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British consumers admit confusion over recycling

The Guardian - Wed, 2016-09-14 16:00

Plastic wrapping, mobile phones and disposable coffee cups top the list of items people are uncertain about, poll finds

British consumers admit that they are confused about exactly what household waste they can recycle, a new poll reveals, with plastic wrapping, mobile phones and disposable coffee cups at the top of their list.

Frustrated by what they can and can’t recycle, 63% of householders are puzzled that different councils collect waste in different ways - for example, using different colour bins - while 43% say they are not sure which days to put their bins out.

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ARENA is down – but not out

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2016-09-14 15:07
That both sides of politics came so close to gutting ARENA is of major concern, but it's also an opportunity to reflect on our priorities.
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One in 10 UK wildlife species faces extinction, major report shows

The Guardian - Wed, 2016-09-14 15:01

State of Nature reveals the destructive impact of intensive farming, urbanisation and climate change on plants, animals and habitats

More than one in 10 of the UK’s wildlife species are threatened with extinction and the numbers of the nation’s most endangered creatures have plummeted by two-thirds since 1970, according to a major report.

The abundance of all wildlife has also fallen, with one in six animals, birds, fish and plants having been lost, the State of Nature report found.

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2016 State of Nature report: wildlife winners and losers - in pictures

The Guardian - Wed, 2016-09-14 15:00

The UK is among the most nature-depleted countries in the world, according to a major report from more than 50 conservation groups. More than one in 10 species is threatened with extinction - but some are making a comeback

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Japan's Sakurajima volcano due for major eruption within 30 years, say scientists

BBC - Wed, 2016-09-14 14:57
Japan's Sakurajima volcano, one of the country's most active, is due for a major eruption within the next 30 years, according to researchers examining new data.
Categories: Around The Web

Myth of gas; has South Australia capitulated to fossil fuels?

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2016-09-14 14:44
South Australia has been a leader in climate and renewables. Will it sacrifice its clean and progressive image on the altar of expediency?
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A tide is turning for the swallows

The Guardian - Wed, 2016-09-14 14:30

Wenlock Edge What determines that moment when they can stay no longer, when, come hell or high water, it’s time to go?

Like clothes pegs on a washing line the swallows are still, perching on the electricity cables. For once, since they arrived in spring, they have to stop, even in daylight. What they are pegging on the line between them is an invisible sheet, a map of their endless journey, north and south.

They pause. Seconds ago they were skimming at breakneck speed inches above the grass, the slightest error likely to be their last. Yet the excitement seems to embolden them, to give them heart.

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NSW community solar “bulk buy” aims to put 1MW on local homes, business

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2016-09-14 14:24
New community solar investment round to be launched in NSW, with aim of installing 1MW of solar on homes and businesses in the state's north-west slopes region.
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WA farm taps vanadium flow battery storage, solar – an Australian first

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2016-09-14 14:16
A farm near Busselton WA has installed a 100kWh vanadium redox flow battery with solar to avoid paying for a new connection to the grid.
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Military experts say climate change poses 'significant risk' to security

The Guardian - Wed, 2016-09-14 14:01

A coalition of 25 prominent members of US national security community warn that higher temperatures and rising seas will inundate bases and fuel conflict

A coalition of 25 military and national security experts, including former advisers to Ronald Reagan and George W Bush, has warned that climate change poses a “significant risk to US national security and international security” that requires more attention from the US federal government.

The prominent members of the US national security community warned that warming temperatures and rising seas will increasingly inundate military bases and fuel international conflict and mass migration, leading to “significant and direct risks to US military readiness, operations and strategy”.

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Nature is being renamed ‘natural capital’ – but is it really the planet that will profit?

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2016-09-14 13:47
This year a controversial motion was debated regarding incorporating the language and mechanisms of “natural capital” into IUCN policy.
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Ingeteam achieves UL1741 compliance for the new 1500 Vdc Central Inverter Product line

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2016-09-14 12:45
1500 Vdc Central Inverter released be Ingeteam achieves UL1741 compliance.
Categories: Around The Web

72 Hours in Alice Springs

The Guardian - Wed, 2016-09-14 11:23

Alice Springs is the capital of Australia’s Red Centre, and the perfect base for exploring the vast, rich expanse at the heart of this country. The town sits at the foot of a long mountain range, along the edge of the - usually dry - Todd River. Keep an eye on it if there’s rain - as the tale goes, you’re a local once you’ve seen it flow three times. Self-driving is the best way to visit this region


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72 hours in Darwin

The Guardian - Wed, 2016-09-14 11:23

Australia’s northernmost capital city is closer to Singapore than Sydney, and a visit to Darwin is a heady mix of Southeast Asia and quintessential Australia. Steamy tropical weather, fascinating military and colonial history, and the friendly, multicultural community make this a holiday far from home


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Vattenfall’s bid cuts offshore wind cost ‘faster than expected’

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2016-09-14 11:19
Vattenfall's record breaking bid for two offshore wind farms, RWE splits in half and new milestones for solar.
Categories: Around The Web

Turnbull marks 1st anniversary with act of clean energy vandalism

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2016-09-14 11:18
Tony would be proud. To mark the anniversary of his coronation, Malcolm Turnbull has knee-capped the agency that eluded Abbott's toe-cutters. The story behind the deal to strip ARENA of $500m highlights the nasty nature of Australian climate and clean energy politics.
Categories: Around The Web

Beautiful and mathematical: Football as a numbers game

BBC - Wed, 2016-09-14 11:04
Insights into the data behind the football industry, both real and simulated, from the brains behind Football Manager.
Categories: Around The Web

National eNews - Transition strategies for energy, AGM, and Carbon neutral information sessions

Newsletters National - Wed, 2016-09-14 10:50
National eNews - Transition strategies for energy, AGM, and Carbon neutral information sessions
Categories: Newsletters National

Nature loss linked to farming intensity

BBC - Wed, 2016-09-14 10:36
More than 50 conservation groups say the "policy-driven" intensification of farming is a significant driver of nature loss in the UK.
Categories: Around The Web

Debunking Malcolm Roberts: the case against a climate science denier

The Guardian - Wed, 2016-09-14 10:33

The One Nation senator dismisses the conventional scientific view of climate change. Here are the holes in his most commonly deployed arguments

The election of Malcolm Roberts as a One Nation senator has put Australia’s media in a difficult spot.

In his first speech to Parliament on Tuesday, Roberts made many false claims about climate change. He said that climate change was a “scam” and implied that it was some sort of conspiracy between all the major international research agencies. “ ... there is no data proving human use of hydro-carbon fuels affects climate,” he said.

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