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Updated: 2 hours 16 min ago

Extinction Rebellion protesters arrested at London City airport

Thu, 2019-10-10 18:49

Demonstrators stage sitting protest in attempt to close down airport

Dozens of Extinction Rebellion protesters have staged a sit-down protest at an entrance to London City airport.

Protesters chanted “fly today, gone tomorrow” as they sat at the exit of the airport’s Docklands Light Railway station, blocked by a line of police from entering the airport, just after 9am.

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Minerals Council says it will release a 'climate action plan' next year

Thu, 2019-10-10 13:50

‘A leopard doesn’t change its spots,’ says activist investor group, dismissing plan as effort to play for time

The Minerals Council has announced it will develop a “climate action plan” amid increasing pressure on its biggest members, BHP and Rio Tinto, to quit the industry body over its position on global heating.

In a statement posted on the Minerals Council website this week, the chief executive, Tania Constable, said the plan would be released next year and would “support strong and innovative action by Australia’s world-leading minerals sector to address human-induced climate change.

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Extinction Rebellion: Scott Ludlam has 'absurd' bail conditions dismissed by judge

Thu, 2019-10-10 09:50

Magistrate says bail conditions preventing the former senator from attending Extinction Rebellion events were not necessary

Former Greens senator Scott Ludlam has had bail conditions – that banned him from associating with Extinction Rebellion climate change protests – dismissed by a judge following his arrest at a protest earlier this week.

The strict conditions had been labelled “absurd” by civil liberties campaigners and prevented Ludlam from appearing in court on Thursday, due to restrictions on coming to the Sydney CBD.

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About Unequal Earth

Thu, 2019-10-10 04:19


This content is supported in part through a grant to by The 11th Hour Project, established within The Schmidt Family Foundation to uplift bold, community-centered solutions to a more regenerative, just, and healthy future for people and planet. All content is editorially independent and overseen by Guardian editors.

All our journalism follows GNM’s published editorial code. The Guardian is committed to open journalism, recognising that the best understanding of the world is achieved when we collaborate, share knowledge, encourage debate, welcome challenge, and harness the expertise of specialists and their communities. You can read more about content funding at the Guardian here.

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Humpback whale found dead in Thames was hit by a ship

Thu, 2019-10-10 02:04

Investigators say it is unclear whether wound happened before or after its death

A humpback whale that died after swimming into the Thames was hit by a ship, the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) has said.

However, it is not clear whether the wound on the juvenile female was inflicted before or after its death.

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Do you work for a fossil fuel company? Share your experiences

Thu, 2019-10-10 01:47

If you work for a fossil fuel firm, we’d like to hear from you. Is there enough recognition within the industry about its impact on climate change?

In the polluters series, the Guardian has collaborated with leading scientists and NGOs to reveal the fossil fuel companies that are perpetuating the climate crisis.

According to research, the top 20 coal, oil and gas firms on the list have contributed 35% of all energy-related carbon dioxide and methane worldwide, totalling 480bn tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e), since 1965.

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The big polluters’ masterstroke was to blame the climate crisis on you and me | George Monbiot

Thu, 2019-10-10 00:58

Fossil fuel giants have known the harm they do for decades. But they created a system that absolves them of responsibility

Let’s stop calling this the Sixth Great Extinction. Let’s start calling it what it is: the “first great extermination”. A recent essay by the environmental historian Justin McBrien argues that describing the current eradication of living systems (including human societies) as an extinction event makes this catastrophe sound like a passive accident.

While we are all participants in the first great extermination, our responsibility is not evenly shared. The impacts of most of the world’s people are minimal. Even middle-class people in the rich world, whose effects are significant, are guided by a system of thought and action that is shaped in large part by corporations.

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Greta Thunberg, favourite to win Nobel peace prize, honoured at Standing Rock

Wed, 2019-10-09 23:47

Swedish activist, 16, visits North and South Dakota in solidarity with indigenous groups fighting Dakota Access oil pipeline

Greta Thunberg has been honoured by tribal leaders at Standing Rock in North Dakota, the scene of fierce environmental protests, as the teenage climate activist became odds-on favourite for another garland – the Nobel peace prize.

Related: 'Right here, right now': Fatboy Slim samples Greta Thunberg for live show

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Stanley Johnson tells Extinction Rebellion crowd he is proud to be a 'crusty' – video

Wed, 2019-10-09 23:33

Boris Johnson's father has said he is proud to call himself an 'uncooperative crusty' during an Extinction Rebellion panel discussion in London and defended his son’s description of protesters as 'uncooperative crusties' as an attempt to 'get the point across' about being late for a book launch

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Women breastfeed and bottle-feed babies at Extinction Rebellion 'nurse-in' – video

Wed, 2019-10-09 22:45

Hundreds of women have taken part in a ‘nurse-in’ with their children at an Extinction Rebellion blockade in Westminster, London. One of the women involved said she was ‘terrified’ of the future that awaited her two daughters

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Boris Johnson's father praises Extinction Rebellion 'crusties'

Wed, 2019-10-09 22:12

Stanley Johnson tells London protesters they have ‘exactly the right things in mind’

The prime minister’s father, Stanley Johnson, has told a crowd at Extinction Rebellion’s London demonstrations that he backs their methods and is proud to call himself an “uncooperative crusty”.

Johnson was responding to a question about comments made by his son, Boris, who on Monday called environmental protesters occupying sites across Westminster “uncooperative crusties” in “heaving hemp bivouacs”.

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Why we need political action to tackle the oil, coal and gas companies - video explainer

Wed, 2019-10-09 21:00

The Guardian reveals the 20 fossil fuel companies whose relentless exploitation of the world’s oil, gas and coal reserves can be directly linked to more than one-third of all greenhouse gas emissions in the modern era. The global environment editor, Jonathan Watts, explains how these firms have continued to expand their operations despite being aware of the industry’s devastating impact on the planet

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Half a century of dither and denial – a climate crisis timeline

Wed, 2019-10-09 21:00

Fossil fuel companies have been aware of their impact on the planet since at least the 1950s

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Revealed: northern Australia's fossil fuel plans push climate goals beyond reach

Wed, 2019-10-09 21:00

Analysis uncovers impact of proposed coal and gas expansion on Paris agreement

A wave of planned fossil fuel developments by major companies across northern Australia would significantly increase the amount of coal and gas the country plans to sell into Asia and push the Paris climate agreement goals further beyond reach, a Guardian analysis reveals.

If the proposals go ahead, the science and policy institute Climate Analytics estimates that by 2030 Australia, with 0.3% of the global population, will be linked to about 13% of the greenhouse gases that can be emitted if the world is to meet the goals set in Paris.

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Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions

Wed, 2019-10-09 21:00

New data shows how fossil fuel companies have driven climate crisis despite industry knowing dangers

The Guardian today reveals the 20 fossil fuel companies whose relentless exploitation of the world’s oil, gas and coal reserves can be directly linked to more than one-third of all greenhouse gas emissions in the modern era.

New data from world-renowned researchers reveals how this cohort of state-owned and multinational firms are driving the climate emergency that threatens the future of humanity, and details how they have continued to expand their operations despite being aware of the industry’s devastating impact on the planet.

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What do we know about the top 20 global polluters?

Wed, 2019-10-09 21:00

Compare details about the fossil fuel firms behind a third of carbon emissions since 1965

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It’s time to rein in the fossil fuel giants before their greed chokes the planet | Richard Heede

Wed, 2019-10-09 21:00

Just 20 companies are responsible for 35% of carbon emissions yet they continue to ignore calls for change

We’ve long known that the big fossil fuel companies are responsible for a huge share of the world’s carbon emissions. Now the Climate Accountability Institute is publishing new data quantifying how much each of these has contributed to the climate crisis. We find that, chiefly from the combustion of their products, the top 20 companies have collectively produced 480bn tonnes of carbon dioxide and methane since 1965 – 35% of all fossil fuel emissions worldwide in that time. The worst offenders in the top 10 include Saudi Aramco (number one), Chevron, ExxonMobil, BP and Royal Dutch Shell.

Seven-eighths of emissions attributed to the top 20 carbon producers is from use of their products – petrol, jet fuel, natural gas and coal – and one-eighth from extracting, refining and delivering finished fuels. These carbon fuels are produced and marketed to consumers with the knowledge that they will worsen the climate crisis. For the most part, these companies are ignoring calls to urgently shift investment from exploration and production of carbon fuels to the renewable and alternative technologies required to reduce global emissions in alignment with the science-based target to eliminate net carbon emissions by 2050.

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Climate emergency: what the oil, coal and gas giants say

Wed, 2019-10-09 21:00

Fossil fuel companies respond to data revealing their responsibility for global emissions

“We agree that action is needed now on climate change, so we fully support the Paris agreement and the need for society to transition to a lower-carbon future. We have already invested billions of dollars in a range of low-carbon technologies, from biofuels, hydrogen and wind power, to electric vehicle charging and smart energy storage solutions. Addressing a challenge as big as climate change requires a truly collaborative, society-wide approach. We’re committed to playing our part, by addressing our own emissions and helping customers to reduce theirs.”

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Secretive national oil companies hold our climate in their hands

Wed, 2019-10-09 21:00

State-owned firms such as Saudi Aramco and Gazprom have 90% of known reserves

The businesses controlling the future of the global climate are names most people have never heard of. State-owned companies with rights over the exploitation of national fossil fuel reserves now account for a majority of oil and gas produced around the world, overtaking publicly listed companies such as ExxonMobil, BP and Shell.

But most of these 71 state-controlled companies – with a few exceptions, such as Norway’s Equinor – are remarkable for their secrecy, their lack of accountability to any but a small cadre of top government officials, and their absence from globally coordinated attempts to tackle the climate emergency.

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Sulphur-crested cockatoo survives after being shot five times by two guns

Wed, 2019-10-09 16:36

The bird, called Mr Cocky by rescuers, was treated at Sydney animal hospital and seems largely unaffected by ordeal

A cockatoo has survived after it was shot five times by at least two different rifles in Sydney’s west.

Dubbed Mr Cocky by its rescuers, the sulphur-crested cockatoo was found in a Sydney backyard last month.

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