Feed aggregator
NT launches plan to power 72 remote indigenous communities with 70 pct renewables
The post NT launches plan to power 72 remote indigenous communities with 70 pct renewables appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Australia seeks advisors to join Nature Repair Market committee
Call for community engagement rating scheme, as review reveals “material distrust” of developers
The post Call for community engagement rating scheme, as review reveals “material distrust” of developers appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Indonesian oil company opens carbon credit supply line
EXCLUSIVE: Corporate Carbon implicated in fraud legal case that could rock Australia’s carbon market
CP Daily: Thursday February 1, 2024
German carbon credit company sees new CEO join
WCI Markets: WCAs plunge to the lowest levels since programme inception, CCA activity subdues
Toxic run-off from roads not monitored, BBC finds
Massachusetts Q4 regulated emissions at five-year high, 2023 emissions drop YoY
Should more British homes be built using straw?
Vanadium merger bets on demand for 18-hour batteries
The post Vanadium merger bets on demand for 18-hour batteries appeared first on RenewEconomy.
New solar efficiency world record shows huge potential of tandem technology
The post New solar efficiency world record shows huge potential of tandem technology appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Washington Clean Fuels Standard proposes overhauled 2024 participation fee structure
Can Australia make its own solar? Landmark study says yes – and actually, it has to
The post Can Australia make its own solar? Landmark study says yes – and actually, it has to appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Verra lifts suspension of troubled Kasigau REDD projects following review
‘Nemo’ clownfish drive away species with same stripes, study suggests
Researchers say they have found how anemonefish identify unwelcome guests of their own kind, by counting white markings
Unlike the star of Disney’s Finding Nemo, real-life common clownfish are not keen on sharing their home with members of their own species.
Researchers say they have discovered how they kick unwelcome guests out, by counting the stranger’s vertical white markings.
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