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What’s Best for South Australia’s energy policy
Downsized NSW wind farm rejected, again, by state planning department
New 47MW solar farm proposed for Wagga Wagga, home of new Nationals leader
LONGi Solar breaks its own world record for the highest efficiency of monocrystalline PERC solar cells
Energy Makeovers launches Solar Energy product and new website
Geoff Cousins reveals how Bill Shorten wavered on Adani mine
Opposition leader assured environmentalist he would commit Labor to revoking the licence for the controversial coal project, but then faltered
The businessman and environmentalist Geoff Cousins is absolutely unequivocal.
He said the federal Labor leader Bill Shorten called him, just before Christmas last year, looking for help in how Labor might strengthen its policy on the controversial Adani coalmine – and then Shorten followed up several times since, asking to be given more time to convince colleagues to support the shift in position.
Continue reading...New clues to decline of bees and other pollinators
How humans echolocate 'like bats'
The What, Why, When guide to buying an electric vehicle in Australia
Victoria regulator finalises new time-varying tariffs for solar exports
University of Newcastle rolls out 2MW solar system at Callaghan Campus
Bayswater Power Station upgrade secures additional energy supply for NSW
The Nationals have changed their leader but kept the same climate story
Seal pups rescued in winter storms released back to wild
Moon to get 4G mobile network
Atacama's lessons about life on Mars
Arctic warming: scientists alarmed by 'crazy' temperature rises
Record warmth in the Arctic this month could yet prove to be a freak occurrence, but experts warn the warming event is unprecedented
An alarming heatwave in the sunless winter Arctic is causing blizzards in Europe and forcing scientists to reconsider even their most pessimistic forecasts of climate change.
Although it could yet prove to be a freak event, the primary concern is that global warming is eroding the polar vortex, the powerful winds that once insulated the frozen north.
Continue reading...Lack of models, not charging points, 'holding back electric car market'
Analysis shows just 20 battery models on sale in Europe against more than 400 conventional ones
The rise of electric cars in Europe is being hampered by a lack of models for consumers to choose from rather than a lack of public recharging points, according to energy companies and carmakers.
Some motoring groups and insurers have warned over the past year that the number of chargers is putting the switch to electric transport at risk. But an analysis by the Platform for Electromobility – whose 31 members include Tesla, Renault-Nissan, Brussels-based campaign group T&E and industrial groups Siemens and Alstom – found there are already enough points in Europe.
Continue reading...German court rules cities can ban diesel cars to tackle pollution
Landmark ruling could cause traffic chaos and dramatically hit the value of diesel vehicles
One of Germany’s top courts has ruled that heavily polluting vehicles can be banned from the urban centres of Stuttgart and Düsseldorf, a landmark ruling that could cause traffic chaos on the country’s roads and dramatically hit the value of diesel cars.
Environmental campaigners had sued dozens of German cities, arguing they have a duty to cut air pollution to protect people’s health.
Scientists have detected an acceleration in sea level rise | John Abraham
Faster melting of ice sheets is speeding up sea level rise
As humans emit heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide, the planet warms, and over time consequences become more apparent. Some of the consequences we are familiar with – for instance, rising temperatures, melting ice, and rising sea levels. Scientists certainly want to know how much the Earth has changed, but we also want to know how fast the changes will be in the future to know what the next generations will experience.
One of the classic projections into the future is for sea level rise. It is expected that by the year 2100, the ocean levels will rise a few feet by the end of the century. This matters a lot because globally, 150 million people live within three feet of current ocean levels. We have built our modern infrastructure based on current ocean levels. What happens to peoples’ homes and infrastructure when the waters rise?
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