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3,200 deaths a year: 1 of many reasons air pollution in Australia demands urgent national action
Japan joins Moon race with successful rocket launch
How the consumer energy sharing economy can help Eraring close on time
Consumer-owned resources like rooftop solar and battery storage have a key role to play in ushering out coal-fired power. Origin gets this better than most.
The post How the consumer energy sharing economy can help Eraring close on time appeared first on RenewEconomy.
First African climate summit: can development and climate action coexist?
Madeleine Finlay hears from the Guardian’s east Africa global development correspondent, Caroline Kimeu, about the challenges and tensions at play at the inaugural climate summit
Read more reporting from Caroline Kimeu here
Continue reading...“Moving beyond baseload:” NSW turns to consumers and local storage to fill Eraring gap
NSW announces $1.8 billion, including a new focus on consumer energy resources, such as neighbourhood batteries, in its Energy Security Corp.
The post “Moving beyond baseload:” NSW turns to consumers and local storage to fill Eraring gap appeared first on RenewEconomy.
Long or short on energy storage? A deep dive into price signals for duration
There are very sharp diminishing returns for longer duration storage under current market arrangements, which makes it difficult for private investors.
The post Long or short on energy storage? A deep dive into price signals for duration appeared first on RenewEconomy.
What imperils the Great Barrier Reef? If you ask Murdoch media, it’s a solar farm 70km away
A solar farm proposed for central Queensland's Calliope renewable energy zone has found itself the subject of some bizarre news reports this week.
The post What imperils the Great Barrier Reef? If you ask Murdoch media, it’s a solar farm 70km away appeared first on RenewEconomy.
How one student forced the government to admit the economic risks of climate change
Hurricane Lee could become 'extremely dangerous'
Sun Cable: Cannon-Brookes lays out new vision for world’s biggest solar array
Cannon-Brookes takes control of Sun Cable, and lays out new vision for 20GW solar project, including supply to Singapore and massive green industrial precinct in Darwin.
The post Sun Cable: Cannon-Brookes lays out new vision for world’s biggest solar array appeared first on RenewEconomy.