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New rules flag big switch in energy markets to cheaper, smarter grid

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2017-04-12 11:00
AEMC indicates its support for switch to 5-minute settlement period, albeit with a 3-year transition period, and to a new rule that could allow alternatives to investment in more poles and wires. Both offer incentives to storage, demand response, and local renewables, and herald a more rapid shift to a smarter, cleaner and cheaper grid.
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Adani mine must stand on its own two feet, Labor's Jason Clare says

The Guardian - Wed, 2017-04-12 09:14

Company should not receive $900m loan for rail line because it claims project is viable without it, shadow minister for resources says

Adani should not receive a $900m concessional loan for a rail line from its proposed Carmichael mine because the company claims the project is commercially viable without taxpayer funds, Jason Clare has said.

Speaking on Radio National on Wednesday, the shadow resources and northern Australia minister said it would be “terrific” if the project went ahead and created jobs but it should “stand on its own two feet”.

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New shrimp species named after Pink Floyd

BBC - Wed, 2017-04-12 09:02
A team of prog-loving scientists made a pact to honour their favourite band, Pink Floyd.
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Devastation of world's coral reefs could cost $1tn – video

The Guardian - Wed, 2017-04-12 06:39

Australia’s Climate Council is calling for further action to protect the world’s coral reefs. It has released a report putting the value of the marine environments at an astounding $1tn based on the estimated 500 million people they support in 50 countries. Damage to coral caused by warming oceans threatens tourism and other industries

• Loss of coral reefs caused by rising sea temperatures could cost $1tn globally

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Climate Council says GBR bleaching will cost $1 billion in annual tourism revenue, thousands of jobs

ABC Environment - Wed, 2017-04-12 06:35
A new report from independent think tank the Climate Council has put a dollar figure on the cost to the Queensland economy of the continued deterioration in the reef.
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Loss of coral reefs caused by rising sea temperatures could cost $1tn globally

The Guardian - Wed, 2017-04-12 06:12

Loss of Great Barrier Reef alone could cost north Queensland 1m visitors a year, imperilling 10,000 jobs and draining $1bn from economy

The loss of coral reefs caused by rising sea temperatures could cost $1 trillion globally, a report from Australia’s Climate Council has projected, with the loss of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef alone costing that region 1m visitors a year, imperilling 10,000 jobs and draining $1bn from the economy.

The longest global coral bleaching event on record, which began in 2014 and has affected some reefs in consecutive years, has given reefs little chance to recover, and should be a “wake-up call” to act to save the natural and economic assets, the Climate Council’s Lesley Hughes said.

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Feeling helpless about the Great Barrier Reef? Here's one way you can help

The Conversation - Wed, 2017-04-12 06:11

It is easy to feel overwhelmed when confronted with reports of the second mass bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef in as many years. But there is a way to help scientists monitor the reef’s condition.

CoralWatch is a citizen science program started at The University of Queensland 15 years ago, with two main aims: to monitor the environment on a vast scale, and to help people get informed about marine science.

These goals come together with coral health monitoring. Divers, snorkelers or people walking around reef areas during low tides can send us crucial information about coral bleaching, helping us to build detailed pictures of the health of different reefs.

Participants can use a colour chart, backed up through the CoralWatch app or website, to measure accurately the colour and type of coral they see. The chart covers 75% of known corals, and can be used with no prior training.

We also ask people to enter the type of coral (branching, boulder, plate or soft), the location, and the weather. This allows scientists to identify the location and extent of any problems quickly (and is an excellent way to learn more about our reefs).

In fact, you don’t even have to go to a reef to participate and discover through CoralWatch; we have classroom and virtual reef systems, and just talking the problem through can help.

CoralWatch chart. Volunteers match the colour and four basic coral types: branching, boulder, plate and soft. CoralWatch

The graphs shown below are samples of CoralWatch data from the northern and southern reef during 2016’s catastrophic mass bleaching event, while the pair of graphs further down the page show data from just a few days ago at Lady Elliot Island and the very remote North Mariana Islands in the West pacific.

The Heron Island graph shows a healthy reef, as the southern areas of the reef escaped the worst of the bleaching last year. In contrast, Monsoon Reef (which lies off Port Douglas) and many others in the north bleached badly, or in some cases simply died.

Scores averaging between four and six are normal and represent good levels of symbiotic algae, which generate nutrients for the coral. Scores below three signify that coral is in distress.

The impact of this year’s mass bleaching is still being quantified. However, reefs in the middle section and far south of the reef – such as Lady Elliot Island – are now showing varying degrees of bleaching, from light to severe. Many of the remaining corals in the north are also showing signs of bleaching again.

What seems certain is that we will lose many more corals, along with the fish and invertebrate life they support, again this year.

The results for the North Mariana Islands, from a CoralWatch survey conducted last week, shows mid-level coral bleaching and demonstrates that even very remote reefs are not climate-proof.

Australians increasingly believe the government needs to act on climate change, and some of this change in opinion is likely fuelled by continued reports of coral bleaching.

CoralWatch doesn’t only help build a detailed picture of reef health. Like other citizen science projects, such as Reef Check, it can help speed up our fatally slow response to climate change. There are three key benefits.

First, we need to improve mutual understanding between scientists and the public. The CoralWatch mantra is: tell me and I’ll forget; teach me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll learn. Citizen science is a natural fit for everyone, no matter your level of education or knowledge.

Children are the citizens of the future, and helping them to understand their changing world is a moral and social imperative. CoralWatch works closely with schools and groups like the Marine Teachers Association of Queensland, and is used in more than 75 countries worldwide.

Second, we need to encourage lifestyle change. Many people, as they become more engaged in citizen science, will naturally adopt more environmentally friendly habits. Getting involved in protecting the Great Barrier Reef – and other citizen science projects – can be a great dose of perspective on our place in the natural world.

However, as personally rewarding as they can be, individual lifestyle choices alone won’t deliver the rapid and widespread change we need to save our reefs. That’s why we need to bridge the disconnect between what most of Australia wants and the politicians who ultimately have the power to fast-track change. Citizen scientists are also informed voters and consumers, who can demand better policies from companies and governments.

The future of the Great Barrier Reef is in the hands of Australians, and it will take all of us to preserve it for our children.

The Conversation

Justin Marshall is affiliated with Coral Watch which has recently received Queensland State Government funding for this project and previously from the Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre, the Australia Indonesia Institute and the Information Society Innovation Fund Asia.

Chris Roelfsema is affiliated with CoralWatch as a volunteer trainer and science adviser.

Diana Kleine is a project manager for CoralWatch, which has recently received Queensland State Government funding for this project and previously from the Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre, the Australia Indonesia Institute and the Information Society Innovation Fund Asia.

Categories: Around The Web

Volcanic eruption captured by drones in Guatemala

BBC - Wed, 2017-04-12 03:38
Violent volcanic eruptions in Guatemala are captured by drones for the first time.
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Should we mine on the ocean floor?

BBC - Wed, 2017-04-12 03:03
British scientists have announced what they are calling an "astonishing" discovery deep in the Atlantic Ocean.
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Is Komodo dragon blood the key to new antibiotics?

BBC - Wed, 2017-04-12 01:16
Scientists find a compound based on a molecule in dragon blood helps heal infected wounds in mice.
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Aleutian Dreams: life as an Alaskan fisherman – in pictures

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-04-11 21:00

Corey Arnold is a fine art photographer and a commercial fisherman, working the stormy waters of the Bering Sea by Alaska. His latest work documents life in this remote wilderness, both at sea and on the shore, capturing trawlers, foxes, eagles and the grandeur of the scenery. Aleutian Dreams can be seen at Charles A Hartman Fine Art in Portland, Oregon, until 27 May

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Malcolm Turnbull tells Indian billionaire native title will not stop Adani coalmine

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-04-11 19:22

Prime minister also confirmed company would seek $1bn government loan to fund rail line for $16bn project, after meeting Gautam Adani in New Delhi

Malcolm Turnbull has assured the Indian billionaire hoping to build Australia’s largest coal mine in Queensland, Gautam Adani, that native title issues will not stop the $16bn project.

The prime minister, who is halfway through a four-day visit to India, also confirmed the Adani Group would seek a $1bn government loan to fund a rail line for the Carmichael mine project, but said Adani understood the request would be independently assessed.

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Coalition backbencher breaks ranks with colleagues over $1bn Adani rail loan

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-04-11 17:52

Bert Van Manen opposes federal loan to Indian miner for Carmichael coalmine, saying government or rail company should build the link instead

A Coalition backbencher has broken ranks with senior colleagues by declaring Adani should not receive a $1bn federal loan to build a railway for its Carmichael coalmine.

Bert Van Manen, MP for the south-east Queensland seat of Forde, said he supported opening up the Galilee coalfields but the government or a rail company should build and run the rail link to port, not the miner.

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Fifty new species of spider discovered in far north Australia

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-04-11 17:16

New arachnids found in Queensland include brush-footed trap-door spider, which looks like a funnel web and can walk up glass doors

More than 50 new species of spider, including a peacock spider with a “wonderful courtship behaviour, like dancing”, have been discovered in Queensland Australia’s Cape York region, during a 10-day trip by scientists from the Queensland Museum.

The new arachnids, which are now being formally classified, include a brush-footed trap-door spider, a large black creature that looks like a funnel web with the added power of being able to walk up glass doors; a new species of swift spider, with fuzzy black and white front legs; and several new species of ant spider.

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More than a quarter of UK birds face extinction risk or steep decline – study

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-04-11 15:30

Red list entries swell to 67 species as conservationists call for urgent action to save birds of Britain including warblers, curlews and puffins

More than a quarter of UK birds, including the puffin, nightingale and curlew, require urgent conservation efforts to ensure their survival, according to a new report on the state of the UK’s birds.

Since the last review in 2009, an additional 15 species of bird have been placed on the “red list”, a category that indicates a species is in danger of extinction or that has experienced significant decline in population or habitat in recent years. The total number of species on the red list is now 67 out of a total of 247.

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Sunshine releases all the sounds of spring

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-04-11 14:30

Ebernoe Common, West Sussex Swedes call it ‘early cuckoo morning’ – the act of getting up just to enjoy the first birdsong

The sun is rising above the trees. I cross the meadow, passing gorse bushes bursting with yellow flowers, and enter the wood by the small gate. I walk up the narrow, winding footpath, and a couple of woodcock fly up from the ground, scattering the leaves where they were hiding. The two striped brown birds dart away through the trees in their panic, as if they’d been fired from a gun. I wait for the air to settle after the commotion, look up to the canopy and listen.

Birdsong is everywhere – a wall of sound pulsing through the wood. I pick out the birds, one by one, selectively listening to each song in turn: greenfinch, chaffinch, robin, blackbird, song thrush, nuthatch, great tit, blue tit, and so on.

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Turnbull slammed for “sucking up” to Adani, as business pushes 50-year life for coal plants

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-04-11 13:57
PM lambasted for "sucking up" to Adani during India visit, and putting coal exports ahead of the Great Barrier Reef.
Categories: Around The Web

Ramp rate: Australia’s slow moving gas plants

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-04-11 13:37
Australia's gas plants are too slow to react to 5-minute rule from standing start, so why stand in the way of fast-response technology such as battery storage?
Categories: Around The Web

Solar sets new UK record in March

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-04-11 13:14
For first time in UK, demand for electricity for homes and businesses was lower last Saturday afternoon that it was that night - thanks to solar.
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Tesla blows past GM to become most valuable car company in US

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-04-11 13:11
Tesla on Monday overtook General Motors to become the most valuable car company in the US, with a market worth of $US51.5 billion.
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