how these 'mad fans' do it.
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A Big Country

ABC Environment - Sat, 2017-01-28 05:20
Crocs and cattle don't mix on a Northern Territory station; meet a specialist alpaca shearer; and a fish restocking program pays big dividends in the Kimberley.
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Westminster council to become first to charge extra to park diesel cars

The Guardian - Sat, 2017-01-28 03:06

In trial aimed at cutting air pollution, diesel motorists parking in Marylebone will pay an additional 50%, or £2.45 extra an hour

Westminster will become the first council in the UK to charge drivers of diesel cars extra money to park as town halls across London battle air pollution.

The charge will be introduced for a trial period from April. Drivers of diesel-powered cars and vans will pay an additional 50%, which at current rates would be an extra £2.45 an hour to park on the street in Marylebone, one of the most polluted areas of the borough.

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Australia's 'fairy possum' faces uncertain future

BBC - Sat, 2017-01-28 02:38
A tiny possum, an emblem of the state of Victoria in Australia, is rapidly heading towards extinction, say scientists.
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Toxic air, climate tweets and sharks – green news roundup

The Guardian - Sat, 2017-01-28 02:36

The week’s top environment news stories and green events. If you are not already receiving this roundup, sign up here to get the briefing delivered to your inbox

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The week in wildlife – in pictures

The Guardian - Sat, 2017-01-28 00:00

A baboon squaring up to a leopard, white-tailed eagles, and a cauliflower jellyfish are among this week’s pick of animals from the natural world

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Hotel collapses into river after torrential rain in Peru – video

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-01-27 21:46

The La Hacienda hotel collapses into the swollen waters of the Sicra river in the Peruvian town of Lircay on Thursday. The foundations of the three-storey tourist hotel, which is built on the river’s edge, eroded due to the constant rainfall over the past week and the rising waters. According to local media, no injuries were reported as all guests had been evacuated before it fell

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Claim made for hydrogen 'wonder material'

BBC - Fri, 2017-01-27 21:36
US scientists draw controversy as they claim to have fulfilled the decades-long quest to turn hydrogen into a state where it behaves like a metal.
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Big Garden Birdwatch: cold snap may bring unusual migrant birds to gardens

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-01-27 21:03

Participants in the world’s biggest wildlife survey this weekend could see droves of charismatic waxwings arriving from Scandinavia, says RSPB

Unusual migrant birds could be seen in UK gardens in the cold snap, experts said as they urged people to take part in the world’s biggest wildlife survey.

More than half a million people are expected to take part in this year’s RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, which is taking place over three days for the first time.

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More funnel-web antivenom is needed on the East coast

ABC Environment - Fri, 2017-01-27 17:25
Would you be game enough to catch a funnel-web spider if it saved a life?
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