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Updated: 2 hours 11 min ago

Heathrow promises immediate boost after runway go-ahead

Wed, 2016-10-26 04:43

As Chris Grayling makes assurances on fares, jobs and UK-wide benefits, runway opponents say their battle has just begun

Heathrow has promised an immediate economic boost from the government’s go-ahead for a third runway by letting new contracts related to the £17.6bn project within a fortnight.

However, airlines questioned whether the airport could be expanded without raising fares for passengers as the cost is likely to be passed on to carriers and their customers.

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Australia's coal seam gas emissions may be vastly underestimated – report

Wed, 2016-10-26 03:30

Report says industry’s true carbon emissions could easily amount to twice the emissions Australia promised to cut by 2030

The coal-seam-gas industry could be vastly underestimating its emissions, jeopardising Australia’s commitments made at Paris and swamping any benefits gas has over coal, according to a landmark report by the Melbourne Energy Institute, commissioned by The Australia Institute.

The report found the industry’s true emissions could easily amount to twice the emissions Australia has promised to cut by 2030.

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US funding new soldiers in wildlife trafficking war: giant rats

Wed, 2016-10-26 03:13

Elite rat team to begin by spotting illegal shipments of pangolins, the world’s most trafficked animal, at ports in Tanzania

The US government will fund the training of a team of giant rats to combat illegal wildlife trafficking in Africa.

An elite group of African giant pouched rats will be used at ports, initially in Tanzania, to detect illegal shipments of pangolins – the world’s most trafficked animal, which has been pushed towards extinction due to the trade in its scales and skins – as well as hardwood timber.

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Boris Johnson: Heathrow third runway is 'undeliverable' – video

Wed, 2016-10-26 00:04

Speaking on Tuesday, Boris Johnson, the UK foreign secretary, comments on the decision to build a third runway at Heathrow and says the project is ‘undeliverable’. Johnson adds that no other world city would dream of pursuing a similar project and create more noise pollution for its its suburban residents

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Backyard battery recycling is biggest chemical polluter for poorer nations

Wed, 2016-10-26 00:00

Report finds mining, leather tanning, rubbish dumps and the dye industry among the most polluting industries harming health and causing early death

The backyard recycling of lead-acid car batteries is the number one source of chemical pollution in the world’s poorer nations and leads to millions of years of healthy life being lost, according to a new report.

The World’s Worst Pollution Problems, published by NGOs Pure Earth and Green Cross Switzerland on Tuesday, reveals the top 10 most polluting industries in low and middle-income countries.

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'We feel betrayed': Harmondsworth residents furious at Heathrow decision

Tue, 2016-10-25 23:10

Six years after Cameron vowed no third runway, people in village set for part-demolition angry government now backs airport’s expansion

In Harmondsworth, one of the villages scheduled to be partly or wholly demolished to make way for Heathrow’s third runway, there was little shock but considerable distress and anger when the government’s decision was confirmed.

Neil Keveren, whose house will face the boundary fence of the new runway, said residents felt “betrayed” six years after David Cameron’s “no ifs, no buts” commitment that there would be no third runway at Heathrow.

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Chris Grayling: Heathrow expansion the right decision for Britain – video

Tue, 2016-10-25 21:31

The transport secretary, Chris Grayling, praises the approved expansion of Heathrow airport on Tuesday. Grayling says the move shows that, following the Brexit referendum, the UK remains open for business, adding that the committee thought long and hard about the decision before settled on a third runway at Heathrow. He adds that Heathrow’s third runway is best for the whole country and offers another step ‘that works for everyone’

Heathrow expansion decision condemned by senior Tories - live updates

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Heathrow airport expansion gets government approval

Tue, 2016-10-25 21:05

Transport secretary hails ‘truly momentous’ move but widespread protests and legal challenges are expected to follow decision

A third runway is to be built at Heathrow, the government has decided, paving the way for hundreds of thousands more flights a year at the airport in west London.

In a long-awaited response, ministers have endorsed the recommendation of the Airports Commission to expand Heathrow rather than Gatwick airport, which had hoped to build a second runway.

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Hacked emails reveal plan to counter Rupert Murdoch's climate denial

Tue, 2016-10-25 21:00

Emails sent to Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta reveal $3m campaign aimed to put media mogul ‘on the defensive’ and help conservative politicians support global warming action

A well-funded international campaign to counter the influence of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire on climate change has been planned, emails to Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman reveal.

The plan to use “guerilla tactics”, civil disobedience and targeted advertising appears to have been hatched by David Fenton, founder of Fenton Communications, a US public relations agency.

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Local residents on Heathrow's third runway: 'Kids love the planes'

Tue, 2016-10-25 20:55

People living in Harmondsworth, Sipson and Harlington share their views on how they will be affected

Heathrow will get a third runway after the government gave the go ahead on Tuesday, paving the way for hundreds of thousands more flights a year at the airport in west London.

In a long-awaited response, ministers have endorsed the recommendation of the Airports Commission to expand Heathrow rather than Gatwick airport, which had hoped to build a second runway. The move comes six years after the Conservative-led coalition scrapped previous plans for a third runway at Heathrow.

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Whaling nations block South Atlantic sanctuary plans

Tue, 2016-10-25 18:50

Conservation groups dismayed as Japan and other pro-whaling nations vote against plans for a protected area for whales, dolphins and porpoises

Japan and other pro-whaling nations have defeated a proposal to create an sanctuary for whales in the South Atlantic.

The push to create the protected area during a biennial meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) was defeated after 38 countries voted yes and 24 against, as proposals at the conference require 75% of votes to pass. Two abstained.

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Keep it in the ground: renewable energy breaks new records

Tue, 2016-10-25 18:22

Last year renewable energy accounted for more than half of new power generation worldwide, for the first time

Think of China and energy today, and you probably think of coal. But as the chief of the International Energy Agency told me recently, that’s changing. In years to come, wind turbines and vast solar arrays could become the first things that spring to mind.

Last year, for the first time, renewable energy accounted for more than half of new power generation worldwide, as we report today. China is expected to build more than twice that global amount in the next five years, driven by its thirst for more electricity capacity, public anxiety over air pollution and the need to fulfil its climate change pledges.

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Renewables made up half of net electricity capacity added last year

Tue, 2016-10-25 18:00

Experts hail rapid transformation that will see clean energy outgrow fossil fuels in the next five years - but warn UK is failing to exploit huge potential

Green energy accounted for more than half of net electricity generation capacity added around the world last year for the first time, leading energy experts have found.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) said the milestone was evidence of a rapid transformation in energy taking place, and predicted capacity from renewable sources will grow faster than oil, gas, coal or nuclear power in the next five years.

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Night parrot population discovered in Queensland national park

Tue, 2016-10-25 16:10

Discovery of elusive bird, thought to be extinct for a century until 2013, leads scientists to believe the ‘dumpy budgerigar’ may be more common than thought

The elusive night parrot has been recorded in Diamantina national park in central-west Queensland, expanding its known range and leading scientists to believe it may not be as rare as previously thought.

The bird, described by Bush Heritage Australia’s Jim Radford as a “dumpy budgerigar” or a “podgy, sort of smallish, green and yellow parrot”, was thought to be extinct for more than 100 years before ornithologist John Young managed to photograph it in 2013.

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Opposing camps to hold dialogue on railway through Nairobi National Park

Tue, 2016-10-25 15:41

Paula Kahumbu: The proposal to put a railway through Kenya’s iconic wildlife sanctuary raises issues that should concern us all

The Kenyan Ministry of Transport has announced that it is moving forward with its plans to build a standard gauge railway (SGR), linking Nairobi with the port city of Mombasa, that will cut through Nairobi National Park.

Nairobi is one of the world’s fastest growing cities. It is also unique in encompassing, within its precincts, a major national park that supports lions, rhinos, and other large wild animals. Despite its modest size, the biological diversity of Nairobi National Park is greater than that of some entire countries. It is also a sanctuary of global significance for some endangered species, notably the black rhinoceros.

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Study links blood pressure risk to road noise

Tue, 2016-10-25 15:05

Traffic noise is associated with an increase in hypertension cases, according to research from five European countries

People living near noisy roads could have a bigger risk of high blood pressure, a new study suggests.

Meanwhile, long-term exposure to air pollution can also increase a person’s risk, experts found.

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For exotic looks, nothing beats the native spindle

Tue, 2016-10-25 14:30

Ladle Hill, Hampshire The spindles are brave impressionist paintings among the ash and crab apple

In an almost silent late afternoon I have descended steeply through the thickly wooded path on a spur of the downs. The only sound is that of a blackbird. It has chosen, as is its habit, the very best notes in the very finest order to punctuate just such a dark autumn afternoon. It is indeed as if, as Edward Thomas wrote in The South Country, it “gathers up all the low-lit beauty into one carol”.

Emerging from beneath the canopy I take a moment to notice the great smears of unlikely tropical colour among the trees lining the chalky path. Delicately spectacular, there are few more exotic-looking things than a spindle tree in full autumn decoration. This is especially so when it’s nestled in among the damp beech woods.

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Coal will be important 'for many, many decades to come', says Turnbull

Tue, 2016-10-25 11:15

Prime minister defends fossil fuel as part of Australia’s energy mix as critical Senate bloc opposes ‘green lawfare’ changes

Malcolm Turnbull has declared coal will be part of Australia’s energy mix for “many, many, many decades to come” as a critical Senate bloc expressed opposition to so-called “green lawfare” changes designed to limit the legal standing of conservation groups in court proceedings.

Turnbull made the bullish observation about coal during a radio interview in Brisbane on Tuesday morning, arguing that the effort to “strangle the Australian coal industry is not going to do anything to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions”.

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'That is definitely not a dolphin': shark attack victim plays down hysteria

Tue, 2016-10-25 10:07

Jade Fitzpatrick says reports of attacks often make them sound ‘bigger and scarier’ and he will be surfing again within days

Jade Fitzpatrick is still in shock a day after escaping the jaws of a 2.7-metre great white off the New South Wales north coast, but he says reporting of attacks should be kept in perspective and netting beaches is not the solution.

The 36-year-old surfer suffered three puncture wounds to his upper thigh when his surfboard bore the brunt of the attack off a beach between Suffolk Park and Broken Head near Byron Bay on Monday morning.

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Alan Jones launches Great Barrier Reef site after criticising 'global warming hoax'

Tue, 2016-10-25 03:30

Australian radio hosts broadcasts show critical of climate ‘alarmists’ from Cairns before launching the Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef website

A new Great Barrier Reef conservation site has been launched by the Australian broadcaster Alan Jones, who has declared that climate change was a hoax and said the reef was “fine”.

Experts, including the federal government, agree that climate change is the biggest threat facing the reef.

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