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Updated: 1 hour 26 min ago

‘Tsunami of data’ could consume one fifth of global electricity by 2025

Mon, 2017-12-11 23:27

Billions of internet-connected devices could produce 3.5% of global emissions within 10 years and 14% by 2040, according to new research, reports Climate Home News

The communications industry could use 20% of all the world’s electricity by 2025, hampering attempts to meet climate change targets and straining grids as demand by power-hungry server farms storing digital data from billions of smartphones, tablets and internet-connected devices grows exponentially.

The industry has long argued that it can considerably reduce carbon emissions by increasing efficiency and reducing waste, but academics are challenging industry assumptions. A new paper, due to be published by US researchers later this month, will forecast that information and communications technology could create up to 3.5% of global emissions by 2020 – surpassing aviation and shipping – and up to 14% 2040, around the same proportion as the US today.

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No more green rhetoric. A sustainable future is vital and possible

Mon, 2017-12-11 22:16

Climate change is at the heart of Labour’s industrial strategy, which means investing in green tech and renewable energy, and divesting from fossil fuels

The climate crisis is the most significant issue facing humanity. Natural disasters are already displacing entire communities. More intense droughts are leading to unprecedented levels of food insecurity and hunger across the globe. This summer saw hurricanes, floods and fires affect hundreds of millions of people from India to Niger, Haiti to Houston. The UK is also vulnerable to climate impacts, with more destructive storms, prolonged floods, and heatwaves becoming the norm.

Our climate reality is increasingly unpredictable and daunting. However, it is also opening the space to collectively reimagine a different future for the UK. Fossil fuels helped ignite the first industrial revolution, but we now know that their continued use will threaten our very existence. Within the UK we have the skills, ingenuity and people to drive the next energy revolution, powered by renewables. For us to make this change a success, our politics must have environmental sustainability and social justice at its core.

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California's hellish fires: a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Future | Dana Nuccitelli

Mon, 2017-12-11 21:00

California is burning in December. Climate scientists predicted global warming will make Christmas wildfires more commonplace.

In Charles Dicken’s ‘A Christmas Carol,’ the Ghost of Christmas Future appears to Ebenezer Scrooge to show what will happen if he doesn’t change his greedy, selfish life. California’s record wildfires are similarly giving us a glimpse of our future hellish climate if we continue with our current behavior.

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Meat tax ‘inevitable’ to beat climate and health crises, says report

Mon, 2017-12-11 16:30

‘Sin taxes’ to reverse the rapid global growth in meat eating are likely in five to 10 years, according to a report for investors managing over $4tn

“Sin taxes” on meat to reduce its huge impact on climate change and human health look inevitable, according to analysts for investors managing over $4tn of assets.

The global livestock industry causes 15% of all global greenhouse gas emissions and meat consumption is rising around the world, but dangerous climate change cannot be avoided unless this is radically curbed. Furthermore, many people already eat far too much meat, seriously damaging their health and incurring huge costs. Livestock also drive other problems, such as water pollution and antibiotic resistance.

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Country diary: even reduced to bare bones the bat's magic remains

Mon, 2017-12-11 15:30

Welburn, North Yorkshire With a tiny paintbrush and tweezers I salvage a skeleton: the tiny skull, the whisker-fine finger bones

I found it at the top of the field in July, after the barley harvest. A little body, wings folded and face scrunched. It was snagged on a scaffold of stubble like a miniature sky burial, overlooking a vista it must have known well until the previous night, when, somehow, all its knowing became nothing. Reflexively, I picked it up. In my hand, with its sky-tickling energy surrendered to gravity and its ultrasound din silenced, its dead weight might not have been there at all.

We were leaving on holiday next morning and in the frenzy of packing I almost forgot it. I should have taken measurements and got past a generic identification Myotis (mouse-eared bats). Instead, I hurriedly sealed the little corpse in a margarine tub with a perforated lid, along with a splash of water to prevent mummification, and left it on a shady sill in the garden.

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Bird keepers at Sydney's Taronga zoo name their favourite Australian birds – video

Mon, 2017-12-11 14:00

As the result of the bird of the year poll is made public, Taronga keepers Brendan Host, Lille Madden, Ashleigh Page, Mark Domenici, Leanne Golebiowski and Michael Shiels select their favourites

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North Atlantic right whales on the brink of extinction, officials say

Mon, 2017-12-11 10:56

Fishing nets and lack of food blamed for pushing number of the world’s most endangered marine animal to just 450

Officials with the US federal government say it is time to consider the possibility that endangered right whales could become extinct unless new steps are taken to protect them.

North Atlantic right whales are among the rarest marine mammals in the world, and they have endured a deadly year. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has said there are only about 450 of the whales left and 17 of them have died so far in 2017.

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Conspiracy theories and celebrity endorsements: how bird of the year played out online

Mon, 2017-12-11 10:31

The white ibis provoked strong feelings on Twitter throughout the three-week campaign, and the result was never going to please everyone

The three-week campaign to select Australia’s bird of the year has been bitterly fought out on social media, and Monday’s result provoked another round of celebration and recriminations.

Swooping in with an incredible 19,926 votes, of a total of almost 150,000, the Australian magpie took the title, having quietly gained ground over the white ibis (19,083), which had a commanding early lead.

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Wales is second best household waste recycler in the world

Mon, 2017-12-11 10:01

Eco-friendly policies place country second to Germany but England lags far behind other countries according to new research

Wales ranks second in the world for recycling household waste but England lags far behind other European countries, according to new research.

Policies brought in by the Welsh government and a target to be zero waste by 2050 have driven the country up the league table to come in just under Germany. With recycling rates of 63.8% for municipal solid waste, which includes household plastic and other packaging, Wales is set to become the world leader for recycling by next year, according to a report from the environmental analysts Eunomia.

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Magpie edges out white ibis and kookaburra as Australian bird of the year

Mon, 2017-12-11 09:54

They were the only three species to get more than 10,000 votes out of the 150,000 received before the poll closed on Saturday

The Australian magpie has been crowned Australian bird of the year for 2017, upsetting the early favourite, the white ibis, and getting 13.3% of the vote.

The magpie got 19,926 votes, followed by the Australian white ibis with 19,083 votes and the laughing kookaburra with 10,953 votes.

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Magpies: how I learnt to grudgingly admire – and then love – the bird of the year | Paul Daley

Mon, 2017-12-11 09:30

They’re feared for their fierce protection of sovereignty and dive-bombing trespassers, but all is forgiven listening to a pair magpies warbling in a gumtree

Anodyne eastern suburbs Melbourne seemed less dangerous than any other place in the world when I was a primary school kid.

There was the creek with its tadpoles, turtles and occasional foxes. There was, inevitably, a local haunted house. And there was the path.

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The mighty ibis did not win Australian bird of the year but it's still a winner | John Martin

Mon, 2017-12-11 08:50

It fell short of victory by a few hundred votes. For a bin chicken, that’s something to celebrate

What happened? Am I missing something, do people actually “like” ibis? I know they didn’t win, but hell, they came second – that’s a win for the bin chicken, surely?!

I like ibis, and I’ve occasionally met people who admit to liking ibis, but overwhelmingly I hear and read comments from people expressing that they do not like ibis. Despite this, the Australian white ibis has become an icon – to individuals, music, documentaries and government. It’s revered by our modern society like its cousin the Sacred Ibis was in ancient Egypt as the god Thoth. Of course, in this instance my interpretation of the word “revered” includes being the butt of many, many jokes and even more memes.

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Country diary 1917: warmth from the sun brings out winter wildlife

Mon, 2017-12-11 08:30

15 December 1917 Larks ran along the edge of the river backwater pecking off the gnats and insects

A quick break this morning of white frost set the birds vigorously at search over the fields. Larks ran along the edge of the river backwater pecking off the gnats and insects that came out so soon as a slight warmth from the sun set a watery sparkle on blades of grass. These small flying things, which now crawl, appear as magnified a little in the pale yellow light. Moving slowly, they drop from a thin stalk, a bird runs, and at once you understand that his work has been done. A flock of young chaffinches come and perch on the hedge-top, a few rising into the air and returning as though uncertain where exactly they would find a meal. Presently all go straight to the manure pound some distance away.

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Pollutionwatch: not much cheer from online Christmas shopping

Mon, 2017-12-11 07:30

As more of us shop online, more vans make more deliveries, with competing delivery companies duplicating journeys and causing even more pollution

Vans, up by 71% since 1996, are the fastest growing vehicle type in UK. They are nearly all diesel-powered and share the same nitrogen dioxide exhaust problems as diesel cars.

In 2015, 73% of UK adults did Christmas shopping online and 88% of these used home deliveries, causing concerns about traffic pollution.

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Australian bird of the year 2017: the top 10 – video

Mon, 2017-12-11 07:11

So how did your feathered favourite fare? Meet the winners of the 2017 Guardian Australia/BirdLife Australia bird of the year poll. After weeks of controversy, argument over the voting system and at least one hack, the results are in. There's been plenty of colour but here's the result in black and white …

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Magpie wins Australian bird of the year poll – live

Mon, 2017-12-11 07:04

Australian magpie pips the ibis and laughing kookaburra in the Guardian Australia/BirdLife Australia poll after weeks of controversy, a powerful owl voting hack and a strong #teambinchicken social media push

9.04pm GMT

We didn’t include any species in our original list, an oversight that many of you sought to correct by writing in your own vote.

9.01pm GMT

Opinion is divided.

[Piping Shrike swoops in, carries off with #BirdOfTheYear trophy from under the unsuspecting beaks of the lesser Australian magpies]

what did they do to win it??? they ain't nothin but a hazard if you ask me! the bin chicken was much more deserving! #BirdOfTheYear

My old bike helmet would agree that the magpie makes quite an impact on society - and gives us all a (adrenaline) buzz when we see them (especially in September/October) #BirdoftheYear #jerkoftheyear

Australia has restored a small piece of global sanity with the election of the Magpie. #BirdOfTheYear

The murderous, vicious, beady eyed monster the magpie has just been named Australia’s #BirdOfTheYear ... one of those little bastards tried to peck out my eye in Darwin two years ago!!

Pretty outraged by the #BirdOfTheYear result tbh. Yet another election with a disappointing outcome.

Well done little mates! #BirdoftheYear #magpies

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Delays causing needless exposure to dangerous toxins in Australia, advocates say

Mon, 2017-12-11 03:01

A process to review air pollution standards for two toxins began two years ago but consultations are only just starting

Australians are being placed at risk by stalled government action on two dangerous pollutants mainly emitted by coal-fired power stations, environmental experts have warned.

Air pollution places a significant burden on the health of Australians, causing 3,000 deaths each year and a mortality cost of between $11bn and $24bn, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

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Australia's greenhouse gas emissions highest on record

Mon, 2017-12-11 03:00

Exclusive: Renewable energy and proper climate policy are key to dropping emissions, carbon consultancy chief says

Australia’s emissions over the past year were the highest on record, when relatively unreliable emissions from land use are excluded, according to estimates by the carbon consultancy NDEVR Environmental.

Greenhouse gas emissions continued to rise in recent quarters, with the most recent the second highest for any quarter since 2011, despite electricity emissions being driven down by wind generation.

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North Atlantic right whales could become extinct, US officials say

Sun, 2017-12-10 23:49
  • Noaa scientist: ‘You do have to use the extinction word’
  • Study suggests whales leave protected areas to feed

US federal officials say it is time to consider the possibility that North Atlantic right whales could become extinct, unless new steps are taken to protect them.

Related: North Atlantic’s greatest survivors are hunted once more

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The eco guide to Christmas trees

Sun, 2017-12-10 16:00

Do you keep it real or try and fake it? When it comes to Christmas trees try and find an organic one and, if possible, a living one so you can dust off the tinsel and keep it going for next year

This year I’m going real. Given the plastic pandemic, my goodwill doesn’t extend to manufacturers of oil-based fake trees shipped across the globe.

From an ecological point of view, all cut trees are imperfect. Three-quarters of the trees put up this Christmas in the UK will be grown here (this at least cuts down on tree miles). But these trees are raised on plantations that are as quick growing as possible. They are not carefully calibrated forests for the benefit of the future.

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