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Exxon, BP and Shell back carbon tax proposal to curb emissions

The Guardian - Wed, 2017-06-21 02:32
  • Oil giants among numerous firms to support conservative group’s plan
  • But Greenpeace says: ‘A PR exercise is no cure for decades of deception’

Oil giants ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and Total are among a group of large corporations supporting a plan to tax carbon dioxide emissions in order to address climate change.

The companies have revealed their support for the Climate Leadership Council, a group of senior Republican figures that in February proposed a $40 fee on each ton of CO2 emitted as part of a “free-market, limited government” response to climate change.

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Hawking urges Moon landing to 'elevate humanity'

BBC - Wed, 2017-06-21 01:04
Prof Stephen Hawking has called for leading nations to send astronauts to the Moon by the end of this decade.
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Europe selects grand gravity mission

BBC - Wed, 2017-06-21 00:55
After decades in the planning, a space mission to detect gravitational waves finally gets the go-ahead.
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New 'disturbance map' shows damaging effects of forest loss in Brazilian Amazon

The Guardian - Wed, 2017-06-21 00:00
  • Silent Forest Project map reveals urgent need for conservation protections
  • ‘It is terrifying to see the Amazon degraded to this extent,’ scientist says

As Brazil’s government steps back from Amazon conservation, the urgent need for stronger protection has been made more apparent by a new data map that highlights the knock-on effect of the forest’s capacity to absorb carbon, regulate temperatures and sustain life.

Related: Wild Amazon faces destruction as Brazil’s farmers and loggers target national park

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On the run from the armed cattle rustlers of rural Kenya – in pictures

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-06-20 16:00

As drought grips parts of Kenya, cattle theft has become increasingly violent, with people forced to take refuge from the gun-toting bandits who steal livestock

Rustlers, bandits and gun runners: the gangs vying for cattle in Kenya

All photographs: Will Swanson

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How do we build an inclusive culture for disabled cyclists?

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-06-20 16:00

A new survey confirms the use of bicycles as mobility aids and the frustration felt when disabled cyclists are told to dismount

Last week, my charity Wheels for Wellbeing published the results of a national survey of disabled cyclists which is, to our knowledge, the first of its kind. The results largely confirmed our suspicions, including that disabled cyclists – though part of our cycling culture – remain excluded from it in a number of ways.

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Land clearing on the rise as legal 'thinning' proves far from clear-cut

The Conversation - Tue, 2017-06-20 15:31
A 'thinned' landscape, which provides far from ideal habitat for many species. Author provided

Land clearing is accelerating across eastern Australia, despite our new research providing a clear warning of its impacts on the Great Barrier Reef, regional and global climate, and threatened native wildlife.

Policies in place to control land clearing have been wound back across all Australian states, with major consequences for our natural environment.

One of the recent policy changes made in Queensland and New South Wales has been the introduction of self-assessable codes that allow landholders to clear native vegetation without a permit. These codes are meant to allow small amounts of “low-risk” clearing, so that landholders save time and money and government can focus on regulating activities that have bigger potential impacts on the environment.

However, substantial areas of native forest are set to be cleared in Queensland under the guise of vegetation “thinning”, which is allowed by these self-assessable codes. How did this happen?

Thin on the ground

Thinning involves the selective removal of native trees and shrubs, and is widely used in the grazing industry to improve pasture quality. It has been argued that thinning returns the environment back to its “natural state” and provides better habitat for native wildlife. However, the science supporting this practice is not as clear-cut as it seems.

Vegetation “thickening” is part of a natural, dynamic ecological cycle. Australia’s climate is highly variable, so vegetation tends to grow more in wetter years and then dies off during drought years. These natural cycles of thickening and thinning can span 50 years or more. In most areas of inland eastern Australia, there is little evidence for ongoing vegetation thickening since pastoral settlement.

Thinning of vegetation using tractors, blades and other machinery interrupts this natural cycle, which can make post-drought recovery of native vegetation more difficult. Loss of tree and shrub cover puts native wildlife at much greater risk from introduced predators like cats, and aggressive, “despotic” native birds. Thinning reduces the diversity of wildlife by favouring a few highly dominant species that prefer open vegetation, and reduces the availability of old trees with hollows.

Many native birds and animals can only survive in vegetation that hasn’t been cleared for at least 30 years. So although vegetation of course grows back after clearing, for native wildlife it’s a matter of quality, not just quantity.

Land clearing by stealth?

Thinning codes in Queensland and New South Wales allow landholders to clear vegetation that has thickened beyond its “natural state”. Yet there is little agreement on what the “natural state” is for many native vegetation communities.

Under the Queensland codes, up to 75% of vegetation in an area can be removed without a permit, and in New South Wales thinning can reduce tree density to a level that is too low to support natural ecosystems.

All of this thinning adds up. Since August 2016, the Queensland government has received self-assessable vegetation clearing code notifications totalling more than 260,000 hectares. These areas include habitat for threatened species, and ecosystems that have already been extensively cleared.

It may be that the actual amount of vegetation cleared under thinning codes is less than the notifications suggest. But we will only know for sure when the next report on land clearing is released, and by then it will be too late.

Getting the balance right

Vegetation policy needs to strike a balance between protecting the environment and enabling landholders to manage their businesses efficiently and sustainably. While self-regulation makes sense for some small-scale activities, the current thinning codes allow large areas of vegetation to be removed from high-risk areas without government oversight.

Thinning codes should only allow vegetation to be cleared in areas that are not mapped as habitat for threatened species or ecosystems, and not to an extent where only scattered trees are left standing in a landscape. Stronger regulation is still needed to reduce the rate of land clearing, which in Queensland is now the highest in a decade.

Protecting native vegetation on private land reduces soil erosion and soil salinity, improves water quality, regulates climate, and allows Australia’s unique plants and animals to survive. Landholders who preserve native vegetation alongside farming provide essential services to the Australian community, and should be rewarded. We need long-term incentives to allow landholders to profit from protecting vegetation instead of clearing it.

Our research has shown that Australian governments spend billions of dollars trying to achieve the benefits already provided by native vegetation, through programs such as the Emissions Reduction Fund, the 20 Million Trees program and Reef Rescue. Yet far more damage is inflicted by under-regulated clearing than is “fixed” by these programs.

Imagine what could be achieved if we spent that money more effectively.

The Conversation

April Reside receives funding from NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub. She sits on the Black-throated Finch Recovery Team and Birdlife Australia's Research and Conservation Committee.

Anita J Cosgrove receives funding from the Australian Research Council. She is a member of the Black-throated Finch Recovery Team, BirdLife Australia and the Australian Conservation Foundation.

Jennifer Lesley Silcock receives funding from the NESP Threatened Species Hub at the University of Queensland.

Leonie Seabrook receives funding from the Australian Research Council.

Megan C Evans receives funding from the National Environmental Research Programme Threatened Species Recovery Hub.

Categories: Around The Web

Worst global coral bleaching event eases, as experts await next one

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-06-20 15:14

US researchers believe worst event on record is ending but fear coral won’t recover in time before oceans warm again

The worst coral bleaching event in recorded history, which has hit every major coral region on Earth since 2014, appears to be coming to an end, with scientists now worrying how long reefs will have to recover before it happens again.

After analysing satellite and model data, and finding bleaching in the Indian ocean no longer appeared widespread, the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) has announced the event is no longer occurring on a global scale, and appears to be coming to an end.

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Ten more elephants poisoned by poachers in Zimbabwe

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-06-20 15:00

The elephants were killed in the Hwange national park by what has become a common means of poaching

Ten elephants, including a mother and her young calf, have been found poisoned in and around Zimbabwe’s premier game reserve, Hwange national park. Six of the animals died in the south of the park last week; some had their tusks hacked off. The others were found outside the northern sector of the park in state forestry land.

Park rangers responded quickly. A bucket of poison was found near the gruesome scene in the north and three arrests were made over the weekend. One of those arrested was found in possession of ivory.

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This tree was young when Culloden was fought

The Guardian - Tue, 2017-06-20 14:30

Aigas Field Centre, Beauly, Highlands I am struck by the way the willow expresses the richness entailed in a drawn-out death

Just 10 minutes down the valley from this outstanding educational institute is the largest goat willow in Britain. The veteran is tucked away at the roadside amid a line of alders and so sunk in a deep and almost subaquatic gloom that you could easily miss it. A visit also requires a minor girding of loins to brave the midge-laden atmosphere, although meeting the tree on intimate terms is worth any amount of insect nuisance.

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Victorian Liberal Party goes the full Trump on climate and energy

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-20 13:56
Australians are used to seeing politics switch to vaudeville when it comes to climate policy. This year we’ve been treated to a new farce.
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Belectric completes second solar farm, plans two more

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-20 13:53
Belectric plans two more small solar farms by end of year after completing first with new, low cost installation system.
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Draft developmental wildlife trade operation for the commercial export of eastern and western grey kangaroo skins from Victoria

Department of the Environment - Tue, 2017-06-20 13:46
Invitation to comment on an application for a developmental wildlife trade operation under part 13A, section 303FN of the EPBC Act. Comments close 21 July 2017.
Categories: Around The Web

Turnbull caves in, declares support for new “clean coal” generator

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-20 13:36
Turnbull caves in to fossil fuel lobby push for more "continuous power" and asks AEMO to assess needs of the grid. "It would be good to have a state of the art clean coal plant in Australia," he said.
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Ice Energy and Apricus Sign Australia Distribution Deal

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-20 12:11
All Ice Energy products now available in Australia exclusively through Apricus.
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The origin of the tabby coat and other cat mysteries revealed

ABC Science - Tue, 2017-06-20 12:06
FELINE HISTORY: A new study on how cats conquered the world - and our hearts - has answered long-standing questions.
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EV charging and industrial solar thermal among ATC17 semi-finalists

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-20 11:09
Australian Technologies Competition shortlists 32 of Australia’s “most exciting” tech companies, including an EV charging outfit, a solar thermal solutions company, and an energy monitoring specialist.
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New Asian lender should unlock clean billions, and not for coal

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-20 11:06
Scarce public finance should invest in generation assets of the future, not relics of the past at risk of being stranded.
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Lower the drawbridge! WA prepares for wind and solar boom

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-20 10:35
Drought on wind and solar investment orchestrated by previous conservative state government now likely to be broken, with more than 1000MW of projects lined up.
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Lyon plans battery tender for $1.88bn solar plus storage projects

RenewEconomy - Tue, 2017-06-20 07:39
Lyon Group announces another huge solar plus storage project, this time in Victoria, and unveiled plans to tender for contracts for battery services to underpin the investment and finalise the design of its three major projects.
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