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Updated: 2 hours 26 min ago

US accused of blocking ambitious global action against plastic pollution

Sat, 2019-03-16 04:29

Commitments agreed at UN conference in Kenya do not go far enough, say green groups

Environmental groups involved in talks at a United Nations conference in Kenya have accused the US of blocking an ambitious global response to plastic pollution.

Representatives of countries at the UN environment conference in Nairobi this week agreed to significantly reduce single-use plastics over the next decade but the voluntary pledges fell far short of what was required, according to green groups.

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Wildlife campaigners take legal action against 'pest' bird killings

Sat, 2019-03-16 03:30

Chris Packham among those challenging Natural England over licence to slaughter certain wild birds

The killing of thousands of “pest” birds each year including crows, rooks, jackdaws, magpies and woodpigeons is to be challenged in court by wildlife campaigners including Chris Packham.

Wild Justice, a group newly created by Packham and fellow conservationists Mark Avery and Ruth Tingay, is launching legal action against Natural England, the government’s conservation watchdog, for issuing a general licence that allows the unlimited slaughter of certain wild birds all year round.

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'There is no planet B': best placards from the global climate strike

Sat, 2019-03-16 03:29

Young people, inspired by Greta Thunberg, have stepped out of lessons to press politicians to act on climate change

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Week in wildlife – in pictures

Sat, 2019-03-16 02:19

A starry dwarf frog, blooming poppy fields and a black-winged kite

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Peter Rutter obituary

Sat, 2019-03-16 00:16

Peter Rutter’s greatest gift was a profound faith in the goodness of life, which led him to trust others as he expected to be trusted. I knew Peter, who has died aged 95, as a friend and as a Friend (a Quaker) for 25 years and never heard him disparage anyone.

The son of Hester and Farley Rutter, Peter was born in Shaftesbury, Dorset, to a lineage of Quaker lawyers, and was to become a partner in the family firm, Rutter & Rutter where his father was also employed. But at 18 his legal studies were interrupted by the second world war.

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The Guardian’s 11-minute climate strike: why we’re devoting our front page to climate change

Fri, 2019-03-15 21:47

As thousands of US students join a global strike to demand action on climate change, Guardian US will show its support for the students by devoting our entire site to climate coverage for 11 minutes at 11am

Over the next few hours, American students from all 50 states will take part in what could be one of the largest environment protests in history: a global school strike to demand that adults take action on climate change.

In addition to a major rally at the US capitol and more than 70 events around the country, the actions will include an 11-minute school walkout at 11am ET to draw attention to a recent UN report warning that we have just 11 years to avoid a climate change catastrophe.

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Super bloom: can this tiny California town avoid another 'flowergeddon'?

Fri, 2019-03-15 20:00

The last time Anza-Borrego park experienced a bloom about 200,000 visitors flocked to see the bonanza of spring flowers

It’s lunchtime at Kesling’s Kitchen in Borrego Springs, and the line is out the door and down the block. It takes about 20 minutes to get inside to order food. The rush isn’t surprising: Borrego Springs is a small town that swells in size when people flock to see wildflowers around Anza-Borrego, California’s largest state park.

Plentiful winter rain and precise conditions have led to a bonanza of spring wildflowers this season. And while that can be a great thing, it also raised fears that Borrego Springs could once again face what locals have dubbed “flowergeddon”, an apocalyptic situation caused by booming visitation.

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The Age of Stupid revisited: what's changed on climate change? – video

Fri, 2019-03-15 17:57

Ten years after climate movie The Age of Stupid had its green-carpet, solar-powered premiere, we follow its director as she revisits people and places from the film and asks: are we still heading for the catastrophic future it depicted?

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Climate strikes: students around the world walk out to demand change - live

Fri, 2019-03-15 09:47

Young people around the world, inspired by Greta Thunberg, rally to press politicians to act on climate change - follow live updates

11.47pm GMT

Footage from Coffs Harbour:

... and they just keep on coming #CoffsHarbour #ClimateStrike

Some golden signs here at the #schoolstrike4climate #wellington

11.45pm GMT

On Thursday, federal Labor leader, Bill Shorten, also told students to protest on the weekend rather than a school day. But the NSW Labor leader, Michael Daley, who is gearing up for the state election on March 23, told students he supported them on Wednesday.

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Pollutionwatch: China shows how political will can take on air pollution

Fri, 2019-03-15 07:30

Sulphur dioxide in Beijing was reduced by 70% and particle pollution by 36% in just four years

It’s been a while since we saw images of smog-obscured Beijing landmarks in the news. A United Nations report explains this.

In four years, sulphur dioxide in the city was reduced by 70% and particle pollution by 36% by tackling the problem at source. Initially, old coal-powered industry and power stations were fitted with air pollution abatement systems before being replaced by cleaner facilities built to run on natural gas.

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De Blasio plans to build new chunk of Manhattan to combat climate change

Fri, 2019-03-15 06:44
  • Mayor wants to protect Wall Street from floods and rising seas
  • Plans to cost $10bn but federal funds might not be available

Bill de Blasio, the mayor of New York, has announced a radical plan to meet the “existential threat” of climate change by constructing a new section of Manhattan , extending hundreds of feet out into the narrow East river, in order to protect Wall Street and other downtown areas.

Related: Youth climate strikes to take place in more than 100 countries

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Environment groups urge oil watchdog not to speak at pro-industry event

Fri, 2019-03-15 03:00

Nopsema head Stuart Smith is listed to speak at The Great Australian Bight: The Big Opportunity

Environmental groups have written to Australia’s offshore petroleum watchdog to urge him against speaking alongside the oil lobby at a pro-industry event titled The Great Australian Bight: The Big Opportunity.

The head of the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (Nopsema), Stuart Smith, is listed as one of three keynote speakers at the South Australian “parliamentary friends of the resource sector” forum dinner on Tuesday.

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Coal seam gas: NSW communities in limbo due to expired licences

Fri, 2019-03-15 03:00

Lack of action on 14 expired coal seam gas exploration licences now an election issue for uncertain communities

The New South Wales government has failed to close a loophole that effectively allows expired coal seam gas exploration licences to be extended indefinitely, despite calls from rural communities for certainty ahead of the state election.

More than a dozen licences, mostly in the state’s north-west, have remained active past their expiration dates while the government assesses renewal applications from gas companies. In some cases, those applications have been held up in the system for years.

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Youth climate strikes to take place in more than 100 countries

Fri, 2019-03-15 00:00

Movement inspired by Greta Thunberg has snowballed, as Belgian workers join strike

Hundreds of thousands of children are expected to walk out of their classrooms on Friday for a global climate strike amid growing anger at the failure of politicians to tackle the escalating ecological crisis.

Children at tens of thousands of schools in more than 100 countries are due to take part in the walkouts which began last year when one teenager – Greta Thunberg – held a solo protest outside the Swedish parliament.

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Greta Thunberg nominated for Nobel peace prize

Thu, 2019-03-14 21:04

Climate strike founder shortlisted ahead of global strikes planned in more than 105 countries

Greta Thunberg, the founder of the Youth Strike for Climate movement, has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize, just before the biggest day yet of global action.

Thunberg began a solo protest in Sweden in August but has since inspired students around the globe. Strikes are expected in 1,659 towns and cities in 105 countries on Friday, involving hundreds of thousands of young people.

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US official reveals Atlantic oil plan while hailing Trump distractions

Thu, 2019-03-14 20:00

Revealed: Interior department official says he is ‘thrilled’ by Trump’s ‘knack for keeping the attention of the media and public focused somewhere else’

A top US official told a group of fossil fuel industry leaders that the Trump administration will soon issue a proposal making large portions of the Atlantic available for oil and gas development, and said that it is easier to work on such priorities because Donald Trump is skilled at sowing “absolutely thrilling” distractions, according to records of a meeting obtained by the Guardian.

Joe Balash, the assistant secretary for land and minerals management, was speaking to companies in the oil exploration business at a meeting of the International Association of Geophysical Contractors, or IAGC, last month.

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'This is an emergency': Australia's student climate strikes and where you can find them

Thu, 2019-03-14 16:34

Strikes are planned at 60 locations in Australia, including every state and territory capital

Tens of thousands of Australian school students are expected to walk out of class on Friday to demand governments take action on climate change.

The Australian strikes are part of a global campaign by students for greater urgency from politicians in tackling what they see as the greatest threat to their future.

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'We can’t afford to stand by and do nothing’: 10 everyday heroes fighting to save the planet

Thu, 2019-03-14 16:00

Schoolchildren around the world are joining a global strike against climate change this week. But they’re not the only everyday people inspired to take action. We talk to 10 UK activists on the frontline of our most serious environmental issues.

Extinction Rebellion is an environmental direct action group

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Australia's annual carbon emissions reach record high

Thu, 2019-03-14 14:48

Data shows while emissions from electricity sector are in decline, gains have been wiped out by increases from other industries

Australia’s annual carbon emissions have reached a new high and drops in emissions from the electricity sector have been wiped out by increases from other industries, according to new data.

Ndevr Environmental, an emissions-tracking organisation that releases quarterly greenhouse gas emissions data, said on Thursday that annual emissions for the year up to December 2018 increased to 558.4m tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. It was the highest level on record when excluding unreliable land use data.

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Environment groups accuse government of 'denying the facts' on land clearing

Thu, 2019-03-14 12:03

Environment department ‘cherry picked’ data to claim clearing has decreased, but figures show recent steady increase

Two of Australia’s largest environment groups have accused the federal environment department of providing inaccurate information about land clearing to the Senate, and of not acting to reduce habitat loss.

The Australian Conservation Foundation and WWF Australia say the department has “cherry picked” data to claim that land clearing in Queensland has decreased, when national figures on land clearing rates in that state in fact show increases since 2011.

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