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Updated: 1 hour 26 min ago

Climate crisis: Alaska is melting and it’s likely to accelerate global heating

Fri, 2019-06-14 16:00

The state has just had its warmest spring on record, causing permafrost to thaw and dramatically reshaping some areas

A city in western Alaska has lost a huge stretch of riverbank to erosion that may turn it into an island, amid renewed warnings from scientists over the havoc triggered by the accelerating melting of the state’s ice and permafrost.

Residents of the small city of Akiak were alarmed to find the Kuskokwim River suddenly much closer to housing after approximately 75ft to 100ft of riverbank disappeared over the course of just a few hours.

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LNP's Michelle Landry 'hasn't asked' how many jobs Adani coalmine will create

Fri, 2019-06-14 10:04

Capricornia MP compares Carmichael mine environmental impact to that of a Sydney apartment block

The Nationals MP Michelle Landry has conceded she does not have an exact figure for the number of ongoing jobs to be created by Adani’s Carmichael coalmine, but claimed it would be “considerable”.

In an interview marking the Queensland government’s decision to sign off on Adani’s groundwater management plan, Landry also compared the mine to an apartment block in Sydney, arguing that in neither case could regulators be certain of the environmental impact of the projects.

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Revealed: UK government failing to tackle rise of serious air pollutant

Fri, 2019-06-14 01:01

Investigation reveals no plan is in place to tackle increase in levels of agricultural ammonia, a gas contributing to thousands of deaths in UK alone

One of the most potent air pollutants is on the rise in the UK, but the government has no comprehensive monitoring, little enforcement, and almost no funding or clear plan to reduce the emissions, an investigation has found.

Evidence obtained by a joint investigation by the Guardian, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and Channel 4 News suggests that at least 3,000 deaths each year could be avoided if agricultural ammonia emissions were halved.

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Testing reveals ammonia pollutant hotspots at UK farms

Fri, 2019-06-14 01:00

Agricultural ammonia emissions are not monitored, but investigation exposes gas at three out of eight farms across south of England

Testing carried out by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism around eight dairy units in the UK has revealed ammonia hotspots at three of them.

The government does not monitor ammonia pollution from most UK farms, despite the fact that it is a major contributor to the air pollution crisis.

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Dealing with ammonia is an urgent health problem – yet levels are still rising

Fri, 2019-06-14 01:00

Government clean air strategy failing to control increasing emissions that add to ‘hidden killer’ of air pollution

Earlier this year, the government produced its first comprehensive clean air strategy, the result of years of campaigning, public outcry and finally a series of court actions ending in victory for activist lawyers over resistant ministers.

For the first time, that strategy promised action on the key role that ammonia plays in the cycle of air pollution – previous pronouncements on air pollution concentrated on transport and industrial emissions.

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Tree-planting in England falls 71% short of government target

Fri, 2019-06-14 00:56

New figures show 1,420 hectares were planted in year to March 2019 against target of 5,000

Tree-planting in England fell well short of targets in the past year new figures show, despite government promises to restore and plant new woodland across the country to combat the climate change crisis.

Only 1,420 hectares (3,507 acres) of trees were planted in England in the year to March 2019, against the government’s target of 5,000 hectares in the period, with smaller areas in Wales and Northern Ireland, at 500 hectares and 240 hectares respectively. The total tree cover of the UK is unchanged at 10% in England, 15% in Wales, 19% in Scotland and 8% in Northern Ireland.

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Kākāpō: four facts about the world's heaviest parrot – video

Fri, 2019-06-14 00:31

The owl parrot is facing an existential threat in the form of a fungal infection that has already endangered one-fifth of the total population. Seven of New Zealand's native kākāpō have died in recent months after contracting the respiratory disease aspergillosis. The nocturnal and flightless parrot ingratiated itself with the world after it attempted to mate with a zoologist's head during a BBC documentary

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Mild but windy winter was greenest ever for UK energy use

Thu, 2019-06-13 23:20

Warmer weather cut heating demand while gusts boosted renewables, says National Grid

Last winter was the greenest ever for the UK’s energy system after strong winds produced more renewable electricity and coal-fired power dwindled.

The news came as SSE announced on Thursday that it will close its Fiddler’s Ferry coal-fired power station next year, which will leave the UK with five coal plants by 2020. SSE said the plant, which employs 158 people, was financially unsustainable.

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Two-hour ‘dose’ of nature significantly boosts health – study

Thu, 2019-06-13 23:17

Researchers say simply sitting and enjoying the peace has mental and physical benefits

A two-hour “dose” of nature a week significantly boosts health and wellbeing, research suggests, even if you simply sit and enjoy the peace.

The physical and mental health benefits of time spent in parks, woods or the beach are well known, but the new research is the first major study into how long is needed to produce the effect. If confirmed by future research, two hours in nature could join five a day of fruit and veg and 150 minutes of exercise a week as official health advice.

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The Pentagon emits more greenhouse gases than Portugal, study finds

Thu, 2019-06-13 10:46

Pentagon released 59m metric tons of carbon dioxide and other warming gases in 2017, research shows

The United States creates more planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions through its defense operations alone than industrialized countries such as Sweden and Portugal, researchers said on Wednesday.

The Pentagon, which oversees the US military, released about 59m metric tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in 2017, according to the first study to compile such comprehensive data, published by Brown University.

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UK flower-growing industry in full bloom and worth £121m

Thu, 2019-06-13 09:01

Homegrown stems accounted for 14% of £865m worth of flowers sold in Britain last year

The British-grown flower industry is now worth £121m – up from £82m in 2015 – following years of decline owing to imported stems, figures reveal.

Last year homegrown flowers accounted for 14% of the £865m worth of all stems sold in the UK, compared with 12% three years ago, according to a report by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

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Onshore wind farms in UK could cut £50 a year off energy bills

Thu, 2019-06-13 07:00

Government urged to overturn effective ban to help meet ambitious climate targets

Government ministers face rising calls to lift their block on onshore wind farms to help meet the UK’s ambitious climate targets while reducing home energy bills.

Some of Europe’s largest energy investors have urged the government to overturn an effective ban on new onshore wind farms in England, warning that it may be stifling a flood of investment into the UK’s clean energy sector.

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What will it take for the UK to reach net zero emissions?

Thu, 2019-06-13 03:06

We will have to change almost everything, from our homes to our meals

The net zero carbon target will require sweeping changes to almost every aspect of British life, affecting our homes, food and the way we get around, as well as jobs and businesses across the board. Ministers hope there will be health benefits and improvements to the natural environment along the way, as well as helping to stave off the global climate emergency.

On some of the key areas where rapid change is needed, however, the signals so far have been mixed.

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Chernobyl writer urges Instagram tourists to 'respect' nuclear site

Thu, 2019-06-13 01:25

Man behind hit TV series among those criticising people taking inappropriate selfies

The writer of the acclaimed TV series Chernobyl has called for visitors to the site of the nuclear disaster to behave “with respect”, after a number of photographs emerged on social media apparently showing tourists taking inappropriate or lewd selfies.

Visitor numbers to the site of the former Soviet-era power plant in Ukraine have soared since the five-part miniseries began airing on HBO and Sky Atlantic in May, with some tour companies reporting a 40% increase in bookings.

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Young people to advise UK on hitting net zero emissions by 2050

Thu, 2019-06-13 01:12

Thirty people aged 15-24 will assess how commitment by Theresa May should be met

Young people will advise ministers on how the UK should meet the target of ending carbon emissions by 2050, to which Theresa May committed the nation on Wednesday.

The commitment to net zero greenhouse gas emissions was described as “historic” by leading figures. But the UK is not yet on track to meet its 2025 and 2030 goals, so a huge transformation of energy, transport and buildings is urgently required.

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Adani coalmine: minister loses legal challenge on water pipeline assessment

Wed, 2019-06-12 20:11

Australian Conservation Foundation says case shows federal government hasn’t scrutinised Carmichael project

The federal government will have to reassess water infrastructure for Adani’s Carmichael coalmine after conceding in a legal challenge that was lodged with the federal court.

The Australian Conservation Foundation has succeeded in its appeal against the government’s assessment of Adani’s north Galilee water scheme, with the federal government admitting it failed to properly consider public responses to the proposal and even lost some submissions.

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Hundreds of new pesticides approved in Brazil under Bolsonaro

Wed, 2019-06-12 20:00

Many of those permitted since far-right president took power are banned in Europe

Brazil has approved hundreds of new pesticide products since its far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, took power in January, and more than 1,000 since 2016, a study has found. Many of those approved are banned in Europe.

Of 169 new pesticides sanctioned up to 21 May this year, 78 contain active ingredients classified as highly hazardous by the Pesticide Action Network and 24 contain active ingredients banned in the EU, according to the study published on Wednesday by Greenpeace UK’s news agency Unearthed. Another 28 pesticides not included in the report were approved in the last days of 2018.

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Most 'meat' in 2040 will not come from dead animals, says report

Wed, 2019-06-12 18:29

Consultants say 60% will be grown in vats or plant-based products that taste like meat

Most of the meat people eat in 2040 will not come from slaughtered animals, according to a report that predicts 60% will be either grown in vats or replaced by plant-based products that look and taste like meat.

The report by the global consultancy AT Kearney, based on expert interviews, highlights the heavy environmental impacts of conventional meat production and the concerns people have about the welfare of animals under industrial farming.

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UK accused of 'silently eroding' EU pesticide rules in Brexit laws

Wed, 2019-06-12 16:00

Analysis finds changes such as removal of blanket ban on hormone-disrupting chemicals

The UK has been accused of “silently eroding” key environmental and human health protections in the Brexit-inspired rush to convert thousands of pages of European Union pesticide policy into British law.

Despite government claims the process would be little more than a technical exercise, analysis by the University of Sussex’s UK Trade Policy Observatory (UKTPO) has uncovered significant departures from EU regulations, including the removal of a blanket ban on hormone-disrupting chemicals, which are known to cause adverse health effects such as cancer, birth defects and immune disorders.

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UK river defences ‘prevent £1.1bn a year in flood damage’

Wed, 2019-06-12 15:00

First ever financial study stresses need for investment in face of climate crisis

Flood damage estimated at £1.1bn a year is being prevented by the UK’s network of river barriers and defences, according to research.

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) says it is the first time the financial contribution of river defences has been quantified.

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