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Updated: 2 hours 14 min ago

Rishi Sunak announces new oil and gas licences despite outcry – video

Tue, 2023-08-01 01:30

The UK prime minister visited Aberdeenshire on Monday to announce more than 100 new licences for drilling oil and gas in the North Sea. Rishi Sunak insisted the announcement was 'entirely consistent with our plan to get to net zero', adding that domestic oil and gas saved 'two, three, four times the amount of carbon emissions' of 'shipping it from halfway round the world'. Environmental groups said the licences would obliterate the UK's climate commitments. Jess Ralston from the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit said it would jeopardise the UK's international standing on the climate emergency, adding that the government would export oil and gas 'to the highest bidder'

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Unesco recommends against Great Barrier Reef ‘in danger’ listing but Australia warned more action needed

Tue, 2023-08-01 01:00

UN scientific advisors stressed the reef was under ‘serious threat’ in a report detailing progress on protecting the World Heritage site from the climate crisis

UN scientific advisors have recommended the Great Barrier Reef not be placed on a list of World Heritage sites “in danger” but stressed the planet’s biggest coral reef system remains under “serious threat” from global heating and water pollution.

Unesco said in a report that the Australian government had taken positive steps to protect the reef since a UN monitoring mission visited Queensland in March last year.

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Just Stop Oil protesters have appeals blocked over Dartford crossing sentences

Tue, 2023-08-01 00:03

Lawyers for Morgan Trowland and Marcus Decker had tried to challenge ‘extraordinary length’ of sentences

Two Just Stop Oil protesters who scaled the bridge at the Dartford crossing, closing it to traffic for more than a day and a half, have been refused permission to appeal against their sentences.

Morgan Trowland was jailed for three years and Marcus Decker for two years and seven months after they used ropes to climb the Queen Elizabeth II bridge, which links the M25 in Essex and Kent, last October, causing long traffic jams.

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Wild camping allowed on Dartmoor again after court appeal succeeds

Mon, 2023-07-31 23:52

Dartmoor National Park Authority had appealed against January high court ruling that outlawed practice

Wild camping is once again allowed on Dartmoor after the national park won a successful appeal against a ruling in a case brought by a wealthy landowner.

Camping had been assumed to be allowed under the Dartmoor Commons Act since 1985, until a judge ruled otherwise in January. It was the only place in England such an activity was allowed without requiring permission from a landowner.

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Sunak’s plan for carbon capture is good news: he shouldn't muddy it with party politics | Simon Jenkins

Mon, 2023-07-31 23:43

Consensus on tackling the climate crisis is what’s needed now – and direct action against CO2 must be the next move

For as long as the United Kingdom needs to use oil and gas, we should be making an effort to capture any resulting CO2 and store it. That clearly makes sense. It also makes sense to produce our own oil and gas, so we are less beholden to exporters (though of course ours, too, would be sold on the international markets).

So far, so good for Rishi Sunak’s twofold announcement today in Scotland. But it would be helpful if he did not muddy these waters by using them to score political points against Labour in the run-up to an election campaign. What we desperately need now, as we confront the climate crisis, is agreement on a way forward. Bringing party politics into it will only hinder progress.

Simon Jenkins is a Guardian columnist

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Man rescued from car swept into river as Typhoon Doksuri hits China – video

Mon, 2023-07-31 22:38

Two people have reportedly been killed by severe flooding that has engulfed parts of Beijing after Typhoon Doksuri struck the Chinese capital. More than 31,000 people had been evacuated from the city as heavy rain continued to fall there, and in Hebei, Tianjin and eastern Shanxi, as the typhoon dissipated over northern China

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Dear Rishi Sunak, you’ve declared war on people who want to curb car use. It’s one you’ll lose | Christian Wolmar

Mon, 2023-07-31 21:07

The PM is misguided to focus so strongly on Ulez and popular low-traffic schemes. Keir Starmer should know better, too

Isn’t it extraordinary that the Tories scent blood over that most prosaic of innovations, the ponderously named low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) – and yet the idea that a few bollards and barriers strewn across residential areas should still become their main line of electoral attack is just further proof that the Tory government has abandoned any attempt to demonstrate serious intent.

Let’s be clear. There is precious little blood to be drawn in LTNs. This is a niche concern, affecting a very small percentage of the population, of whom only a minority are opposed. Moreover, as with the ultra-low emission zone (Ulez), the issue that has triggered this renewed interest in LTNs, it is the Tories who originally encouraged the concept by persuading and funding councils to introduce them during the pandemic. There is, too, an irony in the fact that the “pro-motorist” campaign against LTNs, previously articulated by the transport secretary, Mark Harper, is now being spearheaded by a prime minister whose default transport mode is a helicopter.

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Wildfires cross US border into Canada triggering evacuation order – video

Mon, 2023-07-31 18:44

The Canadian town of Osoyoos has been ordered to evacuate after a wildfire crossed the border from the US state of Washington. Firefighters are using water cannons from planes to try to control the blaze, which local authorities estimate to be 885 hectares (2,200 acres) in size

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Sunak announces approval of 100 new North Sea oil and gas licences

Mon, 2023-07-31 17:52

PM claims UK fossil fuel projects key to meeting net zero aim, contradicting much climate science

Rishi Sunak has announced the approval of about 100 new North Sea oil and gas licences, claiming the move would help the UK reach its target of meeting net zero by 2050.

Making a visit to Aberdeenshire on Monday, the prime minister stressed his desire to maintain UK fossil fuel exploration, a key political dividing line with Labour, which has said it will stop any new North Sea drilling if it comes into power.

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The lesson from the Greece wildfires? The climate crisis is coming for us all | Nesrine Malik

Mon, 2023-07-31 15:00

The developed world needs to be shocked out of its complacency about our warming world, and the unexpected effects that will follow

A surreal video filmed by a tourist in “the most perfect location in Greece” last week, posted to show how “a weekend trip turned into survival mode in 24 hours”, could easily pass for a TV climate crisis awareness-raising campaign. It brings to mind two harrowing adverts released by Save the Children in 2014 and 2016, showing what life would look like for a British girl if war came to our shores and she became a refugee.

The brief Greece video unwittingly follows the same script of rapid unravelling: an idyllic waterside scene is instantly transformed, overshadowed by looming fire and smoke, then abandoned for boats, buses and waiting holding pens as hundreds of tired and bewildered people seek shelter and fail to secure flights out.

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Swimmers avoiding the water over fears of raw sewage on UK beaches

Mon, 2023-07-31 14:00

Concerns over water quality have discouraged a quarter of summer bathers from taking the plunge

Almost a quarter of the UK’s sea swimmers may not take a dip in the ocean this year because of sewage dumping by water companies, according to a poll.

Sewage was dumped into waters near England’s most celebrated beaches for nearly 8,500 hours last year, analysis shows. A separate review earlier this year found there were 1,504 discharges in 2022 on beaches supposed to be free from such pollution.

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The Guardian view on a new alliance between Wales and Cornwall: unlocking Celtic energy | Editorial

Mon, 2023-07-31 03:30

Offshore wind power could kickstart an economic renaissance in the west of Britain

David Lloyd George would no doubt have approved of the collaboration agreement signed this month by Mark Drakeford, the first minister of Wales, and Linda Taylor, the leader of Cornwall council. In 1910, Britain’s only Welsh prime minister told a Falmouth crowd that Wales and Cornwall shared “the same Celtic passion for liberty”. These days, they also share common challenges and – in the field of renewable energy – transformative new prospects.

Later this year, a bidding process will begin for leases to build enough floating windfarms in the Celtic Sea to power 3m homes by 2035. Longer term, the hope is to generate six times that output from an area off the north Cornwall and south Wales coasts. Investment in wind has hitherto focused on the North Sea, exploiting existing infrastructure associated with oil and gas. But developments in offshore technologies have dramatically expanded the economic horizon at Europe’s western edge. As Mr Drakeford put it in a joint press conference with Ms Taylor: “Where our geography has been against us in many ways for economic development, now suddenly being on the edge is an advantage in terms of wind and marine energy.”

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Youth hostels are a muddy, joyful miracle. Losing them to Brexit and the cost of living would be a tragedy | John Harris

Sun, 2023-07-30 22:20

They are an antidote to the isolation and smallness of modern life – yet the YHA is being forced to sell off at least 20

Just over a month ago, a news story broke that spoke volumes about our crisis-ridden times, and the great wealth sitting undisturbed while some of our most vital organisations and institutions find themselves in dire financial straits.

It also took its place among a range of developments – from our polluted rivers, to the ongoing controversy about the legality of camping on Dartmoor – which highlight how the opportunity to enjoy green and open spaces is being spoiled, restricted and neglected. In this instance, though, beyond coverage in the Guardian and Telegraph, and a brief flurry of noise on social media, what was afoot seemed to attract very little attention at all.

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We bailed out the banks but we’re not prepared to bail out the planet

Sun, 2023-07-30 20:04

US and UK must use financial firepower of the state to put economies on a saner course

Like many other politicians, Joe Biden talks a good game about the need to tackle global heating. Climate change is an “existential threat”, the US president said last week, as America sizzled amid record-breaking temperatures.

Biden had to do something in response to what António Guterres, the UN secretary general, described as the boiling of the planet. The White House announced a series of measures – such as improved access to drinking water and planting more trees – in response to what has been the hottest month on record.

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Europe burns while the Tories’ net zero plans are set to go up in smoke | Stewart Lee

Sun, 2023-07-30 19:00

Rishi Sunak needs to understand that investing in green initiatives is a lot cheaper than flying all his hedge fund manager mates to Mars

It’s 2am on Thursday. Wildfires are burning in Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Portugal, Croatia and Algeria. British tourist climate refugees are, ironically, being rescued by friendly locals in small boats. Stop the boats! No! Not those boats! The other ones! The ones with brown people in them!

But the main environmental news in the past few weeks has not been about the Giveaway Package Holiday Dante’s Inferno Supa-Deals. Instead, we learn that British political parties are rethinking their commitment to green policies. And all because Labour somehow lost Uxbridge, by a narrow margin, to a Conservative party so corrupt that it is considering setting up an amnesty bucket at the entrance to parliament, where those on the right of the house can vomit out their consciences before taking their seats.

Basic Lee tour dates are here. A fun-size ™ ® version of the show is at the Stand’s New Town theatre, Edinburgh, from 11 to 20 August

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Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer should take courage from Joe Biden – green energy for all is the only way forward | Joss Garman

Sun, 2023-07-30 17:02
It’s time to ignore the scaremongers urging voters to put their faith in more oil and gas

This was always going to happen. There was always going to be a moment when the seemingly dry question of decarbonisation became a dominant – the dominant – question in British politics; a moment when the government and opposition would have to genuinely address a question that was no longer abstract, no longer about measures to take in distant decades to prevent climate impacts in distant lands. Are we actually going to clean up our economy, and if we are, then who’s going to pay for it?

Some world leaders understand the moment we’re in and are acting accordingly – to defend a global climate that allows humans to prosper, but also to ensure their economies prosper this century. President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act is the biggest single investment of money into decarbonisation ever attempted, and the consequences are scaring European policymakers witless. The White House has made a huge intervention in the US economy in an effort to ensure America, not China, dominates technologies this century.

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Rishi Sunak warned that Tories’ key green pledges are ‘unachievable’

Sun, 2023-07-30 03:51

Whitehall watchdog gives red rating to set of measures aimed to bring net-zero goals, amid backlash over retreat on climate policy

Rishi Sunak has been accused of showing disregard for the climate crisis after Whitehall officials warned that some of his key green pledges were already unachievable.

With the prime minister facing a backlash within his own party after appearing to row back from his commitment to green policies, an internal government audit found that a series of measures designed to help meet Britain’s net-zero goals had been allowed to run off course.

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The cost of living crisis can only be beaten by tackling the climate crisis | Ed Miliband

Sun, 2023-07-30 03:00

Investing in green jobs and energy is the best long-term way to tackle soaring bills

  • Ed Miliband is the climate change and net zero shadow minister

This summer has been defined by two crises: the continuing, painful cost of living crisis afflicting millions in our country and the climate crisis, which is playing out in horrifying ways across the world. The Conservative party is saying we can’t tackle both these crises together – and is, in fact, tackling neither. The Conservatives are wrong. Tackling both these crises goes hand in hand. That’s what Labour’s green prosperity plan will do – cutting energy bills, creating good jobs, delivering energy security and providing climate leadership for our country.

To listen to the Conservatives, you might think the status quo is serving us well. It isn’t. Putin’s strangulation of international fossil fuel markets has sent energy bills soaring, plunged countries like ours into the deepest cost of living crisis in memory and stoked inflation to further pile the pain on to families and businesses. The UK has been the worst affected country in western Europe. We have been so exposed because 13 years of failed Conservative energy policy has left us so dependent on fossil fuel markets.

Ed Miliband is shadow secretary of state for climate change and net zero

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International talks end without go-ahead for deep-sea mining

Sat, 2023-07-29 23:15

Eleventh-hour agreement reached at ISA meeting in Jamaica to discuss moratorium at next year’s talks

An international meeting in Jamaica to negotiate rules over deep-sea mining has ended with no green light to start industrial-scale mining and with an eleventh-hour agreement to hold formal discussions next year on the protection of the marine environment.

The agreement ended intense week-long negotiations at the International Seabed Authority (ISA), an intergovernmental body based in Kingston that regulates sea-bed extraction, over a proposal spearheaded by Chile, France and Costa Rica and backed by a dozen countries to discuss a precautionary pause on deep-sea mining in order to ensure the protection of the marine environment.

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Nature groups prepared to ‘mobilise’ 20m members over UK climate policy

Sat, 2023-07-29 20:57

Organisations including RSPB, National Trust and RSPCA urge prime minister to honour green promises

Environmental groups claiming to represent 20 million people will mobilise their members should ministers water down climate commitments, they have warned.

Groups including the RSPB, National Trust and the RSPCA have written to the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, who has signalled his willingness to back away from green policies should the Conservatives stand to benefit from it electorally.

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