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Updated: 31 min 29 sec ago

Woman rescues koala from bushfire in New South Wales – video

Wed, 2019-11-20 18:40

A woman rescued a badly burnt and wailing koala from an Australian bushfire. The marsupial was spotted crossing a road among the flames near Long Flat in New South Wales.  The local woman, who told Australia's Nine News her name was Toni, rushed to the koala's aid, wrapping the animal in her shirt and a blanket and pouring water over it. She took  the injured animal to the nearby Port Macquarie koala hospital. The country's koala populations have been a major victim of the bushfires, with more than 350 of the animals feared killed

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Billionaires invest in giant Australian solar farm to supply power to Singapore

Wed, 2019-11-20 17:41

Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest joins Mike Cannon-Brookes to raise tens of millions of dollars for Sun Cable

The mining magnate and philanthropist Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest has joined fellow billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes in raising tens of millions of dollars to build a giant solar farm in the Northern Territory to supply electricity to Singapore.

The company behind the project, Sun Cable, said Forrest’s Squadron Energy and Grok Ventures, the investment firm of Cannon-Brookes and his wife, Annie, had become co-lead investors in the $20bn-plus development.

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'What will be left for us?' Lagos fishermen lament the oil refinery

Wed, 2019-11-20 17:00

In Nigeria’s megacity, rampant development and a growing population are forcing communities to go further for fish

Almost as soon as the fishermen arrive with their haul, it disappears. The fish market in Epe, at the edge of Lagos, now runs like a kind of seafood cabal, with demand so high that many miss out. The major buyers are served as a priority – the big Lagos restaurants, a few cold room owners, then the rest. Sometimes smaller fishermen will sell to favoured market-stall holders. There is simply not enough to go around.

“When I couldn’t find red snappers in Victoria Island, a friend suggested I go to the Epe market. But the snappers were not there either,” says Enita Aderemi, a local freelance writer. “The freshwater catfish I found cost three times the price I bought them for three months ago, a price that was already high.”

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North Sea oilfields could help contain climate change, says report

Wed, 2019-11-20 16:00

Offshore infrastructure in place to store carbon emissions under seabed, new report heralds

North Sea oil executives believe the ageing fossil fuel basin may still lead a global climate revolution by providing a testbed for clean energy breakthroughs.

An industry report has revealed that the North Sea could emerge as an unlikely climate hero by becoming a global showcase for the energy transition after decades producing fossil fuels.

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Beavers to be released in plan to ease flooding and aid biodiversity

Wed, 2019-11-20 16:00

‘Nature’s engineers’ to be introduced on National Trust land in south of England

Three families of beavers are to be introduced on land managed by the National Trust as part of plans to ease flooding and improve biodiversity.

Two Eurasian beaver families will be released next spring into enclosures at Holnicote estate on Exmoor, in Somerset, and another group will arrive at Valewood on the Black Down estate, on the border of West Sussex and Surrey.

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Fossil fuel production on track for double the safe climate limit

Wed, 2019-11-20 15:01

‘We’re in a deep hole over the climate crisis and we need to stop digging,’ warn experts

The world’s nations are on track to produce more than twice as much coal, oil and gas as can be burned in 2030 while restricting rise in the global temperature to 1.5C, analysis shows.

The report is the first to compare countries’ stated plans for fossil fuel extraction with the goals of the Paris climate agreement, which is to keep global heating well below 2C above pre-industrial levels, and to aim for 1.5C. It exposes a huge gap, with fossil fuel production in 2030 heading for 50% more than is consistent with 2C, and 120% more than that for 1.5C.

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Noise pollution rules should be tightened to protect wildlife, say scientists

Wed, 2019-11-20 10:01

Researchers examined more than 100 studies on the impact of human-produced noise

Noise produced by human activities should be better regulated to protect wildlife, say the authors of a study exposing how sound pollution affects myriad creatures from fish to birds.

Related: Seals are deafened in noisy shipping lanes, say scientists

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Australia needs policy to deal with health effects of climate change, Chris Bowen says

Wed, 2019-11-20 03:00

Labor’s health spokesman says the country and the world have not moved quickly enough to reduce emissions

Australia needs to develop policies and structures to prepare for the health impacts of climate change because we have not moved quickly enough – domestically or internationally – to reduce emissions and mitigate the risk, Labor’s health spokesman, Chris Bowen, believes.

Bowen will use a lecture at Sydney University on Wednesday night to argue a health response to climate change would not be necessary if there was a robust international policy response to emissions. “But the world, and Australia, has failed to act with appropriate seriousness and haste, and so we will need specific policies to deal with the health impacts of climate change,” he will say.

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Can carbon offsets tackle airlines’ emissions problem?

Wed, 2019-11-20 01:23

EasyJet is the latest firm to adopt offsetting – but is it a solution to the climate crisis?

Global carbon emissions from the aviation industry are growing faster than expected, and pose a serious risk to the world’s climate efforts if left to grow unchecked. The rise of flygskam, or “flight-shame”, has spurred airlines and travel companies to offer customers the option of offsetting the carbon emissions of their flights. But not everyone is convinced that climate sins can be absolved through projects based on simple carbon accounting.

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Vietnam boats using child labour for illegal fishing

Tue, 2019-11-19 23:49

Children as young as 11 discovered on boats fishing illegally in Thai waters for seafood that could end up on sale in EU supermarkets

Children as young as 11 are working aboard Vietnamese vessels fishing illegally for seafood that could end up on sale in supermarkets in the EU and US, according to an investigation by the Environmental Justice Foundation.

The children were discovered on boats detained by Thai authorities for fishing illegally in Thai waters, thousands of miles from their homes.

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Bill Gates backs startup using sunlight to create 1,000C-plus heat

Tue, 2019-11-19 18:58

Heliogen uses mirrors to concentrate solar energy that can power heavy industry

Bill Gates is backing a new venture which aims to turn sunlight into a source of heat exceeding 1,000C that could help replace fossil fuels.

The world’s richest man is joining investors behind Heliogen, the first company to concentrate sunlight to reach temperatures that are high enough to power heavy industry without carbon emissions.

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Nearly all America's endangered species will struggle to adapt to climate crisis

Tue, 2019-11-19 18:15

All but one of 459 species have traits making them vulnerable to rising temperatures, study finds

The climate crisis is poised to deliver a severe blow to America’s most threatened animals, with a new study finding that almost every species considered endangered is vulnerable in some way to global heating.

Of the 459 animal species listed as endangered by the US government, researchers found that all but one, or 99.8%, have characteristics that will make it difficult for them to adapt to rising temperatures.

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Spending on trees in UK falls despite pledges to plant more

Tue, 2019-11-19 17:00

Less than £2 per person was spent on trees and forestry in 2017-18, Defra figures show

Spending on trees and forestry fell by nearly £20m a year between 2015 and 2018, when a purely Conservative government had taken over from the coalition, despite pledges to plant more trees.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said £132m was spent across the UK on trees in 2017-18, down from £151m in 2014-15. The more recent total included £32m in England, with most of the rest spent in Scotland.

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Climate crisis could lead to more wind power, says report

Tue, 2019-11-19 05:23

Scientists say shifting ocean circulation patterns may have triggered rapid wind speed rise

The global climate crisis could help to generate more renewable electricity by spurring faster wind speeds for the world’s growing number of windfarms, according to new research.

Scientists have discovered that the world’s shifting ocean circulation patterns may have triggered a rapid increase in wind speeds over the last 10 years.

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Scientist says rightwing thinktank misrepresented her Great Barrier Reef study

Tue, 2019-11-19 03:00

Tara Clark says the central claim of the Institute of Public Affairs’ YouTube film attacking her coral report is wrong

A coral scientist whose work is attacked in a mini-documentary from the Institute of Public Affairs says the rightwing thinktank has misrepresented her study.

The IPA says its YouTube film, Beige Reef, is a “must watch” because it shows healthy Acropora corals living at Stone Island, near Bowen. This, the film claims, is in a place where a study published in 2016 claimed all those corals had died.

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Amazon deforestation 'at highest level in a decade'

Tue, 2019-11-19 02:13

10,000 sq kms lost in year to August according to new data from Brazilian government

Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon has hit the highest annual level in a decade, according to new government data which highlights the impact the president, Jair Bolsonaro, has made on the world’s biggest rainforest.

The new numbers, showing almost 10,000 sq kms were lost in the year to August, were released as emboldened farm owners scuffled with forest defenders in Altamira, the Amazonian city at the heart of the recent devastation.

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Extinction Rebellion hunger strikers target UK political parties

Tue, 2019-11-19 00:21

Activists stage protests at party HQs to push climate emergency on to general election agenda

Extinction Rebellion activists have begun hunger strikes outside a number of UK political party headquarters to push for more robust policies on tackling the climate emergency in the general election.

The action, in which one group of demonstators has occupied a lobby at the Labour party’s London headquarters, is part of a wider global Extinction Rebellion protest centred on a week-long hunger strike.

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Brexit could weaken rules on antibiotics in farming, activists warn

Mon, 2019-11-18 22:13

Campaigners say next government must clamp down to avoid risks to human health

Campaigners have warned that the next government must clamp down on the overuse of antibiotics in farming to stave off increasing risks of resistance that are threatening human health.

Brexit threatens to open up loopholes in the UK’s regulations that would mean diverging from strengthening EU standards on antibiotic use in farming, and the pressure from potential trade deal partners will be to lower standards.

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Young activists to target Pelosi over Democrats' inaction on climate crisis

Mon, 2019-11-18 17:10

Activists to occupy speaker’s office to mark start of hunger strike and to demand that she meet with them for an hour on camera

Young activists frustrated and frightened by Democrats’ inaction on the climate crisis will occupy the office of the top Democrat in Congress this week to mark the beginning of a hunger strike.

The roughly 20 strikers and their supporters, with Extinction Rebellion, are taking part in a global climate hunger strike that nearly 300 people have pledged to join.

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Air pollution kills five people in Bristol each week, study shows

Mon, 2019-11-18 16:00

Toxic air contributes to health conditions such as asthma, cancer and stroke, say experts

Five people die each week in Bristol as a result of high levels of air pollution, a study has revealed.

Researchers at King’s College London examined the combined impact of PM2.5, which is mainly from domestic wood and coal burning and industrial combustion and nitrogen dioxide, which mainly comes from older polluting vehicles.

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