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Perseid meteor shower set to peak at weekend

BBC - Sat, 2017-08-12 12:40
Stargazers will get the opportunity to spot shooting stars during the annual Perseid meteor shower.
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This is what a giant sounds like

ABC Environment - Sat, 2017-08-12 10:30
They might be 'slow-moving' and 'very plump' but these giant Australian frogs are next to impossible to find. Stay tuned for the return of Off Track, when the new season starts in six weeks.
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Fish sauced? Goldfish turn to alcohol to survive icy winters

BBC - Sat, 2017-08-12 02:19
Researchers uncover the evolved ability of goldfish to generate alcohol when deprived of oxygen.
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Sadiq Khan criticised for backtracking on pledge for London public energy company

The Guardian - Sat, 2017-08-12 01:54

Mayor is letting down Londoners by leaving out a manifesto pledge to create a not-for-profit energy company from his new environment strategy, say green groups

Campaigners have condemned the mayor of London’s new environment strategy for falling short by failing to announce the establishment of a publicly owned energy company for Londoners, one of his manifesto promises.

Sadiq Khan published his environment policy on Friday, which aims to turn the capital into a zero waste and zero emissions city by 2050 and ensure that more than half of the city is covered in parks and green spaces in the same time frame.

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Ivory, fossil fuels and flesh-eating sea creatures – green news roundup

The Guardian - Sat, 2017-08-12 00:54

The week’s top environment news stories and green events. If you are not already receiving this roundup, sign up here to get the briefing delivered to your inbox

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Grouse moors 'to blame for Scotland's disappearing raptors'

The Guardian - Sat, 2017-08-12 00:22

As estates gear up for Glorious Twelfth, wildlife crime expert talks of direct link between grouse moors and persecution of birds of prey

Grouse moors are to blame for persecuting endangered birds of prey in the Scottish Highlands and Uplands, according to a wildlife crime expert.

Ian Thomson, the head of investigations at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Scotland, said data from 77 birds of prey that had been satellite-tagged showed a direct correlation between dead and disappeared birds and grouse moors.

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Rustler steals 40,000 bees in Britain's biggest hive heist in years

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-08-11 23:20

Only an experienced beekeeper could have pulled off raid in Anglesey ‘without getting stung to smithereens’, police say

An experienced beekeeper is suspected of stealing 40,000 bees from Anglesey in one of Britain’s biggest bee rustling cases in years.

Only someone with a bee suit and veil could have pulled off the heist on Paul Williams’s hive in Rhydwyn “without getting stung to smithereens”, police said.

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The week in wildlife – in pictures

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-08-11 23:00

Playful gelada and inquisitive sea lions are among our pick of images from the natural world this week

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Al Gore: Trump has failed to knock Paris climate deal off course

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-08-11 22:51

Former US vice president says the US will meet its climate commitments in spite of Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the global agreement

Donald Trump has failed to knock the Paris climate agreement off course despite his efforts to derail it, according to the former US vice president Al Gore.

“The US will meet its commitments [on emissions] in spite of Donald Trump,” he said in London, where his new film An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power was released on Friday. “Every other country has pledged [to combat climate change]. I think the psychological message is that the train has left the station. The signal sent to investors, businesses, individuals and civil society is extraordinarily powerful.”

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Giant pipe sections wash up on Norfolk coast – video

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-08-11 21:21

A section of pipe almost half a kilometre long has washed up on the north Norfolk coast after breaking free from Norwegian tugs bound for Algeria. Another length of pipe beached earlier this week, and 10 more have been located and secured at sea

Pipe sections up to half a kilometre long wash up on Norfolk beach

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Climate crusader Gore takes up arms again

BBC - Fri, 2017-08-11 21:11
BBC environment analyst Roger Harrabin reviews Al Gore's climate movie sequel.
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Where global warming gets real: inside Nasa’s mission to the north pole – podcast

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-08-11 21:00

For 10 years, Nasa has been flying over the ice caps to chart their retreat. This data is an invaluable record of climate change. But does anyone care?

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Anger over 'untrue' climate change claims

BBC - Fri, 2017-08-11 20:55
Scientists respond furiously to claims about climate change made in a BBC radio interview.
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The year Trump was elected was so hot, it was 1-in-a-million | Dana Nuccitelli

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-08-11 20:00

The odds of 2014, 2015, and 2016 naturally being as hot as they were are about the same as the odds you’ll be struck by lightning this year

2014, 2015, and 2016 each broke the global temperature record. A new study led by climate scientist Michael Mann just published in Geophysical Research Letters used climate model simulations to examine the odds that these records would have been set in a world with and without human-caused global warming. In model simulations without a human climate influence, the authors concluded:

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The Transcontinental bike race: 2,400 gruelling miles across Europe – in pictures

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-08-11 16:30

Hundreds of riders race from Belgium to Greece, with no set route, facing extreme heat and often on only a few hours sleep a night

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All slaughterhouses in England to have compulsory CCTV

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-08-11 15:30

Cameras are part of a series of measures to improve animal welfare and enforce laws against cruelty

All slaughterhouses in England will be fitted with compulsory CCTV under plans to be unveiled on Friday by environment secretary Michael Gove, as part of a series of measures to bolster welfare standards and enforce laws against animal cruelty.

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Britain spent 'twice as much on overseas fossil fuels as renewables'

The Guardian - Fri, 2017-08-11 15:01

Nearly half of £6.1bn energy spending in developing countries from 2010-14 went on oil, coal and gas-fired schemes, data shows

The UK has spent more than twice as much overseas support on fossil fuels projects as on renewable ones so far this decade, according to research commissioned by the Catholic aid agency Cafod.

The Overseas Development Institute, which analysed the figures, found that 46% of Britain’s £6.1bn energy spending in developing countries between 2010 and 2014 went on oil, coal and gas-fired schemes, compared with 22% for renewable energy projects.

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It’s absurd. But consumers might be better off quitting the grid

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2017-08-11 13:20
As long as Australia's energy networks hold on to their inflated asset base, and generators and retailers to their inflated profit margins, consumers will have no choice but to take matters into their own hands with solar and battery storage. But what a hopeless failure in public policy that would be.
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EOI open for NQ Clean Energy Hub

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2017-08-11 13:00
A key part of the $386 million Powering North Queensland Plan will commence today.
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Australia’s biggest wind farm is also its least productive

RenewEconomy - Fri, 2017-08-11 12:32
What's wrong with Australia's biggest wind farm? Victoria's 420MW Macarthur facility was supposed to produce 50% more power than it did last year.
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