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Labor’s fuel efficiency standards mean all new cars could be EVs by 2035, industry group says

Mon, 2024-02-05 16:44

Experts say Albanese government plan should provide a greater choice of electric cars but Coalition calls savings claims a ‘lie’

Suppliers of electric vehicles are the big winners from the Albanese government’s fuel efficiency standards with one industry group saying half of all new cars will be electric by 2029 and 100% by 2035 on the proposed trajectory.

The energy minister, Chris Bowen, and infrastructure minister, Catherine King, released the details of the plan for consultation on Sunday, saying motorists would potentially save $1,000 a year by 2028 as manufacturers brought in more efficient models.

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Solid-state batteries: inside the race to transform the science of electric vehicles

Sun, 2024-02-04 09:00

They promise more energy and a vastly improved range for EV drivers. But can they deliver on the hype?

Working in the dry room at Deakin University’s Battery Research and Innovation Hub is no day at the beach.

“[It’s] more desert than beach,” says its general manager, Dr Timothy Khoo. “At the beach, you at least still get the moisture coming in.”

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‘Incredibly rare’ discovery reveals bedbugs came to Britain with the Romans

Sat, 2024-02-03 21:00

Archaeologists find remains of insects that ‘hitchhiked’ here nearly 2,000 years ago

From plumbing to public baths, the Romans left their mark on Britain’s health. But it may not have all been positive. Archaeologists working at Vindolanda, a Roman garrison site south of Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland, have unearthed fresh evidence that the Romans also brought us ... bedbugs.

Dr Andrew Birley, who heads the Vindolanda archaeological team, said: “It is incredibly rare to find them in any ancient context.”

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Climate activists including Greta Thunberg acquitted over London protest – video

Sat, 2024-02-03 03:58

Greta Thunberg and four others charged with public order offences over a protest in London have been cleared after a judge ruled that they had no case to answer. Thunberg was charged alongside Christofer Kebbon, Joshua James Unwin, Jeff Rice and Peter Barker with 'failing to comply with a condition imposed under section 14 of the Public Order Act'.

They had been taking part in a protest outside the InterContinental hotel in Mayfair, the venue for the Energy Intelligence Forum (EIF), a fossil fuel industry summit attended by corporate executives and government ministers

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The Guardian view on Labour’s £28bn green deal: don’t prove Tories right by ditching it | Editorial

Sat, 2024-02-03 03:53

Sir Keir Starmer wants to change his country for the better. That won’t happen if he drops his key industrial strategy for growth

Sir Keir Starmer promised that his green prosperity plan would be a manifesto commitment ahead of the next election. Labour’s proposal was to be the centrepiece of its economic offer to generate growth, create well-paid, secure jobs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It was striking, exciting and popular. In mid-January, the party leader told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg that spending £28bn by the end of the next parliament would make the UK secure in energy and lower household bills.

If a week is a long time in politics, then a fortnight might be called an era. Sir Keir’s plan appears to have gone up in smoke. If so, that’s bad news for the environment and the economy. Inadequate public and private spending is holding back growth while there is a crying need for investment to decarbonise the UK. Other countries are already eyeing up the opportunities. New green industries could be worth $10tn to the global economy by 2050. Britain risks being left behind.

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Labour scrapping £28bn green pledge could leave UK colder, sicker and poorer

Sat, 2024-02-03 03:04

Decision to abandon key policy decried as ‘economically illiterate’ reaction to short-term political pressures

Colder, damper, sicker, poorer and less employed: Britons in the near future are likely to be worse off if the next government fails to invest in a cleaner and greener economy, business experts and green campaigners have said.

Economic revival requires investment, and the UK’s crumbling infrastructure needs renewal. The country faces a choice: decline, as businesses and financial investors go elsewhere to find welcoming governments and the regulations, equipment and skills they seek; or investment in the future.

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Judge throws out case against Greta Thunberg and other London protesters

Sat, 2024-02-03 02:57

Court rules not enough evidence provided to prove defendants failed to comply with section 14 order at anti-fossil fuel rally

Greta Thunberg and four others charged with public order offences over a protest in London have been cleared after a judge ruled that they had no case to answer.

Thunberg was charged alongside Christofer Kebbon, Joshua James Unwin, Jeff Rice and Peter Barker with “failing to comply with a condition imposed under section 14 of the Public Order Act”.

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Stop looking for loopholes, UN warns, after Saudi hints end of fossil fuels ‘just one option’

Fri, 2024-02-02 23:00

UN climate chief says ‘torrents, not trickles’ of public and private finance needed to meet global challenge

Governments must not try to pick loopholes in the global agreement to “transition away” from fossil fuels reached last December, the UN’s climate chief has said, as he called for “torrents” of cash for poorer countries to tackle the crisis.

Some countries have sought to play down the significance of the deal reached at the Cop28 UN climate summit in Dubai, the first time that governments have made such a pledge on oil and gas.

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If women’s football cares about the climate crisis it must cut ties with Barclays | Katie Rood

Fri, 2024-02-02 23:00

As a professional footballer I see the climate crisis killing my sport and believe we have a duty to act accordingly

When I play football I feel free from the worries of day-to-day life. But as a young person living in a climate and environmental crisis, these worries have become increasingly hard to ignore. This has been made even harder by the fact that the climate crisis is killing my sport, and one of the companies most responsible is plastering its name all over football in England to distract from what it is doing.

As a professional footballer, I’ve had the privilege of representing my country, New Zealand, 15 times. From being a champion of Italy with Juventus to playing most recently for Hearts in the Scottish Women’s Premier League, I have been lucky enough to experience football in a variety of settings. The goal was always to use football as a means to experience the world, but it turns out the world I’ve been experiencing isn’t what I thought it would be.

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Delays in cleaning up EU air will cause thousands more early deaths, say health experts

Fri, 2024-02-02 22:46

Respiratory scientists say inaction will ‘widen inequality gap’ between eastern and western Europe

Proposed delays to EU air pollution limits will mean hundreds of thousands more people dying early and will “widen the inequality gap” between eastern and western Europe, a group of public health experts have said, as EU negotiators thrash out key rules to clean up the air.

The World Health Organization has set guidelines for how many tiny particles and how much toxic gas can dirty the air, but stressed that no level of pollution is safe to breathe. Doctors writing in the International Journal of Public Health want the limits met by the end of the decade, but the European parliament wants to wait till 2035, the European Commission wants to set weaker limits for 2030 without setting a date to align with the WHO, and the European Council wants to let poorer countries wait till 2040.

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In a world built by plutocrats, the powerful are protected while vengeful laws silence their critics | George Monbiot

Fri, 2024-02-02 22:23

In the UK and around the world, those who challenge rich corporations are being hounded and crushed with ever-more inventive penalties

Why are peaceful protesters treated like terrorists, while actual terrorists (especially on the far right, and especially in the US) often remain unmolested by the law? Why, in the UK, can you now potentially receive a longer sentence for “public nuisance” – non-violent civil disobedience – than for rape or manslaughter? Why are ordinary criminals being released early to make space in overcrowded prisons, only for the space to be refilled with political prisoners: people trying peacefully to defend the habitable planet?

There’s a simple explanation. It was clearly expressed by a former analyst at the US Department of Homeland Security. “You don’t have a bunch of companies coming forward saying: ‘I wish you’d do something about these rightwing extremists.’” The disproportionate policing of environmental protest, the new offences and extreme sentences, the campaigns of extrajudicial persecution by governments around the world are not, as politicians constantly assure us, designed to protect society. They’re a response to corporate lobbying.

George Monbiot is a Guardian columnist

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‘Edible meadow’ for improved gut health to feature at Chelsea flower show

Fri, 2024-02-02 21:18

Flowers used in the ‘microbiome garden’ can enhance gut health by being eaten or just walked past

An “edible meadow” designed to improve gut health is to be displayed at the Chelsea flower show this year.

The two gardeners behind the “microbiome garden” say it will be filled with flowers that can enhance gut health by being eaten or just walked past.

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The week in wildlife – in pictures: a mossy sloth, poison frogs and a newborn shark

Fri, 2024-02-02 18:00

The best of this week’s wildlife photographs from around the world

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Greater glider put on path to extinction by NSW environmental watchdog, experts say

Fri, 2024-02-02 18:00

Ecologists condemn watchdog decision, accusing it of making reckless changes to allow easier logging of state forests containing glider habitat

NSW’s environmental watchdog has put the endangered greater glider on a fast track to extinction by watering down logging protections, experts say.

Ecologists from WWF-Australia and Wilderness Australia have condemned the watchdog, accusing it of making reckless changes so Forestry Corporation can more easily log state forests.

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Cranes, UK’s tallest bird, bred in higher numbers last summer than for centuries

Fri, 2024-02-02 16:00

At least 80 pairs recorded in 2023 after species began breeding again in 1979, having disappeared from UK in 16th century

Britain’s tallest bird, the spectacular, wetland-loving crane bred in higher numbers last summer than at any point since they disappeared from the UK in the 16th century.

At least 80 pairs of cranes were recorded in 2023, up from the previous high of 72 two years earlier. The birds, which make distinctive bugling calls but are surprisingly elusive in the breeding season, as they hide in reedbeds, successfully fledged at least 36 chicks.

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Want to see what animals see? | First Dog on the Moon

Fri, 2024-02-02 15:38

Build your own multispectrum beamsplitter!

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‘Nemo’ clownfish drive away species with same stripes, study suggests

Fri, 2024-02-02 06:14

Researchers say they have found how anemonefish identify unwelcome guests of their own kind, by counting white markings

Unlike the star of Disney’s Finding Nemo, real-life common clownfish are not keen on sharing their home with members of their own species.

Researchers say they have discovered how they kick unwelcome guests out, by counting the stranger’s vertical white markings.

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Watchdogs and water bosses had dinner at private London club to discuss future

Fri, 2024-02-02 04:19

Exclusive: Meal attended by Environment Agency and Ofwat chairs attacked as outrageous example of ‘regulatory capture’

Water company bosses and the chairs of the regulator Ofwat and the Environment Agency went for dinner at an exclusive private members’ club to discuss how to quell public anger over bill rises and sewage spills, the Guardian can reveal.

Campaigners have said the private meeting is an outrageous example of “regulatory capture” as Ofwat and the Environment Agency are supposed to hold water companies to account, rather than help with their public relations.

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Seventeen landfills in England make toxic liquid hazardous to drinking water

Fri, 2024-02-02 01:00

Exclusive: Investigation finds banned chemicals at levels up to 260 times higher than that deemed safe to consume

Seventeen landfills across England are known to be producing a highly toxic liquid substance containing some banned and potentially carcinogenic “forever chemicals”, in some cases at levels 260 times higher than that deemed safe for drinking water, it can be revealed.

However the government says it does not know where these landfills are.

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Australia ‘on track’ with climate targets needed to protect Great Barrier Reef, Labor tells Unesco

Thu, 2024-02-01 21:00

Federal and Queensland governments are trying to convince UN body not to add the reef to list of world heritage sites in danger

The Albanese government has claimed it is “on track” to have national climate targets that would be in line with keeping global heating to 1.5C in a report to Unesco on efforts to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

The federal and Queensland governments are trying to convince Unesco not to recommend the world’s biggest coral reef system be placed on a list of world heritage sites in danger – with a decision due at a meeting in India in July.

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