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Updated: 2 hours 12 min ago

European nations must end repression of peaceful climate protest, says UN expert

Thu, 2024-02-29 00:46

Nations should be cutting emissions to meet Paris agreement, says Michel Forst after year-long inquiry

European nations must end the repression and criminalisation of peaceful protest and urgently take action to cut emissions in line with the Paris climate agreement to limit global heating to 1.5C, the UN special rapporteur on environmental defenders has said.

After a year-long inquiry that included gathering evidence from the UK, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal, Michel Forst said the repression faced by peaceful environmental activists was a major threat to democracy and human rights.

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Vanishing ice and snow: record warm winter wreaks havoc across US midwest

Wed, 2024-02-28 22:00

This winter’s mild temperatures, a result of climate change, have wrecked plans and disrupted local economies in the region

As a child in the 1990s, Joseph Kuzma remembers how he and his father would – around this time of year – drive their truck out on to Lake Erie and set up a mini camp right on the ice.

“We’d stay out there all weekend in an ice shanty. Catch fish, cook it and sleep in bunks on the ice,” he said. He also recalled sitting next to his brother when he drove a dump truck from the nearby island of Put-In-Bay to the mainland atop the lake ice, remarking: “We would have 6in to 8in of ice.”

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More than 50% of US funds for ‘climate-smart’ farming do not help crisis – report

Wed, 2024-02-28 21:00

Agriculture agency set aside nearly $3bn to give to farmers who cut emissions, but about $1.9bn spent on practices not doing that

More than half of federal funding for “climate-smart” agriculture in the US goes to farming practices that are unlikely to reduce greenhouse gas emissions – and in some cases, would even increase them, according to a new report by the non-profit Environmental Working Group.

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) set aside more than $3bn to give to farmers who practice “climate-smart” agriculture, but roughly $1.9bn of it is being spent on practices that experts say aren’t actually combating the climate crisis.

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Populism imperilling global fight against climate breakdown, says John Kerry

Wed, 2024-02-28 20:00

US climate chief hits out at ‘disinformation’ and ‘demagoguery’ being used as tactics by special interests to delay action

The populist backlash against net zero around the world is imperilling the fight against climate breakdown and must be countered urgently or we face planetary destruction “beyond comprehension”, the US climate chief, John Kerry, has warned.

He hit out at the rise of “disinformation” and “demagoguery” which he said were damaging the transition away from fossil fuels, and being used as tactics by special interests to delay action.

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Ministers could use loophole to water down carbon reduction commitments

Wed, 2024-02-28 18:00

Climate committee urges government not to relax future targets after UK overachieved in 2018-22, in part thanks to lockdowns

Ministers will be able to water down the UK’s carbon reduction commitments if the government chooses to take advantage of a legal loophole.

The UK overachieved on meeting its third five-year carbon budget, which ran from 2018 to 2022, requiring reductions of 38% compared with 1990 levels. The emissions cap for the budget was 2,544 megatons of CO2 equivalent, but the actual emissions were 391 MtCO2e fewer, or 15% below the budget.

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Shell must clean up pollution before it leaves Niger delta, report says

Wed, 2024-02-28 16:00

Firm told it must take responsibility for toxic legacy of pollution and safe decommissioning of abandoned oil infrastructure

The oil firm Shell cannot be allowed to withdraw from the Niger delta before it takes responsibility for its toxic legacy of pollution and the safe decommissioning of abandoned oil infrastructure, a report says.

Shell plc is preparing to divest from the delta but a report warns that it must remain until it has cleaned up its legacy of pollution.

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Aerial surveys of Great Barrier Reef ordered after flights confirm mass coral bleaching

Wed, 2024-02-28 15:03

Helicopter flights over almost 50 reefs off the Queensland coast found bleaching was “extensive and fairly uniform”

The Great Barrier Reef’s management authority is preparing to carry out aerial surveys across the entire length of the marine park after helicopter flights confirmed extensive coral bleaching across the southern section of the world’s biggest coral reef.

The Guardian reported last week that bleaching was being reported in all regions of the reef from Lizard Island in north to the Keppel islands in the south – a distance of more than 1,100 kilometres.

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Southern Water fined £330,000 for stream pollution that killed 2,000 fish

Wed, 2024-02-28 03:20

Waste flowed into Hampshire stream for 20 hours because of faulty equipment at pumping station

A water company has been fined £330,000 after raw sewage escaped into a stream in Hampshire for up to 20 hours, killing about 2,000 fish including brown trout.

Waste flowed into Shawford Lake Stream on the edge of the South Downs because of faulty equipment at a pumping station.

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London is city most exposed to air pollution from aviation, global study finds

Wed, 2024-02-28 01:43

Six airports put UK capital ahead of Tokyo and Dubai, with Heathrow second-worst global airport for climate impact

The planes taking off and landing at London’s six airports expose the city’s inhabitants to the equivalent of 3.23m cars’ worth of harmful nitrogen oxides and particulate matter emissions every year. In Tokyo and Dubai, residents are exposed to 2.78m cars’ worth of emissions from air traffic.

These three cities are the world’s worst affected by air pollution from aviation, according to new research tracking the air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions of cargo and passenger flights from airports around the world.

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Oxfordshire housing development ‘should be blocked due to failing sewage system’

Wed, 2024-02-28 01:32

Environment Agency objects to plans for 1,450 new homes, saying Thames Water’s Oxford plant cannot cope with more demand

A major housing development should be blocked because underinvestment by Thames Water in the sewage system means it is unable to cope with the pressure of an increased population, the Environment Agency has warned.

Thames Water’s treatment plant in Oxford has been illegally discharging sewage for six years, causing significant risk to the rivers and environment from pollution, the EA has said.

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Environmentally friendly heat pumps hit slump in Europe, says lobby group

Tue, 2024-02-27 23:24

Sales fell 5% over 14 countries for which data exists, according to the European Heat Pump Association

Europe’s heat pump market has hit a slump, industry data shows, holding up the continent’s efforts to heat its homes without polluting the planet.

Manufacturers in most markets sold fewer heat pumps in 2023 than they did the year before, according to the lobby group European Heat Pump Association (EHPA). Total sales fell 5% over the 14 countries for which data exists, bucking a trend of accelerating growth that peaked in 2022 when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent gas prices soaring.

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Microplastics found in every human placenta tested in study

Tue, 2024-02-27 21:00

Scientists express concern over health impacts, with another study finding particles in arteries

Microplastics have been found in every human placenta tested in a study, leaving the researchers worried about the potential health impacts on developing foetuses.

The scientists analysed 62 placental tissue samples and found the most common plastic detected was polyethylene, which is used to make plastic bags and bottles. A second study revealed microplastics in all 17 human arteries tested and suggested the particles may be linked to clogging of the blood vessels.

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We are taking a devastating risk with the green energy sector – one that might cost us our future | Brett Christophers

Tue, 2024-02-27 20:00

Relying on private companies to solve the climate crisis means that the planet’s fate rests in the hands of asset managers

We are living through perhaps the biggest and most important policy experiment in human history, without even being aware of it: we have been relying primarily on the private sector to put an end to the climate crisis. But this experiment increasingly looks like a mistake, and one that may cost us our planetary future.

To appreciate this, consider the global stock market. With stock prices now at all-time highs, it would be easy to assume that global business is uniformly buoyant. But look behind the headline figures and it becomes clear that while some industry sectors are flourishing, others are floundering. The cast of winners and losers throws up an irony that is significant and dreadful. One of the sectors where stock performance is worst happens to be one the world arguably needs to be best. That sector is clean, renewable energy, or what is more widely termed “green capitalism”.

Brett Christophers is a professor in the Institute for Housing and Urban Research at Sweden’s Uppsala University and author of The Price is Wrong: Why Capitalism Won’t Save the Planet

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Labour would lift block on onshore windfarms, says Ed Miliband

Tue, 2024-02-27 19:30

Tory government has ‘ducked’ difficult decisions, leading to higher bills, says shadow energy secretary

Labour has claimed a “culture of inertia and stasis” has blocked renewable energy projects under the Conservatives and says the party will overturn a de facto onshore wind ban “at the stroke of a pen” if it wins the general election.

The shadow energy secretary, Ed Miliband, told energy industry executives at a conference in London on Tuesday that Labour would immediately rip up a decade-long effective block on large onshore wind developments in England if elected.

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UK’s net zero economy grew 9% in 2023, report finds

Tue, 2024-02-27 16:00

Green businesses and jobs are booming – in stark contrast to the national economy – but political U-turns risk future growth

The UK’s net zero economy grew by 9% in 2023, a report has revealed, in stark contrast to the 0.1% growth seen in the economy overall. Nevertheless, the report pointed out that strong future growth from green businesses was being put at risk by government policy reversals, lack of investment and competition from the EU and US.

Thousands of new green companies were founded in 2023 and overall the sector was responsible for the production of £74bn in goods and services and 765,000 jobs, according to the report by the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) and the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).

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Farmers clash with riot police in Brussels as EU agriculture leaders meet

Tue, 2024-02-27 01:26

Belgian capital blocked by 900 tractors amid protests throughout bloc demanding policy changes

Farmers have clashed violently with police in the European quarter of Brussels, spraying officers with liquid manure and setting fire to mounds of tyres, while the EU’s agriculture ministers met to discuss the crisis in their sector.

As farmers also protested in Madrid and on the Polish-German border, at least 900 tractors jammed streets in the centre of the Belgian capital, police said, with protesters throwing bottles and eggs and setting off fireworks while riot police fired water cannon.

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Scientists confirm first cases of bird flu on mainland Antarctica

Tue, 2024-02-27 00:27

Fears for penguin colonies after the discovery of the highly contagious H5N1 virus in two dead skuas

Bird flu has reached mainland of Antarctica for the first time, officials have confirmed.

The H5N1 virus was found on Friday in two dead scavenging birds called skuas near Primavera Base, the Argentinian scientific research station on the Antarctic peninsula.

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27 new bathing sites considered for England as activists highlight sewage dangers

Tue, 2024-02-27 00:01

Bathing water status means government is obliged to test water quality throughout summer

Twenty seven new bathing sites are being considered for England, but campaigners have said that swimming remains dangerous in many areas because of the pathogens caused by sewage dumping.

If all of these sites are granted, it will be the largest ever number of bathing sites in rivers, lakes and coastal areas approved in one year. Activists campaign for bathing water status because it means the government is obliged to test the quality of the water throughout the summer months.

Church Cliff beach, Lyme Regis, Dorset

Coastguards beach, River Erme, Devon

Coniston boating centre, Coniston Water, Cumbria

Coniston Brown Howe, Coniston Water, Cumbria

Littlehaven beach, Tyne and Wear

Manningtree beach, Essex

Monk Coniston, Coniston Water, Cumbria

River Avon at Fordingbridge, Hampshire

River Cam at Sheep’s Green, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

River Dart estuary at Dittisham, Devon

River Dart estuary at Steamer Quay, Totnes, Devon

River Dart estuary at Stoke Gabriel, Devon

River Dart estuary at Warfleet, Dartmouth, Devon

River Frome at Farleigh Hungerford, Somerset

River Nidd at the Lido leisure park in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire

River Ribble at Edisford Bridge, Lancashire

River Severn at Ironbridge, Shropshire

River Severn at Shrewsbury, Shropshire

River Stour at Sudbury, Suffolk

River Teme at Ludlow, Shropshire

River Tone in French Weir Park, Taunton, Somerset

Wallingford beach, River Thames, Berkshire

Derwent Water, Crow Park, Keswick, Cumbria

River Wharfe at Wetherby Riverside, West Yorkshire

Goring beach, Worthing, West Sussex

Worthing Beach House, Worthing, West Sussex

Rottingdean beach, Rottingdean, East Sussex

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Norfolk Hawker dragonfly no longer endangered, scientists say

Mon, 2024-02-26 22:20

Population has spread from small area of East Anglia to become established in Cambridgeshire, Kent and Herefordshire

A rare dragonfly is no longer considered endangered after spreading its wings across England, but conservationists have said its wetland habitat is still at risk from climate breakdown.

The Norfolk Hawker, known for its bright green eyes and golden body, went extinct from the Cambridgeshire Fens in 1893 and became confined to east Norfolk and east Suffolk. It is thought this was caused by the draining of its preferred habitat of ponds and marshes for agriculture over the centuries. It has since been almost entirely restricted to the Norfolk Broads.

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Farmers set fire to tyres in Brussels as EU officials meet to address concerns – video

Mon, 2024-02-26 21:25

Hundreds of tractors arrived in Brussels Monday and more are on their way as European Union agriculture ministers meet to address farmers' concerns. It follows weeks of protests by farmers across the EU. Farmers are demanding the reversal of progressive measures to counter climate change and protect biodiversity, arguing that the rules are harming their livelihoods and strangling them with red tape

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