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Greta Thunberg condemns UK firm’s plans for mine on indigenous Sami

Fri, 2022-02-11 20:32

Beowulf Mining ‘hopeful’ for decision on mine in Sápmi despite opposition from activist, UN and Swedish church

A British company has fallen foul of Greta Thunberg, Unesco, Sweden’s national church, and the indigenous people in the north of the country over plans for an open-pit mine on historical Sami reindeer-herding lands.

The clamour of opposition was voiced as Beowulf Mining, headquartered in the City of London, suggested it was “hopeful” of a decision within weeks of a 5 sq mile iron-ore mine in an area where Sami communities have lived for thousands of years.

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Tory group fighting net zero ‘a small minority’, say parliamentarians

Fri, 2022-02-11 16:00

Chairs of eight all-party parliamentary groups pledge to support the UK’s green agenda

MPs not fully behind net zero are “a small minority” and the government should stay committed to its goal, a cross-party group of parliamentarians has said.

Chairs of eight all-party parliamentary groups, including on climate change, net zero, clean air and fuel poverty, have written a letter to the Guardian , vowing they will “continue to support and promote ambitious environmental leadership in parliament”.

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Good riddance to the koala bear, Australia's most useless animal! | First Dog on the Moon

Fri, 2022-02-11 14:39

The best thing about recovery plans is nobody pays any attention except for a few greenists and weary scientists

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Biden administration plans to spend $5bn to build EV charging network across US

Fri, 2022-02-11 13:51

Electric vehicle stations to be placed every 50 miles along interstate highways to spur adoption of zero-emission cars

The Biden administration has unveiled a plan to award nearly $5bn over five years to build thousands of electric vehicle charging stations.

The nationwide network of electric vehicle charging stations would place new or upgraded ones every 50 miles (80km) along interstate highways as part of the administration’s plan to spur widespread adoption of zero-emission cars.

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Gray wolf federal protections removed by Trump restored across much of US

Fri, 2022-02-11 09:01

California ruling does not affect wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming

Federal protections for gray wolves were restored across much of the US on Thursday, after their removal in the waning days of the Trump administration exposed the predators to hunting that critics said would undermine their rebound from widespread extermination early last century.

US district judge Jeffrey White in Oakland, California, said the US Fish and Wildlife Service had failed to show wolf populations could be sustained in the midwest and portions of the west without protection under the Endangered Species Act.

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The Guardian view on windfall taxes: an idea whose time has come again | Editorial

Fri, 2022-02-11 04:50

Labour’s Ed Miliband is right to call for a one-off increase in corporation tax on North Sea producers to fund lower bills for consumers

Windfall taxes are nothing new. Margaret Thatcher’s government was one of the most notable users of the tactic – with one-off levies on banks and oil companies for making excess gains in the early 1980s. Perhaps the fact that such duties find favour with the public surprises some who think economic populism is passé. But with gas prices trebling and the bosses of fossil fuel companies proclaiming “cash machine” profits, surely Labour’s Ed Miliband is right to call for a one-off increase in corporation tax on North Sea producers to fund lower bills for consumers.

Big oil’s claim that it is paying its fair share to the Treasury is not credible, given that handouts from the state have often actually exceeded the tax take that the industry generates. Between 2018 and 2020, Shell and BP, which together produce more than 1.7bn tonnes of greenhouse gases a year, paid no corporation tax or production levies on North Sea oil operations and claimed tax reliefs of nearly £400m.

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Police investigate deaths of two eagles reintroduced to Isle of Wight

Fri, 2022-02-11 03:01

Dorset police appeal for information after white-tailed eagles found dead in south of England

Two of the white-tailed eagles reintroduced to the Isle of Wight have been found dead, police have said.

About 25 of the birds of prey, which have a 2.4 metre (8ft) wingspan, have been released in the area since 2019 as part of an effort to bring back a long-lost species to UK skies.

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Koala listed as endangered after Australian governments fail to halt its decline

Fri, 2022-02-11 02:30

No recovery plan for the Australian marsupial was in place despite it being identified as a requirement nine years ago

The Australian government has officially listed the koala as endangered after a decline in its numbers due to land clearing and catastrophic bushfires shrinking its habitat.

The environment minister, Sussan Ley, accepted the recommendation of the threatened species scientific committee that the koala populations of Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory should have their conservation status upgraded.

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Great Barrier Reef: cooler weather reduces threat of mass bleaching outbreak this summer

Fri, 2022-02-11 02:30

Cloud and rain over the past 10 days bring much-needed relief to heat-stressed coral, government authority says

The risk of widespread coral bleaching across the Great Barrier Reef has subsided after cloud and rain over the past 10 days caused “substantial cooling” of heat-stressed corals, according to the government’s reef management authority.

Scientists and conservationists have feared it could suffer its sixth major mass bleaching outbreak this summer with record high temperatures over the reef in December.

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Little penguins on WA island will be pushed to ‘breaking point’ by construction of new centre, expert says

Fri, 2022-02-11 02:30

Conservationists argue plans to rebuild the Penguin Island centre distract from human impacts affecting the threatened birds

Plans to build a new $3.3m “discovery centre” on Penguin Island in Western Australia will push the threatened bird colony to breaking point, conservationists say.

The state’s new environment minister, Reece Whitby, unveiled a concept design on Tuesday, which would see the existing centre on the island demolished and a new one built 50 metres away.

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Climate activists buy environment secretary’s Cornwall constituency office

Thu, 2022-02-10 23:26

Insulate Britain supporters donate rent from George Eustice’s office towards protesters’ court costs

The constituency office of the environment secretary, George Eustice, has been bought by supporters of Insulate Britain, who have donated his rent to a legal fund for activists.

Supporters of the group, which made headlines last year by obstructing major roads and calling on the government to retrofit all British homes to make them energy efficient, formed a coalition of investors.

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Force pension funds to align with net zero goal, says Richard Curtis

Thu, 2022-02-10 21:54

Film-maker urges UK ministers to make it mandatory for schemes to align portfolios with climate target

Pension funds should face legal obligations to bring their investments in line with the net zero greenhouse gas emissions goal, the film-maker Richard Curtis has said.

Curtis, a co-founder of the Make My Money Matter campaigning group, urged ministers to follow up the UK’s legal commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050 by making it mandatory for pension schemes to align their portfolios with the target.

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Fracking firm Cuadrilla to permanently abandon controversial UK sites

Thu, 2022-02-10 20:47

Firm sets out plan to seal two shale gas wells in Lancashire two years after government shutdown order

The owner of shale fracking firm Cuadrilla will permanently plug and abandon its two shale wells in Lancashire, drawing a line on Britain’s failed fracking industry.

Cuadrilla set out plans to permanently seal the two shale gas wells drilled at the Preston New Road (PNR) Lancashire shale exploration site a little over two years after the government brought an end to fracking in England.

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Climate change bills in Northern Ireland edge closer to completion

Thu, 2022-02-10 17:00

First legally binding climate act faces race against the clock before Stormont’s dissolution next month

Northern Ireland’s first legally binding climate act faces a race against time to get passed before the devolved institutions at Stormont are dissolved in the coming weeks.

The second of two climate change bills – introduced by the agriculture minister, Edwin Poots – has moved through consideration stage, with a batch of new amendments prompting more than 25 hours of assembly debate.

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Take a peak: Douglas Mandry’s mountain highs – in pictures

Thu, 2022-02-10 17:00

The Swiss artist spent two years studying the Engadine valley, using scientific data and historical research to produce these captivating, experimental images

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Fish oil and fishmeal industry harming food security in west Africa, warns UN

Thu, 2022-02-10 16:15

Campaigners say the sector leads to overexploitation of stocks while pushing up prices and aggravating local unemployment

The UN’s food agency has warned that the “overexploitation” of fish in west Africa by the growing global fishmeal and fish oil industry is having a “considerably negative impact” on food security, undermining the ability of local communities to feed themselves.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report said that in Senegal, where three more huge fishmeal factories opened between 2015 and 2019, the industry was “likely increasing the risk” of overexploitation of sardinella and bonga, two pelagic fish on which communities depend.

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‘Loophole’ allowing for deforestation on soya farms in Brazil’s Amazon

Thu, 2022-02-10 16:01

Satellite data shows rainforest cleared for cattle and maize on farms growing soya, undermining claims crop is deforestation-free

More than 400 sq miles (1,000 sq km) of Amazon rainforest has been felled to expand farms growing soya in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso in a 10-year period, despite an agreement to protect it, according to a new investigation.

In 2006, the landmark Amazon soy moratorium was introduced banning the sale of soya grown on land deforested after 2008. From 2004 to 2012, the clearing of trees in the Amazon fell by 84%.

But in recent years deforestation has climbed steeply, reaching a 15-year high last year – encouraged, campaigners say, by President Jair Bolsonaro’s anti-conservationist rhetoric and policies.

With the moratorium applying only to soya, farmers have been able to sell the crop as deforestation-free, while still clearing land for cattle, maize or other commodities.

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One in three Americans have detectable levels of toxic weedkiller, study finds

Thu, 2022-02-10 11:00

Human exposure to 2,4-D has substantially risen despite a multitude of health and environmental concerns

One in three people across America have detectable levels of a toxic herbicide linked to cancers, birth defects and hormonal imbalances, a major nationwide survey has found.

Human exposure to the herbicide 2,4-D has substantially risen amid expanding use among farmers despite a multitude of health and environmental concerns, according to the first nationally representative study evaluating the footprint of the chemical.

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Can you really carbon offset a power station? It should be a last resort | Graham Readfearn

Thu, 2022-02-10 09:30

EnergyAustralia is building a regular fossil fuel power station and buying carbon offsets based on its emissions

  • Temperature Check is a weekly column examining claims about climate change made by governments, politicians, business and in the media. See the latest column and follow the series here

“At EnergyAustralia, we’re already building Australia’s first carbon offset power station,” says a smiling tradie in hi-vis overlooking a construction site.

The line is from EnergyAustralia’s new TV ad that has been appearing in prime time slots accompanied by Fleetwood Mac’s 1977 classic tune, Don’t Stop.

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Rowdy rafter of turkeys wreak havoc at Nasa’s Silicon Valley campus

Thu, 2022-02-10 06:44

The US Department of Agriculture has been called in to trap and relocate the feisty fowl before they begin nesting

A rafter of rowdy turkeys have run afoul of researchers at Nasa’s Ames Center in Mountain View, California.

Nearly two dozen birds have been creating chaos at the Bay Area space agency outpost, pecking at cars, blocking traffic, disrupting flights at the nearby Moffett federal airfield, and blanketing most everything with their droppings. They have become such a nuisance that officials from the US Department of Agriculture have been called in to trap and relocate them – before they begin nesting and hatch a new generation of pillaging poults.

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