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'It's our lifeblood': the Murray-Darling and the fight for Indigenous water rights

The Guardian - Tue, 2018-04-10 04:00

Securing rights to cultural flows would provide employment and skills for Indigenous communities along river system

Murray-Darling: when the river runs dry

When the water levels of the Darling river fall, local elders in Wilcannia, New South Wales, say, the crime rate spikes, particularly juvenile crime.

It seems like an odd correlation until the elders explain just how important the river is to their everyday lives.

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Tree clearing, not urban sprawl, wiping out koalas in Queensland, WWF says

The Guardian - Tue, 2018-04-10 04:00

Analysis shows 94% of the 5,000 estimated koala deaths due to habitat loss from 2012 to 2016 occurred outside the state’s heavily developed south-east

Environmentalists estimate that tree clearing in regional and rural Queensland is now 15 times more destructive to the state’s koala populations than urban sprawl.

Development, and the loss of koala habitat for housing and infrastructure, was considered a key reason why the koala was added to the “vulnerable” species list in 2012.

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Massachusetts lays out cap-and-trade proposed amendments on auctions, banking

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2018-04-10 03:35
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) proposed new amendments on Friday for its electricity sector cap-and-trade programme intended to operate in parallel to RGGI.
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Tasmanian devil cancers targeted by human drugs

BBC - Tue, 2018-04-10 02:02
Cambridge University researchers find human cancer drugs could halt the extinction of the marsupial.
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Finger bone points to early human exodus

BBC - Tue, 2018-04-10 01:47
A fossil find from Saudi Arabia adds to growing evidence that modern humans left Africa earlier than supposed.
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‘Our territory is our life’: one struggle against mining in Ecuador

The Guardian - Tue, 2018-04-10 01:20

The A’I Cofan in the Amazon fight back against small-scale miners invading their land and new, large-scale concessions upriver

Three A’I Cofan men were staring down at a pit of rocks, dead foliage and filthy water where two gold-panners were working. Beyond was a sluice and hoses running down to the rushing, green waters of the River Aguarico. To the right, there was mud, more rocks, more equipment, a makeshift tent and camp. Behind, to the left, a Hyundai excavator and a track running downriver.

No more than two weeks before, no track had existed and all this had been primary forest. Now that was gone. Only an area about 110 x 50 metres, you might say, but this is how gold rushes start.

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Heathrow third runway noise would affect 2.2m people, analysis finds

The Guardian - Tue, 2018-04-10 00:51

Official files show government expects 973,000 households to face increased daytime noise

More than 2 million people would be exposed to additional aircraft noise if Heathrow builds a third runway, according to a government analysis.

Ministers have argued that Britain’s biggest airport will affect fewer people with noise in future, due to quieter planes. But government calculations suggest a new runway would still have a negative impact on nearly a million households, or 2.2 million people.

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Australia issues over 1m offsets, with landfill operator claiming most

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2018-04-10 00:05
Australia has issued nearly 1.1 million carbon credits over the past two weeks, with around 40% of them going to landfill operator LMS Energy, data from the Clean Energy Regulator showed.
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Belgrade's 'tiny head' Gagarin statue causes dismay

BBC - Mon, 2018-04-09 23:36
Serbian social media users mock city's tribute to the first man in space.
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Plans for Welsh nuclear power plant delayed by concerns over seabirds

The Guardian - Mon, 2018-04-09 22:57

Next stage of planning process for Anglesey site postponed as effect on tern colonies is assessed

Plans for a nuclear power station on the Welsh island of Anglesey have been delayed by concerns over the plant’s impact on colonies of protected seabirds.

The proposed twin reactors at Wylfa were given the green light by the UK’s nuclear regulator in December, with backers hoping to win financial support from the government. The Welsh plant would have a capacity of 3GW, similar to the 3.2GW of the nuclear power station being built at Hinkley Point in Somerset.

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100 years of chemical weapons

BBC - Mon, 2018-04-09 22:35
From chlorine to novichok, Hamish de Bretton-Gordon takes us through the history of chemical weapons.
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BBC climate change interview breached broadcasting standards

BBC - Mon, 2018-04-09 22:29
The media watchdog says the ex-chancellor was "not sufficiently challenged" during a radio interview.
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UN’s IMO meets to craft initial climate effort for international shipping

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2018-04-09 22:26
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) is grappling this week to secure an initial strategy to address shipping emissions, with countries edging towards agreeing a carbon-intensity goal initially and only later committing to absolute emission cuts and potentially using carbon markets.
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BBC Radio 4 broke impartiality rules in Nigel Lawson climate change interview

The Guardian - Mon, 2018-04-09 22:10

Ofcom says interviewer failed to challenge controversial claims including that there had been no increase in extreme weather events

BBC Radio 4 broke impartiality rules by failing to sufficiently challenge climate change denier Nigel Lawson’s controversial claims in an interview, the broadcasting watchdog has ruled.

Lord Lawson appeared on a Radio 4 programme last summer denying the concept of climate change, which prompted complaints from the Green party, and prominent scientists Brian Cox and Jim Al-Khalili, who said it was “irresponsible and highly misleading” to imply there was still a debate around the science supporting it.

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Bin chickens: the grotesque glory of the urban ibis – in pictures

The Guardian - Mon, 2018-04-09 20:00

Tip turkey, dumpster chook, rubbish raptor – the Australian white ibis goes by many unflattering names. But it is a true urban success story, scavenging to survive in cities across Australia as wetlands have been lost. Wildlife photographer Rick Stevens captured them in Sydney

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China aims for realtime CO2 data for power stations in ETS

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2018-04-09 19:54
China’s climate change office has asked for assistance from the power industry to develop realtime CO2 emissions data reporting for power stations covered by the national emissions trading scheme, a move that if successful would make it the world’s first carbon market to deploy such equipment.
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China’s Shanxi province targets carbon finance to drive coal cuts

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2018-04-09 19:47
A government-funded financing vehicle in China’s second-biggest coal-producing province has teamed up with the local carbon exchange to leverage public and private capital targeting carbon trading and clean industrial projects in a bid to cut its reliance on coal.
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Country Drive: Live export, Corellas and Linc Energy guilty of environmental damage

ABC Environment - Mon, 2018-04-09 18:52
Join us as we take a drive through this week's news around regional and rural Australia.
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Cement industry urged to reduce 'invisible' global emissions

The Guardian - Mon, 2018-04-09 18:31

Report warns carbon footprint of heavy emitter cement companies must be reduced sharply in order to meet Paris climate goals

Greenhouse gas emissions from cement production must be reduced sharply if the world is to meet the climate change goals set out in the Paris agreement, a new report has suggested.

Making cement and concrete, which is the most consumed product in the world after water, entails substantial emissions of carbon dioxide, from the chemical processes involved. While manufacturers have for years been seeking ways to reduce this or capture the carbon produced, and to make cement production more energy efficient, the results have failed to keep pace with the need to cut carbon emissions.

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Big increase in Antarctic snowfall

BBC - Mon, 2018-04-09 18:00
The annual extra now compared with the early 1800s has a water volume twice that of the Dead Sea.
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