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Country diary: Seaham, Durham: With every tide the sea erases a little more of the decades of industrial abuse
When Dawdon pit closed and the sea dumping of colliery waste ended, Blast beach resembled the surface of an alien planet – so much so that it was chosen as the location for the opening sequences of the 1992 movie Alien 3. Since then a massive clean-up campaign has transformed the shore into a pleasant place for a Christmas-morning walk, graced today with dazzling sunshine. At the bottom of the cliffs there are still traces of industrial archaeology: some topsy-turvy geology with boulders brought to the surface from strata below the magnesian limestone cliffs; colourful mineral incrustations; a faint whiff of sulphur. But with every tide the sea erases a little more of the decades of industrial abuse, and also delivers small, sought-after gifts.
Continue reading...Coastal Upland Swamps in the Sydney Basin Bioregion
Emissions Reduction Fund - Green Paper
Emissions Reduction Fund - Green Paper
Galilee Coal and Rail project
SENG wishes you a safe and happy festive season 2013
Atalaya brevialata listed in the critically endangered category under the EPBC Act 1999 effective 14/12/2013
Australia’s Abatement Task and 2013 Emissions Projections
Call for public comment
Delisting 25 species from the Threatened Species List
Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000
Marine reserves review
Fracking hell: what it's really like to live next to a shale gas well
Veronica Kronvall can, even now, remember how excited she felt about buying her house in 2007. It was the first home she had ever owned and, to celebrate, her aunt fitted out the kitchen in Kronvall's favourite colour, purple: everything from microwave to mixing bowls. A cousin took pictures of her lying on the floor of the room that would become her bedroom. She planted roses and told herself she would learn how to garden.
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